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If You Never Failed, You Never Tried Anything New
do not give up the beninning is always the hardest
my life will be strong, with my best friend but we must wait little period, for our future, i hope to you come back to us again, and every day i miss you and i wish you success,when you come back you will be enacted very beautiful and i will be very happy when i see you... Love You
How Small is the world "aaaaaaaaah" oh we have wrench in our hearts
it is better to be alone, than being with someone who makes you feel alone
bring me back
What is the reality of the world; a bubble shines in the colors of the beautiful sparkling spectrum .. Then suddenly it becomes no nothing
There is nothing in the life more important than the sense that there is in a corner of the globe who loves us.
Nothing in the life is greater than will
Unfortunately the lower does not hear our inner calls.
The profit of life hours of pleasure .. And the wisdom of people in this world, a man could not grieve, making all his life profit.
I who have died my branches, and my fountain dried, I who have turned the gardens of my love, in response to my tears.
If you are ever asked about a person you loved, do not say a secret was between you .. Do not ever try to distort the beautiful image of this person I loved .. Make a secret cache of all his secrets and stories .. (love ethics before it was feelings).
i bored and I turn to me on the relax me .. My sadness written to me from the day I uttered my name .. And became sad every Marina faces me and lost me on the path of joy and Ihni trees.
Life has no meaning in it , life is an opportunity to create a meaning !
Had it not been for tomorrow's hope, the oppressed would not have lived until today.