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Everything posted by Aysha

  1. Buna si bine ai venit!
  2. Buna @andiX! si bine ai venit! Sper sa te simti bine si aici, la noi pe comunitate!
  3. EN version: [Introduction] - In this topic we are going to present a little tutorial where is explained how you can secure your account better. [Description] - Many times we had trouble with account being 'hacked' on forum. Eh well, from now on we have a clear solution for this. Now we can avoid and we can sure our account at maximum! [How i activate this option?] 1. Click on your profile (top in the bar) > Account Settings. 2. Click on 'Account Security' 3. Click on 'Enable' at Google Authentificator. 4. Download application 'Google Authentificator' from Google Play or App Store. 5. Scan the code from center [QR] from aplication. 6. Introduce on the forum the code that has been generated. [How do i log on the forum?] 1. Open aplication Google Authentificator. 2. The generated code once at 2 minutes you introduce it on the forum. 3. You are authenticated! [How we deactivate this option?] 1. Click on Disable this method. Versiunea in romana: [Introducere] - In acest topic, o sa prezentam un mic tutorial in care este explicat faptul cum o sa puteti sa va securizati contul mai bine. [Descriere] - De multe ori am avut probleme cu spargerea conturilor de pe forum. Ei bine, uite ca avem si o solutie pentru asta. Acum putem sa ne ferim si sa ne protejam contul la maxim! [Cum activez aceasta optiune?] 1. Click pe proflil tau (sus in bara) > Account Settings. 2. Click pe 'Account Security' 3. Click pe 'Enable' la Google Authentificator. 4. Descarca aplicatia 'Google Authentificator' pe Google Play ori App Store. 5. Scaneaza codul de pe centru [QR] cu aplicatia respectiva. 6. Introdu codu ce ti-l genereaza pe forum. [Cum ma loghez pe forum?] 1. Deschizi aplicatia Google Authentificator. 2. Codul generat odata la 2 minute il introduci pe forum. 3. Esti autentificat! [Cum dezactivam aceasta optiune?] 1. Click pe Disable this method.
      • 6
      • I love it
  4. What can it be?


  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome!
  7. La multi ani colegul meu! ?

    1. Mr.Sebby



  8. Welcome!
  9. Congratulations!

    1. Inkriql


      thanks! ❤️

  10. A new edition of AOTW ! #7, we wait you with great pleasure to participate, and you can win 2 GP points or if you obtain first place you have the chance at 5 GP points!


  11. Respins, nu am timp momentan, îmi cer scuze, poate cu alta ocazie.
  12. Felicitari Sebby! ❤️

  13. Tomorrow is the last day you can participate to aotw edition 6, so hurry up if you want to win 2 GP points!


  14. Felicitări pt Moderator. ?

  15. Do you want ZP 6.0 instead of 6.2 for ZMOLDSCHOOL?! For sure we want, but we want to hear it from you too!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eva s6ber

      eva s6ber

      zmoldshcool the bast 

      good luck ❤️ 

    3. RafaeL G.

      RafaeL G.

      eva i need your progress report ? :v ?

      Don't forget that ?

    4. eva s6ber
  16. You can also participate in these Weekly quests for winning 6GP


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