Joc: Counter-strike 1.6
Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra):
Numar de sloturi: 32
Mod de joc: ZM
Contact proprietar, administrator ( Skype / Steam): PM.
Caut niste persoane dornice de a ajuta acest proiect.
Caut 2 co-owneri (straini), care pot ajuta server-ul prin activitate server/forum, si prin luarea unor decizii la nivel de staff. 1 owner, care poate sa ajute si financiar cu o suma de bani 20 de admine gratis. Pentru domnisoare vip-ul se acorda gratis
Model cerere admin:
Nick: Varsta: Experienta: Motiv: Grad: Poti ajuta financiar cu o suma de bani? (da/nu)
Pentru mai multe informatii suplimentare legate de server, nu ezitati sa ne contactati: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD
Game: Counter-Strike 1.6
Wished name (in case if the server stays in the community):
Number of slots: 32
Game mode: ZM
Contact owner, administrator (Skype / Steam): PM.
I search people willing to help this project.
Searching 2 co-owners (foreign), which can help the server by doing activity on server & forum and taking decisions at staff level. Searching 1 owner which can help monetary Searching 20 admins(free) Free V.I.P. for the ladies.
Model admin request:
Nick: Age: Experience: Reason: Degree You may it helps financial with a amount of money (yes/no)
For suplimentary informations about the server, don't hesitate to contact us: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD