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Everything posted by Aysha

  1. Refuz acest battle, din cauza lipsei mele de timp.
  2. Ma bucur ca ai venit si aici, bine ai venit!
  3. love song
  4. We are welcoming a new initiative solely focused on creating something fresh and entertaining! Link: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/12752-movies-tv-series-night/ 

  5. Bine ai venit Iulia! ?
  6. I vote v2 for the good combination of colors, textures and effects.
  7. Welcome!
  8. Vote work v1 for blur and text @NewBie? Vote canceled, you need to provide more detalies before voting!
  9. Congratulations to you too!
  10. Rejected! i do not have time for a battle right now.. i have a bad time at the moment.
  11. A new contest that is organised on zmoldschool, i wait you dearly!


    1. Blackfire


      i will do it only for GTA :)))

    2. Aysha


      I can't wait for you :))

  12. Buna si bine ai venit, speram sa te simti bine alaturi de noi!
  13. Vote work v1 for text...
  14. Bună și bine ai venit Cosmina! ?
  15. @#porto.XD
  16. I search staff for the new server of zombies! 

  17. Joc: Counter-strike 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): ZE.csblackdevil.com Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: ZM Contact proprietar, administrator ( Skype / Steam): PM. Caut niste persoane dornice de a ajuta acest proiect. Caut 2 co-owneri (straini), care pot ajuta server-ul prin activitate server/forum, si prin luarea unor decizii la nivel de staff. 1 owner, care poate sa ajute si financiar cu o suma de bani 20 de admine gratis. Pentru domnisoare vip-ul se acorda gratis Model cerere admin: Nick: Varsta: Experienta: Motiv: Grad: Poti ajuta financiar cu o suma de bani? (da/nu) Pentru mai multe informatii suplimentare legate de server, nu ezitati sa ne contactati: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD Game: Counter-Strike 1.6 Wished name (in case if the server stays in the community): ZE.csblackdevil.com Number of slots: 32 Game mode: ZM Contact owner, administrator (Skype / Steam): PM. I search people willing to help this project. Searching 2 co-owners (foreign), which can help the server by doing activity on server & forum and taking decisions at staff level. Searching 1 owner which can help monetary Searching 20 admins(free) Free V.I.P. for the ladies. Model admin request: Nick: Age: Experience: Reason: Degree You may it helps financial with a amount of money (yes/no) For suplimentary informations about the server, don't hesitate to contact us: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD
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