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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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  • 1187899543_ReligiousVocalIntro.mp3
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DaNGeROuS KiLLeR last won the day on May 19 2018

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  1. I Am really Missing You Was A Legend U always remain in my Heart❤️

  2. -Legends remain legends whole the life.

  3. I hope you come back someday...

  4. hello please listen my words

    your words was so excited on me and i thought to think more much.It does not the matter how persons are there.You will be the 1 legend in this community and remember me I will never back down you.You are so old here.Also i dont know why this community changed so faster when it comes new dogs and destroy it.I am not old with this nickname but i mean you remember hamsik and i was the friend of him.It does not matter how problems we have here you just need to return self to back your old legendary memory and resolving again your problems

    Please dont leave this community cause i will miss you so much?

  5. Clear your Inbox i can't send you PM Speedhacker !

    1. XAMI


      omg spammer, ok boss, it's clear

  6. holy shit, SPAMMERRRRRRR

    1. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      Ok reported, idk this guy spamming on my profile.


  7. 2 Things changed.

    Your profile picture "Colombian Illuminati" ?.

    And you are Administrator now i am not sure should i be happy or sad that a speedhacker can be Admin, i don't feel safe anymore xDDD.


    Anyway Congrats and enjoy your moment, i am sure you will be usefull to this Community as Administrator just don't lag to much :).


    LOL Jon Snow GIF (He killed his Aunt "Daenerys Targaryen", you deserve to cry) i like spolying things for everyone.

    cold game of thrones GIF

    1. XAMI


      You spoiled me! i didn't saw the final chapter! FCK AHHHHHHHHH

      i will ban you = )))))))))

      okay, THANKS YOU MR SPAMMER, colombian illuminati cult exist, i will find u = )))

  8. I guess my advise and prediction came true after all.

    I told you if you try hard enough you will get it eventually.


    Well congrats and do your best to keep this grade or to get an upgrade.


    Best of luck

  9.  Can You Bring SilentNightzm back plz 

    1. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      Well i can't because i don't open a server if i don't have time to manage it.

      In future if i have time i might think about opening a server but no guarantees.

    2. Mark-x


      ? I want Sv that Will be open my Administrator ?
      But i will wait till that when you will make 

  10. And once again he gains the power to terrorizes innocent people like me.

    Or otherwise once again Members start Terrorizing @Legends ♛ for gaining this grade, hhhh remember that one ???.


    It's hard to talk normally with you, our conversation usually start very very different ?.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Legends ♛

      Legends ♛

      I never abuse power. h

    3. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR


      Dude do you want me to remind you ? because i still remember what you did to me in TS when i was Admin ?.


      I didn't got those Girl grade on TS by my self or the 1 time you banned me to test your access ?.

    4. Legends ♛

      Legends ♛

      It was test  hahahha 

  11. Every Designer leader had quality's which were inspirational at certain point in their career as Designer or leaders. But i think until @REVAN was Leader he kept the design section very stable and when he left few years back the design section got at very low point then at that moment my ugly friend @BoRINg saved the section by increasing the activity's of GFX Designers. So i have 2 names i hope you don't mind and REVAN is good to see back as Leader, my best wishes for you.
  12. HHHHHHHHHHHHH SPEEDHACKER you ugly looking alien.

    How are you doing my love ?


    Your future name: Just like a flash

    1. XAMI



      oh man, long time, all fine,  thanks, what about you love?

      Nice name HHHHH

    2. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      I am fine, talking to you always bring smile on my face we have crazy g*y type relationship hhhhhhhhhhhhh


      I truly miss old times in OldSchool with our so many friend we are more then a family, maybe those days will return one day or maybe not.



      Anyway it was good talking to you speedhacker   we have lagging cheater in the server ?.

    3. XAMI


      it's good think someday we meet again like old times in server, just 1 hour, that's all...

      was good speak with you my dear, i hope you are fine, and i hope speak another time with you


  13. If you can understand it will steel your heart.

    Eventually mostly wont understand then just enjoy the voice and talent.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #DEXTER


      hahahah u right but its lovely music i like it ??

    3. _Klay_


      Bruh, where have you been,miss ya <3

    4. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      Hello my friend,

      Well i don't have the time to commit like before to CSBD, well i am someone who commit's fully or not at all.

  14. You are still alive hmm xDDD

    I have a story for you: i went to visit The Engineer profile and when i was just about to leave his profile, i see a profile picture of The Ugly Engineer's followers which i tought look beautiful so i click on the picture and guess whos profile picture it was ????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wizard ;x

      Wizard ;x

      Hahahahaha i still alive brother xd , whooo? ?

    3. DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      DaNGeROuS KiLLeR

      It's yours ofcourse who else.


      You were mostly the one whom made my profile picture remember, so i guess we came to like each other's stock xDDD

    4. Wizard ;x

      Wizard ;x

      Hahahahahaha yes you right xdd


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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