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About DiavoL

  • Birthday 06/17/1998


  • Priest



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  1. ø Produs oferit: Steam Account ø Detali produs 29 Games, CSGO, 1.6, Far Cry3, H1Z1, Max Payne 3, Left4Dead2, Arma 3, Battlefield and much more. ø Preț: 30 Euro paypal ø Contact: TeamSpeak3/PM Forum ø Imagini: https://imgur.com/a/y84TD
  2. Guest

    Welcome back !! 


  3. Well, dude, you were a best friend and the best boss:ac::default_apology-1312:

    1. DiavoL


      Still here, don't worry

  4. Deserve! ;) look what happened when u think - you are boss of highlifezm!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PranKk.


      hehehe... how much u payed to mr love?! ;)

    3. DiavoL


      :25r30wi:Such a funny guy

    4. PranKk.


      nice traffic. :thankyou:

  5. Hello bro <3

  6. Model post sale: ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): Skype : diavol232 ø Item(s) on sale: CS:GO Account + CS 1.6,CZ + GTA:4 + GTA: San Andreas ø Price of the product(s): 40 Euro ø Product photo(s): https://imgur.com/a/Soqg0 , https://imgur.com/a/ZBTC1, https://imgur.com/a/5DcnK ø Payment method: Paypal only. ø Other specifications: Account Has 12 $ Balance + 1 Operation Bravo Case worth 10 $ DOWN TO 40 Euro PAYPAL
  7. Hello Diavol


  8. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): Skype : diavol232 / Steam : nicolae_cs16 ø Item(s) on sale: Any account/ Steam Key you need on Steam, From CS 1.6 to PUB G. ø Price of the product(s): - ø Product photo(s): - ø Payment method: PayPal Only. ø Other specifications: I can sell you each steam game you want, at a reasonable price, lower than the actual market, you can contact me and we'll figure out what game you need.
  9. Diavol good job - u manage to destroy server totally ! 

    1. DiavoL


      hai stati cuminti


  10. hello Diavol had not played because I had three days without interneth but I already turned hand so they do not go to say that I was because I'm suspended hand ok

  11. Can you delete some messages please?

  12. I know that my little brother is only 10 years old. I apologize to my colleagues ... of the server and the administrators.

    Diavol I was not a hand I have 3 years playing on the server till it was god for my good behavior in server that was my brother hand I'm sorry for what it is hiso it gives me anger to know what ise to teener the admin and to suspend me for those things from the 7 days elapsed I will improve my little brother if I was to jgar in the server that does not do anything that just play ok hand I'm sorry for your players

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.[O]gguN


      I really feel sorry with my colleagues from my person I'm so sorry friends and I failed because of my brother

    3. DiavoL


      For letting someone play from your account the sanction is remove directly, so please, take care so your little brother plays on his account further, thank you, your access will be back in 7 days, enjoy the cooldown.

    4. Mr.[O]gguN


      ok quiet I'll wait for you to spend limited time hand
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