aNaKoNDa's Achievements
Wassup bruh do you remember me
Yo wts'up @BOSS YOUTUBER ?
@aNaKoNDa last we play in walking dead maybe you forgot me bcs i open my account after a long time
who will have the best score in the map that will start at 11:00 (server time, thetime in chat to see it) i will gift him 2 days vip (1h left) join:
u want join street ? i can offer u helper (u dont need to make a request in forum)
- thanks everyone who support us, amazing stats
Those people who trying to steal players from my server STREETZM what is your point by doing that ? dont you guys think it is lose of time ? why dont u spend some money for the server if u really want to own it ?
dont you have any other way to make players?
oh wait.. STREETZM go up so fast that why everyone is jelous
thats how u gonna make players for your servers? come to my server and spamming ur server? ur down bad. u need pay for have a good server ur ass need work, thats not a work, thats lose of time for you and for us. get the shit out of my server and never join back
@LiunxZmyou need to stop with this kindergarden atitude . I give you 1 warning , next time its not gonna be only one warning . If you want to have an succes server put money ( boosts , 2-3-4 every month ) , bring something new , something different on your server , vote him , and so on . I don't wanna see this problem happening again .