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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey! It's a late post about this,but should keep some admins updated. Server has now 2 new commands which admins with IMMUNITY (flag a) can use during nighttime. zp_giveaptoall - gives packs to all players on the server. zp_jetpacktoall - gives a jetpack to all players on server. More to come soon.
    8 points
  2. #Free_Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Happy birthday my friend and I wish a million years ❤️❤️
    2 points
  5. #Free_Palestine 🇵🇸❤✌
    2 points
  6. I wish all of you in Palestine good health, and good luck, I hope this war ends as soon as possible. 😥
    2 points
  7. Yoooo, i missed you a lot my friend! How are you?? 🙂
    1 point
  8. #newtrack #CHILLvibe #psycho
    1 point
  9. happy birthday bro my wish to you stay happy and live long
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Happy Birthday dude. 🙂
    1 point
  12. Happy Birthday! Wish you a Happy Year
    1 point
  13. ★Nickname: Pirit ★CSBD username: @Pirit ★Rank: Helper
    1 point
  14. Nick: RedBuLL Time: Yesterday Site: ht.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  15. Nick: TeamPro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: https://imgur.com/a/AKabzhr Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
    1 point
  16. Nick: Roselina Time: 23.03.2021 Site: gtrs Proof: Contact method: Paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Monthly , the boost starts tomorrow - 03.04
    1 point
  17. Nick: TeamPro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: https://imgur.com/a/cjxklgD Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
    1 point
  18. Nick: TeamPro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: https://imgur.com/a/6r3TFh9 Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
    1 point
  19. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: Hier ! Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  20. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: Hier ! Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  21. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: Hier ! Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  22. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: Hier Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily Era serverul prea Gol --> Aici! Dupa o ora --> Click !
    1 point
  23. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: Hier Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  24. Nick: GLG Time: 13:33 Site: GT.RS proff: Hier Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  25. Nick: GLG Time: New Site: GT.RS proff: HIER Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  26. RO : 1. În primul rând, eu fiind oficialul fondator al acestui server cer staff-ului csblackdevil dovezi pentru sanctionarea fiecărui membru al staff-ului ThunderZM (Inclusiv pentru sancționarea fondatorului oficial , adică eu). 2. Despre obligativitatea rank-ului (minim rank 150) , acest lucru nu este datoria comunității să-l impuna sau să-l intereseze. Un al doilea lucru despre acest fapt , ceea ce s-a impus o considerăm discriminare și în același timp amenințare . 3. Despre plata acelei penalități, țin să spun că staff-ul thunderzm nu va plătii acest lucru , după cum am precizat și în punctul 1. , așteptăm dovezi clare si concrete prin care manageri sau staff al server ului thunderzm a făcut RECLAMĂ sau a JIGNIT. Legat de jignit, să nu uităm că , co fondatorul thunderzm , Gabi Papi a primit ban pe forum și a fost redenumit sub numele de "Căpșunarul Angliei", ceea ce dupa parerea mea putem spune că e o jignire ! Concluzie : Staff-ul ThunderZM nu va plătii cu nimic aceste "deranjamente" și condiții, cu parere de rău țin să anunț că eu , fondator oficial , împreună cu staff-ul meu loiail ne vom retrage. Mulțumim pentru sprijinul oferit și succese multe in continuare! EN : 1. First of all, I am a official founder of the server , I m asking csblackdevil staff proofs for every thunderzm staff which was sanctioned( including me) 2. About the mandatory of rank (minimum 150 rank GT) this is not the community bussines about it and you must do not care about. The second thing, what csbd staff imposed to us , we feel is a discrimination, and the same time a threat for us. 3. About the paying for that PENALTY, I want to say that the management of THUNDERZM will not pay this thing , as I mentioned at .1, We ask for clear proofs that a admin or manager from thunderzm ADVERTISE or INSULT ! About INSULT , don t forget , Gabi Papi was banned from this community and he was renamed as "Căpșunarul Angliei" (is a insult form for someone from Romania who works hard to earn money on another countries). So , my opinion is thats a INSULT. Conclusions : ThunderZM staff will not pay this "inconvenience" and conditions and with so much regrets, I want to announce that me , the official founder of thunderzm, and the loyalty staff will retire. Thank you for your support and good luck !
    1 point
  27. Nick: Dark-ImmoRtal^ Time: now Site: gtr Proof: Contact method: -- Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : maybe 1 day. https://ibb.co/Lx0vKD1
    1 point
  28. Nick: Roselina Time: Now Site: gt.rs Proof: - Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
    1 point
  29. Nick: blapZy Time: 08:44 Site: GTRS Proof: Aici Contact method: Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
    1 point
  30. Nick: jayden Time: 17:59 Site: gametracker Proof: Contact method: paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily Other informations: =]
    1 point
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