myCro Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 Hello, regarding this topic NEWLIFEZM administration considers such acts(from both sides) childlish, disruptive, pure examples of proudness and we request in a public manner to stop because it affects our administration and public of players. We are not here to feel outside pressure, we want to focus on ourselves and not to be afraid of wars with floods, advertisment and all sorts of attacks, we are here to enjoy our work and to move forward with each day. What is happening? @Mr.Love you have to realise the difference of a leader and a boss, and lately you named yourself a 'boss' but take in consideration that every loser can obtain such a title, are you a loser? or the leader of a competitive community? I remember that the whole purpose of a community is to gather players and focus on those players, on those members, getting along, growing, having fun making memories, what memories are you building with your members? Sell the community, do one last big money hit and pass it on, announce it public if you feel the need of something else. Everyone else from thunderzm & close ones of it, because of the pressure you accumulated it up you wanted to have something new and yours? Well, ok, go on, do it quietly because you too should be ashamed of the fact that in a war the ones who lose the most are the innocent ones, our players who gather with their families and friends on our servers, teamspeak, forum. What do you give to them? Examples of hate? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. We are here for the long run and we will still stick as long as we can accept it, but work on yourselves, right now. --- Salut, in legatura cu acest topic Administratia NEWLIFEZM considera astfel de acte(din partea ambelor parti) copilaresti, perturbatoare, exemple pure de mandrie si cerem intr-o maniera publica oprirea deoarece ne afecteaza echipa administrativa si publicul de jucatori. Nu suntem aici sa simtim presiune din afara, vrem sa ne focusam pe noi insine si nu sa ne temem de razboaie cu flood, reclame si tot felul de atacuri, suntem aici sa ne bucuram de propria munca si sa avansam cu fiecare zi. Ce se intampla? @Mr.Love tu trebuie sa realizezi diferenta dintre un lider si un sef, si in ultima perioada te-ai numit un 'boss' dar ia in considerare ca fiecare fraier poate obtine un astfel de titlu, esti un fraier? sau liderul unei comunitati competitive? Imi amintesc ca singurul scop al unei comunitati este sa adune jucatori si sa se focuseze pe acesti jucatori, pe acesti membrii, sa se inteleaga, sa creasca, sa se distreze facand memorii, ce memorii iti construiesti cu membrii tai? Vinde comunitatea, da o ultima lovitura financiara si mergi mai departe, anunta public daca simti nevoia de altceva. Toti ceilalti de pe thunderzm & cei apropiati lor, datorita presiunii pe care ati acumulat-o ati vrut sa aveti ceva nou si al vostru? In regula, ok, mergeti mai departe, faceti-o in liniste pentru ca si voua ar trebuii sa va fie rusine de faptul ca intr-un razboi cei care pierd cel mai mult sunt cei inocenti, jucatorii nostrii care se aduna cu famiile lor si prietenii pe serverele noastre, teamspeak, forum. Ce le dati lor? Exemple de hate? Tuturor ar trebuii sa va fie rusine de voi insiva. Noi suntem aici pentru cursa lunga si o sa stam cat timp mai putem sa acceptam, dar lucrati la voi insiva, chiar acum. 12 1 10
Mindsphere. Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 [EN] Hello! I apologize a lot for being involved in this topic, but I want to say that it is not good for the community and at the same time it is not good from the servers, it affects a lot and it is not good. I really don't know what happened, but I want everything to be fine and okay because if a war is created it won't be good at all. I have a lot of experience in CS 1.6, especially for servers / communities. Since 2012 the first community where I was was good the first time, then in 2014-2015 because a big war was created between servers / players the community started to decrease enormously, during this time in 2016-2017 the community started to be more and more inactive (only a few Administrators who came in to see what was happening, otherwise nothing, the servers were 0/32 non-stop). 2017 was the last year of the community and has since died (it was closed and did not continue due to the war created by other servers). Now the community is totally dead and no one wants to hear about this community because too much war has been created and it is not good, it does not bring good to the community / servers in the community. I hope you understand me, I was not only on 1 community, I was on several but I gave up on them and I came here where I found some brilliant people that I can make friends with and I can play nicely with them when I need and when I have time. I hope you take it as advice because I don't say anything bad, this community still deserves to be kept up both the forum and the other servers that are full almost non-stop. Thanks for understanding and I hope there is no upset with this message, I told myself the little story that happened to me there, I do not want the same thing to happen here, we are a big community, we do not deserve this, let's be work together to grow this community further, it's not worth it, honestly! I wish you a beautiful evening and I hope that something serious does not happen because it will not be good .. 🙂 Kiss you, dear Mindsphere. ❤️ [RO] Salut! Imi cer mii de scuze ca ma implic si eu in acest topic, dar vreau sa spun ca nu face bine comunitatii si totodata nu este bine din partea serverelor, afecteaza foarte mult si nu este bine. Chiar nu stiu ce s-a intamplat, dar doresc sa fie totul bine si in regula deoarece daca se va crea razboi nu o sa fie deloc bine.. Am experienta mare in CS 1.6, mai ales pentru servere/comunitati. Din 2012 prima comunitate unde am fost eu a fost bine prima data, dupa prin 2014-2015 din cauza ca s-a creat un razboi mare intre servere/playeri a inceput sa scada enorm comunitatea, in timpul acesta in 2016-2017 comunitatea a inceput sa fie tot mai inactiva (doar cativa Administratori care mai intrau sa vada ce se intampla, in rest nimic, serverele erau 0/32 non-stop). 2017 a fost ultimul an al comunitatii si a murit de atunci (a fost inchisa si nu a mai continuat din cauza razboiului creat de catre alte servere). Acum comunitatea este moarta total si nu mai doreste nimeni sa auda de comunitatea aceasta deoarece a fost prea mult razboi creat si nu este bine, nu aduce bine comunitatii/serverelor de pe comunitate. Sper sa ma intelegeti, nu am fost doar pe 1 comunitate, am fost pe mai multe dar am renuntat la ele si am venit aici unde am gasit niste oameni geniali la care imi pot face prieteni si ma pot juca frumos cu ei cand am nevoie si cand am timp. Sper sa il luati ca un sfat deoarece nu zic nimic cu rautate, aceasta comunitate merita in continuare tinuta in picioare atat forumul cat si celelalte servere care sunt full aproape non-stop. Multumesc pentru intelegere si sper ca nu este nici o suparare cu acest mesaj, mi-am spus mica poveste ce mi s-a intamplat acolo, nu vreau aceeasi chestie sa se intample si aici, suntem o comunitate mare, nu meritam acest lucruri, hai sa fim alaturi si sa muncim pentru a creste aceasta comunitate in continuare, nu merita acest lucru, sincer! Va doresc o seara frumoasa si sper sa nu se intample ceva grav deoarece nu o sa fie bine.. 🙂 Va pup, cu drag Mindsphere. ❤️ 13
Wizard ;x Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 How much truth written in a single topic, you can't be more right because you can't 35 minutes ago, myCro said: what memories are you building with your members? Not only the memories of all members also those who are part of the staff who give and have given everything to make this community grow and at the end of everything you will never be recognized as you deserve, in the end you will be a complete stranger... Every day what was once built with so much effort is collapsing due to the bad attitudes that it is having. 15
QeLi Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 Im sry for replying here im not newlife staff But if the fourm goes how it is going rn just war it will be dead plz end this so this fourm can survive and to have good memories of it cuse a lot of people have worked hard for this comunity just to se it end in a way like this? let it end in a good way atleast 7
myCro Posted February 2, 2021 Author Posted February 2, 2021 8 minutes ago, QeLi said: Im sry for replying here im not newlife staff But if the fourm goes how it is going rn just war it will be dead plz end this so this fourm can survive and to have good memories of it cuse a lot of people have worked hard for this comunity just to se it end in a way like this? let it end in a good way atleast It is our problem for which anyone can express his own oppinion without restrain. We don't live in dictatorship(even through mrlove expressed his ideologia of positive results of harsh methods of leadership disregarding the negative effects), the forum won't die to soon, but for what i have discussed with mrlove in private the lowest it can go(as long as he still makes profit out of the services) will be in a living-dead state, that meaning he will just keep it, online, with things somehow flowing, a shameful idea i consider. A picture out of my conversation with him of how he depicts the road for a result from point A to point B(he sees only 2 ways): The 3rd way i see due to the last period things that are happening: 5 1
Dark-ImmoRtal^ Posted February 2, 2021 Posted February 2, 2021 the deference between boss and leader boss talks more than listen but the leader listen more than they talks The Boss Says me but the Leader Says we We are all here long time ago we have a great memories of all members also those who are part of the staff who give and have given everything to make this community grow and at the end of everything and we want this memories lives more and more you are the boss or the leader of this community its yours community you can mange it anyway that's you see its right but if you want To avoid the collapse of this community i'am not trying to be disrespectful or anything but you should listen from time to other it will help you to make this community bigger and bigger Let our Dreams and memories Lives Regards 14
GRC21 Posted February 3, 2021 Posted February 3, 2021 A venit momentul sa spună și un membru din serverul ThunderZM câte ceva. Mycro ai perfecta dreptate,dar totul a pornit de la un membru din staff-ul TZM care ne-a trădat 🙂(nu e nevoie sa dau nume, probabil știți deja la cine ma refer). Acest trădător drag a spus niște cuvinte care nu își aveau rostul, în primul rand m-a înjurat pe mine cu niște cuvinte foarte urate,iar în al doilea rand a înjurat serverul. Este și vina noastră ca unii dintre admini și manageri l-au înjurat pe Mr.Love dar și el ne-a făcut șoareci cu comportament de canal, iar co-fondatorul TZM a fost redenumit sub numele de "CAPSUNARUL ANGLIEI", asta nu este o jignire sau suntem noi nebuni? Noi nu am vrut sa pornim nici măcar un "război" între servere sau comunități dar s-a întâmplat 🙂. Imi cer scuze în numele staff-ului tzm (ar fi normal ca și Mr.Love sa facă același lucru).Noi punem punct acestui "război", rog staff-ul nostru sa vorbească în pm cu dacă au ceva personal cu el, iar sa facă același lucru. Mult succes tuturor ❤️ Regards:Grc 6 1
Aysha Posted February 3, 2021 Posted February 3, 2021 RO: Buna, nu am vrut sa ma bag in toata aceasta drama deoarece nu imi place, dar mi se pare tare aiurea tot ce se intampla, mai ales ca incepe sa ne afecteze grav de tot server-ul nostru, NEWLIFEZM. Au plecat oameni loiali de pe forum, activi si mi se pare tare aiurea ca au fost banati, puteau sa plece in liniste si aia era, fara ban-uri, fara jigniri indirecte, fara schimbari de nume si asa mai departe, de la niste simple ban-uri s-a ajuns la toata aceasta drama, si ce este si mai AIUREA este ca totul s-a mutat si pe forum, in public. Ma intreb ce va zice un ultilizator nou, cand va vedea totul public? In fine, nu stau sa intru in alte discutii, Si voi, THUNDERZM ati gresit, puteati sa plecati in liniste si aia era, fara sa incepeti sa injurati, sa chemati ultilizatorii la voi pe comunitate (atentie, unii, nu toti), in fine. Atat am avut de zis, sper doar sa nu afecteze si mai rau serverul nostru, oamenii nostri care inca mai muncesc pentru server si pentru aceasta comunitate. EN: Hi, I didn't want to get into all this drama because I don't like it, but I think it's all crazy, especially since it's starting to seriously affect our entire server, NEWLIFEZM. Loyal people left the forum, active and I think it's very crazy that they were banned, they could leave in peace and that was, without banned, without indirect insults, without name changes and so on, from some simple bans have come to all this drama, and what's even more nonsense is that everything has moved on the forum, in public. I wonder what a new user will say when he sees everything in public? Finally, I'm not going to get into any other discussions. end. That's all I had to say, I just hope it doesn't affect our server even worse, our people who still work for the server and for this community. Respectfully! 10 1 1
BLaCK.DeVIl Posted February 3, 2021 Posted February 3, 2021 As @GRC21 said, It started bcs of a traitor who mixed up the things and turned them upside down, All this happened bcs of some kids who want to destroy this community, And it started by loosing one of the best active members in CSBD .. I hope that it will end soon so that it'll not affect more and more. With respect BlackDevil 3
GRC21 Posted February 3, 2021 Posted February 3, 2021 @Roselina ♣ flowers îmi cer mii de scuze, nimeni din Thunder nu a vrut sa iasă un război între noi, ne cerem scuze dacă v-am deranjat în legătură cu jucătorii sau membrii din forum etc. Răzbunarea e arma prostului, dar uneori trebuie folosita. Eu spun sa încheiem totul aici, sa strângem mana și sa ne vedem de viata. Regards :Grc ❤️ 5 1
myCro Posted February 3, 2021 Author Posted February 3, 2021 (edited) For now, let the things settle as personally i grew tired of seeing continously drama. I will personally close the topic with the final mention of one of the first things said: We accuse publicy the current situation and we call for a change, we want a place for growth, not a war zone. Edited February 3, 2021 by myCro 8
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