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Posted (edited)

¤ Numele tau: TeamPro

¤ Numele adminului: Margelatu'

¤ Data si ora:12/15/2019 12:25

¤ Motivul reclamatiei: Nu isi face treaba ii spun de 10 ori ca ma blocheaza acelasi om si nu il intereseaza. Da primesc gag ca am spus pla mea gag corect insa nu mi se pare normal sa nu faca nimic pe alte servere nu se accepta asa ceva si punct. Cand ai acces esti atent nu te intereseaza la ce mai ai admin.

¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):


Edited by TeamPro
  • I love it 1

can u  write the complaint in English ?

12 hours ago, TeamPro said:

¤ Numele tau: TeamPro

¤ Numele adminului: Margelatu'

¤ Data si ora:12/15/2019 12:25

¤ Motivul reclamatiei: Nu isi face treaba ii spun de 10 ori ca ma blocheaza acelasi om si nu il intereseaza. Da primesc gag ca am spus pla mea gag corect insa nu mi se pare normal sa nu faca nimic pe alte servere nu se accepta asa ceva si punct. Cand ai acces esti atent nu te intereseaza la ce mai ai admin.

¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):


Google translate: The reason for the complaint: I do not do their job 10 times I tell them that the same person is blocking me and not interested. Yes I get gag that I said my gag plan correctly but it does not seem normal to me to do nothing on other servers is not accepted so point and point. When you have access you are not careful what you have admin


He was say : Admin Margelatu is not doing his job as an admin , he was say in chat that some player is blocking him allways and the admin didn't do nothing and when he was seee no one slay that player he was say some bad word in sort version and he was gagged etc etc


@wizz   follow the complaint ;) 


i wasn`t the only admin on the server!And i`ve only seen him using bad words.Your complain is irelevant! Daca tu pt asta faci reclamatie,esti doar un troll ofticat ca nu stie sa joace.Hai pa


  • Premium
Posted (edited)

Nici macar nu s-a uitat la reclamatie. Joc pentru ca imi place server ul dar cand vad ca nimeni nu face nimic e normal sa se intample asta. Da am spus pla mea gag  dat corect dar unii cand injurati de ce nu luati gag ? Ce conteaza ca ai admin ? Crezi ca nu stiu cum trebuie sa iti folosesti un acces sau ce ? Adminii nu isi fac treaba si cam atat.

Edited by TeamPro

M`am uitat la reclamatie,geniule.Iar vb degeaba.Invata sa vb si dup`aia sa faci plangere ca iti iei gag,ofticatule!

  • Premium

Aici nu era vorba ca am luat gag dar esti copil prefer sa nu iti raspund tie mai departe. Era vorba ca adminii nu isi fac treaba dar nu stiu cine esti tu ca sa te bagi.


I apologise for my interventionist

I just say margelatu is vips and hi is not binding helps players or make acitive in server .... just cant break rules 


Warning since hes a VIP and hes activity isnt bad 

Working with admins and Helping should be perfect

PS:Dont overuse or abuse commands


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