first of all @Techno gave proofs. not entirely clear, but still understendable. on other hand @-Fr3oN- explanation is clear, but as we don't know his real intention we can do it like this. @-Fr3oN- will receive 1 warning. 2 more warnings remaining before suspend/remove from access. as long as fr3on don't make 2 more mistakes like this (not major mistake) everything will be alright. also, we heard from you that he mocked you. this warning will be the example of others as well. to not look down players. if it's not clear will receive warning. if it's clear that admin abused command or any other of his advantage then suspend or remove will be neccesary. also, no players are allowed to mock admins (who are warned) even a little bit and provoke them with this.
i think this is fair