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Everything posted by Ronaldskk.

  1. Adding @HorrorProfessional to the team. Welcome... Adding @GL HERO SHIMA to the team. Welcome...
  2. Adding @Dean Ambrose™ as COORDINATOR. Welcome back bro... Adding @Planet Problems to the team. Welcome... Adding @-J3SUS- to the team. Welcome... Adding @SHinCHaN To the team. Welcome...
  3. Happy birthday Me.love!

  4. Hello, CSBD Administration has been always taking care of her loyal members, that's why your request z gonna be accepted! Best Regards & Good Luck!
  5. hello I wrote you in messenger but you didn't answer me -.- you request are done regards .

  6. rejected + banned announcing another community.
  7. @Shyloo Has been added to the team. Welcome...
  8. @Dark @Aronus @Wolf.17 @Mr.Ares
  9. @Noticias ALEJANDRO From COORDINATOR, Reason: Retired. Adding @7aMoDias new COORDINATOR.
  10. @JELANI Reason: Retired. Adding @-Sn!PeR- to Co-Leader for his hard work and activity.
  11. @RAIDEN ™ Has been added to our team. welcome...
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