- 450274044_Obituary-SlowlyWeRot.mp3
- 1751249303_Pestilence-OutOfTheBody(OriginalVersion).mp3
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Wrong choicesYou already saw what is hell
You already ring to the satans bell
Was that your promised land
Now fool you will drown in that f.u.c.k.I.n.g sandIn that f.u.c.k.I.n.g hole that you dig alone
You're just a dog without a bone
This is the end start your pray
This is your last f.u.c.k.i.n.g dayYour life is nearly complete
And your last breath soon will end
Prepare yourself you stupid dog
For your last f.u.c.k.I.n.g standWrong choices made you made
You're pathetic old and sadYou searching for the helping hand
But you're to deep in the sand