Nickname: JailKING| x0cks
Admin nick: Motzard, Omar, Necro
Reason: I was banned for using bhop scripts, i sent video proof to Omar which he rejected and blocked me on whatsapp. I was unbanned by some guy named The GodFather then joined the game and got destroyed. Fixed that shit real quick, joined server again. They freeze me for camping every round, gave me -2000 ammo packs, and killed me every round whilst I was unable to move. Gagged me for 25+ minutes without reason. All this, because they think I'm cheating and I gave them proof I am not.
This is what happens when you have 12 year old admins. @myCro
I have been playing in this community for about 7 years, was high ranked staff in HighLife, knew everyone very well. Now, I join a server after a couple of months just to get shit on by brainless people. How are we solving this?