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    Palestine, State of

Everything posted by sokaku

  1. Ramadan Kareem Muslim Brothers ❤️☪️

  2. It's been kinda long, CSBD 🙂

  3. Life's hard not gonna lie, especially when the person you loved the most is gone even for a while..

  4. life sucks 😐💔

    1. Lynch


      Yes but now days it's gonna better..

  5. any good gfx designer? i need banner for my youtube channel :3

  6. hi people 🙂

    im back!!

  7. mbrook akhoy inshallah administrator ❤️

    ana flstene kman 😁

    1. Mr.BaZzAr


      Shokran elk akhoy 32bal 3ndk ❤️

    2. BaZoOka


      ana msh 3rfk bs alfff mbrook 

      3bal al adminstatior 😁

    3. Mr.BaZzAr


      Shkran elk ya bro ❤️

  8. Hi! Can y'all do me small favor and subscribe here 👉 https://youtube.com/SokakuYT


    I've almost reached 300 subscribers!

    1. BaZoOka



                                                            Good luck

      You will be Good youtuber !



  9. Nobody wished me happy birthday except 1 person.. 😪

  10. Congratulations guys, Good work @myCro I am happy for you!
  11. Do you use TS3 ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sokaku
    3. Nyx.


      use vpn to open the site

    4. -Sarah


      sorry l can't use it l respect the laws 


  12. I really don't know If anybody still remember me, but I am here ❤️


  13. hello baby ❤️ 

    1. [N]audy


      Hello baby 

  14. Solved, thanks !
  15. It's a hosted server
  16. Your Nickname:Modam3r Your Problem: I opened a server yesterday and I added amxmodx , I downloaded STEAM on server, OK "every time i join server this message become to me "STEAM VALIDATION REJECTED" and I don't have dproto folder and amxmodx.iso file, can some one help me ?? Screenshot:-
  17. Need a help!


    when I join my server "STEAM VALIDATION REJECTED" 

    I don't have dproto file & amxmodx.iso 


    1. -Sn!PeR-


      Hello i advice you to post your problem in F.A.Q  you will receive faster help and more specific than you receive from your profile ?

  18. Revan,I love your design

    can you make to me an avatar?

  19. sokaku

    probleme cs

    Hey to fix this problem you need to type "sv_lan 0" or close your wi-fi and open it again
  20. sokaku

    Help about servers

    If there are no any replies on your ticket you can contact owners of krond solutions - @Sethhh. - @Mr.Love
  21. I am sorry all some kid take my account and spammed too much so i see this and replied to all status updates that i changed my password !

    1. Reus


      Just delete them 

  22. give me admin Free 

    1. Master_Kill


      if u wannt admin go request here !!

      Stop ask me all time !!

    2. sokaku


      Sorry someone had my account and i changed password now.


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