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Everything posted by #Dobe~ClasSy!☠

  1. Hello @[ZNS] CrpsH'_* ( CR ) anyway delete your own cs and download this below CS1.6 CSBD v1.0, Follow video and solved problem you Good Luck!! Regards!!
  2. Pro!! For Helper Good player and Read rules Good luck!
  3. With 2019 coming up, now’s a good of time as ever to start tracking down what video game titles to keep an eye on. There are already several highly anticipated video game titles announced for the upcoming year, but if you’re looking to get some third-person video games in particular then we suggest taking a look at our list below. We have listed down some of our top upcoming third-person video game titles to launch in 2019. You’ll want to keep this list bookmarked as we’ll continue to update it after new game announcements and updates.
  4. Telegraph Cars puts the cutting-edge Hyundai Nexo to the sternest test so far of the technology that supplies electricity without the need for heavy battery packs – at the same time, following in the wheel tracks of the earliest pioneering motorists to prove its feasibility Claude Johnson, the route finder for the original 1,000-Mile Trial in 1900, had problems with snow. More than a century on, the weather still has surprises in store. The tyres of the Hyundai I am driving through the Peak District are slipping on newly compacted snow as all around cars are pirouetting into ditches. Alongside me, Robin Hayles from Hyundai UK is bracing for a double impact; that of a priceless, pre-production...
  5. ive days and an estimated £325,000 later, the Duchess of Sussex has returned from what can only be described the mother of all baby showers. Occupying the most expensive and largest hotel suite in America on New York’s swanky Upper East side, the celebrations included a performance by Kanye West’s favourite harpist, a candy floss machine and £150 steaks. What had been billed as a “private, low key” affair appeared to take on a life of its own after “sources close to the duchess” tipped off American magazines that they would be descending on The Mark - which unashamedly describes itself as “NYC’s most boldly lavish hotel”.
  6. olice have been called in by medics attacked by pro-life abortion campaigners, as experts warn that social media has made these activists more militant. It comes ahead of a US-backed campaign that will see vigils held outside 10 UK clinics over the period of lent, for 12 hours a day. Officers from the Greater Manchester Police met with Marie Stopes abortion clinic staff this month to offer them increased support around a centre in South Manchester and agree a plan with nurses ahead of the 40-day anti-abortion effort in March. The Birmingham South BPAS abortion clinic also faced protests for the first time in January, prompting concerned staff to schedule appointments with police and councillors. A leaked report from the Manchester Marie Stopes International centre, seen by The Telegraph, details the daily abuse faced by the clinic’s staff, who say facing protestors has become part of their daily routines. Nurses described finding screws in the tyres of their cars and said they were followed and told to “go to hell” in cards posted through the door. “One man knocked on the door and shouted "baby killing b***ards" at the nurse who answered the door. Another member of staff had their car vandalised,” one entry in the report reads. Another says: “She ran over and hit me across my back. I told her never to do that again.” Sarah Strut, a nurse of 15 years, said she feels increasingly intimidated by campaigners in Manchester. She told The Telegraph: “They have physically tried to stop me going into a clinic, I parked my car across from the clinic and they tried to block me in. “You try to remain confident but being surrounded by four or five people who don’t like what you do is quite frightening. “It’s disheartening for the staff - we’ve done a lot of training to get to where we are.” One midwife who works at the BPAS clinic in Richmond, London said she takes daily measures to avoid pro-life camps. “Every day now I enter and leave work via the back door to avoid the confrontation and them running towards me as I walk in the front gate,” she said. “I don’t leave work to go for lunch anymore because I don’t want a conflict.”
  7. Contra! Bad Activivty and no read Rules
  8. Contra!!! Even if you have experience as you say but your activity is bad and nno Read Rules Go make good activity and come back with 1 week G/L
  9. Contra!! Respect Model
  10. Welcome
  11. God bless ان لله وان اليه راجعون
  12. And with that, Devil May Cry goes back to the basics. Unlike Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry, which rebooted everything, Devil May Cry 5 is a "true sequel" that follows the events of Devil May Cry 4, and there are a bunch of good reasons for fans of Capcom's hack n' slash adventure series to get excited. For one, the game stars Nero, Devil May Cry 4's lead, as well as Dante, the hero who kicked everything off, and a third character. For another, Nero now cruises around in a van, from which he runs a demon-hunting operation with help from a new mechanical hand. That's just plain cool. Best of all, though? Devil May Cry 5 is coming a lot sooner than expected: March 8. Read More: https://www.svg.com/107726/games-going-blow-everyone-away-2019/?utm_campaign=clip
  13. hello Dude next time explain more + add more Screenshots . read Rules ! Make the Title very clear, for example [Problem with posting] or [Server hosting error] or [Can't see signature] etc... maybe you have downloaded a different version of cs 1.6 from the internet. Or maybe the version of the host server is different(unlikely). i think your cs . have problem or maybe some files didn't installed in your cs. anyway delete you own cs and download this below CS1.6 CSBD v1.0, also try to Delete map. go to Counterstrike 1.6/cstrike/maps/ delete the .bsp and .nav files you don't want. Also check in the maps/graphs folder and delete the .ain files. Deleting anything with the map name is safe. follow on video Good luck Regards!
  14. ne of the cars most often associated with the Goodwood Revival historic racing extravaganza is Simon Dwyer’s MGA 1600 Mk1, which serves as the Course Car and is ready for any eventuality. That is entirely fitting, as 592 KTB started out as one of a batch of 12 ordered by Lancashire Constabulary in 1959, and 60 years ago you might have encountered it on duty on the Preston By-pass, Britain’s first motorway-standard road. In the late 1950s Lancashire was the country’s largest force outside of London, and it was renowned for its innovations in highway policing, from pioneering the use of radar to its choices of car. The force commissioned its first MGs in 1932, with the A roadster joining the fleets in late 1955. According to Andrea Green’s engrossing book M.G.s on Patrol, Area Cars sported a black livery while the Traffic Cars were painted white. This was highly unusual for a British police vehicle at the time, but the Chief Constable, Colonel Sir Eric St Johnston, thought that this helped the MGs to “stand out”. A further major talking point was that WPCs crewed the MGAs, which caused many tweed-jacketed Humber Hawk owner to drop their pipes in amazement. One 1957 newspaper report excitedly raved: “It is no reflection on their character to say that these women of Lancashire County Force are ‘fast’. They are equipped with MG sports cars, capable of 100 miles an hour, as the first women drivers in the traffic patrol branch. The police specification for 592 KTB includes two six-volt batteries, a blue flashing lamp, illuminated signs – “the one at the back can flash a ‘stop’ warning”, says owner Dwyer – and a red warning beacon on the rear offside wing. The facia is dominated by a recalibrated speedometer and the bumpers sport replica tannoys. Dwyer believes his MGA “would have been originally fitted with two-tone klaxon horns, but my A also has a bell”. Traffic Cars were the province of officers who had passed their ‘Standard A’ advanced driving course and they wore a distinctive white uniform cap. One British Motor Corporation (BMC) optional extra that was not deemed necessary by Lancashire Constabulary was a heater. A blanket was issued to the officers, but it often proved to be of marginal use as the driver and wireless operator would have to roll it up to be able to see over an iced-up windscreen. trols were carried out with the hood lowered, the better to enhance the MG’s profile; to have been on duty during the severe winter of 1963 must have been challenging. A Pye transmitter occupied most of the boot space, while a Traffic Car would be additionally required to accommodate white coats, flares, ‘Accident’ signs, hurricane lamps, a fire extinguisher plus first aid and ‘incident’ boxes. This left no room for a spare tyre, and a blow-out meant radioing for a Ford Zephyr to bring another wheel. By the early 1960s, Lancashire was starting to employ MGBs and the force decommissioned 592 KTB in 1965. About 30 years later MG enthusiasts David Cox and Andy Ginter went to look at a Mineral Blue MGA that was for sale in Northaw and Ginter recalls “we were told it was ex-police and were shown the Heritage Certificate”.
  15. e felt it coming, didn’t we? One week they banned our woodburning stoves, then it was our diesel cars – and now it’s our gas hobs. Yesterday, the Government’s climate-change advisory body advised that gas hobs and boilers must be banned in all new homes by 2025 so that the UK meets its legally binding environmental targets. I do see that advisors need to keep coming up with virtue-signalling initiatives to justify their salaries and long commutes, but it does seem particularly cruel that at this time, when we’re all sleepless from political uncertainty, we’re being made to feel guilty about the small comforts that make daily life bearable, like the age-old pleasure of cooking over a flame. ...
  16. an Austin has become the latest MP to quit the Labour Party. Talking to the Express & Star newspaper, he said the party was "broken" and that he had become "ashamed" of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, but added that he has no plans to join the Independent Group. Mr Austin told the local paper: "The Labour Party has been my life, so this has been the hardest decision I have ever had to take, but I have to be honest and the truth is that I have become ashamed of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn." The Dudley North MP added that he left Labour because of his constituents, saying: "I always tell them the truth and I could never ask local people to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister.
  17. he less there is of it, the more it costs, observed my father many years ago as he sat waiting for Mum to choose a new bikini. It's a bit like that with cars. Colin Chapman might have coined the phrase "simplify, then add lightness," but he omitted the inevitable third step, which is to double the price. So the list of stuff M.I.A. from the spec sheet of this new, limited production 600LT Spider is extensive. This is the fifth long-tail car in the modern series, and McLaren won't say how many they'll make; just that it will be produced to order for one year only. Expect around 500 examples to be built.
  18. en Karl Lagerfeld was born in Germany to a wealthy industrialist family in 1934, his mother Elizabeth, a lapsed Protestant who had been told by a fortune-teller that her son would become a bishop, promptly forbade him from stepping inside a church when he was growing up. Or that’s what he said. He was as inventive and mischievous a yarn spinner as Colette - it’s only now that he has died, that we can be certain of his age. It made him a challenging and slippery interview subject - which was entirely deliberate. In 2007 he told me he was saving “all the best bits” for his autobiography, to be published posthumously. At least we have that to look forward to.
  19. eremy Corbyn has weighed in for the first time on Shamima Begum being stripped of her British citizenship by insisting she not only has a right to remain in Britain but that she deserves "support". Home Secretary Sajid Javid revoked the jihadi bride's passport after the 19-year-old from London fled to Syria aged 15 and married an Islamic State terrorist. After four years in the Middle East, she said she wanted to return to the UK to raise her son, who was born in a refugee camp in northeastern Syria on Sunday. This was blocked by the Home Office this week, who stripped her of her British citizenship, a decision the Labour leader described as a "very extreme manoeuvre". He told ITV News: "She was born in Britain, she has that right to remain in Britain and obviously a lot of questions she has to answer but also some support that she needs." "She obviously has, in my view, a right to return to Britain. On that return she must face a lot of questions about everything she's done. And at that point any action may or may not be taken." Jeremy Corbyn tells @itvnews the Home Office decision to strip Shamima Begum of UK citizenship is a "very extreme manoeuvre". He says the 19-year-old mother must face questions - and receive "some support" - on British soil Twitter Ads information and privacy He then tore into Mr Javid, saying: "The idea of stripping anyone of their citizenship when they're born in Britain is a very extreme manoeuvre. "Indeed, I question the right of the Home Secretary to have these powers when the original law was brought in by Theresa May when she was Home Secretary." International law forbids nations from making people stateless by revoking their only citizenship, but The Telegraph understands that the Home Office made the decision to revoke Begum's British citizenship based on Bangladeshi law. There, until the age of 21, it is understood the Isil bride automatically retains dual nationality due to the fact her parents are both from the country. At the age of 21, a child born to Bangladeshi parents has the right to waive their right to dual nationality, but not before. The complication lies in how she would be able to get to Bangladesh - where it is understood her father is currently living - and how she proves that she is Shamima Begum. The teenager has never visited the country and does not have a Bangladeshi passport. Her old British passport is invalid due to her citizenship being revoked and she has previously said she used her sister's passport to travel to Syria back in 2015. One possible option for her would be to travel to Turkey via the notoriously penetrable border with Syria and present herself to the Bangladeshi embassy. But officials in Dhaka may well appeal the Home Office's decision to make Begum their responsibility, insisting that she has never even been to the country.
  20. ¤ Name :Dobe ¤ Age : 24 ¤ Desired Tag : LOL PLAYER§ ¤ Link of your last request :idk ¤ Link for hours played (minimum 10 hours) ( Click ) :Clik
  21. wtf who play name me 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Dobe~ClasSy!☠
    3. .BOSS.
    4. Deton4tOr


      Really Man !!!! Play in server while you are Manager CS 1.6 another server ?

  22. t’s only when you take a second, closer look at Grade II-listed St Matthew’s Church in Normanton that you realise something isn’t quite right. Handsome though it undoubtedly is, it appears to be the victim of a cruel optical illusion as though, somehow, it’s sinking into Rutland Water. Which, in a manner of speaking, it is. In the 1970s - in the face of a growing, water-hungry po[CENSORED]tion - it was decided to flood the Gwash valley above which the church hung, turning it into a giant reservoir. H
  23. or the skier, waterproofing is key. Whether you are taking to the slopes professionally or during a resort holiday, you want to stay dry from the snow and not be soaked with sweat from your exertion. The holy grail is a jacket that keeps snow out while allowing the heat and moisture generated by your body to escape. Helly Hansen has been a leader in waterproof clothing since its inception more than 140 years ago. The company was launched in 1877 as a venture producing waterproof oilskin jackets, trousers, sou’westers and tarpaulins made from coarse linen soaked in linseed oil for Norwegian sailors. Thanks to its historical and contemporary trailblazing in waterproofing, in 2018 skiers are among the brand’s main customers. Helly Hansen’s uniforms are worn and trusted by more than 55,000 professionals globally, and it is considered the number-one Scandinavian ski brand. In the 1940s, its Helox waterproof fabric featured a thin sheet of translucent PVC plastic sewn into coats. In the 1980s, Helly Tech® waterproof and breathable fabric was introduced. Its unique membrane keeps water molecules out while allowing sweat vapour to pass through – keeping you dry from the outside and comfortable on the inside, even in the most extreme of conditions. The technology won awards and set a new standard for performance and protection. Helly Hansen’s winter collections have been developed from the insights of ski patrollers and freeriders who are on the mountain day in and day out. Its award-winning freeride jacket – the new Elevation Shell – is a waterproof jacket with a removable insulated vest which incorporates an innovative H2Flow™ temperature-regulation system to make sure you keep dry, as well as warm or cool, depending on the conditions and intensity of your activity. It also has a tonne of other features that will keep you safe on the mountain. The same flow system is featured in many of the line’s garments, including the Garibaldi jacket, which has been used by professional skiers on the Canadian ski team, and the W Powderqueen 2.0 jacket. All Helly Hansen jackets are highly waterproof and breathable, have powderskirts and most include safety features such as the RECCO® advanced rescue system and high-vis details. An additional bonus on some of the garments is the innovative Life Pocket™, which is designed to retain heat and help preserve battery life to your phone. Combining the best base layer, midlayer and finest jacket will win the day. The HH Lifa® Merino Half Zip base layer is perfect for any type of activity in cold weather, while for women, the HH Lifa Merino Graphic Half Zip delivers the same excellency. The women’s Precious Fleece Jacket is “as soft as the fluffiest teddy bear”. It’s the perfect midlayer for autumn pursuits, as is the men’s Juell Pile fleece, which is soft, warm, and comfortable for chilly days on and off the mountain. Adria Millan, a professional freeskier, says: “When I’m out there on the mountain, I couldn’t live without the waterproof and breathable Helly Tech fabric. I need protection from the elements to keep me dry and a breathable fabric so I don’t overheat.” A leader in performance ski clothing, Helly Hansen produces professional-grade gear for the consumer. You can trust it to keep When you buy a ski jacket or ski pants from the latest Helly Hansen ski collection you can enjoy a free day on the slopes at your choice of more than 50 premiere resorts worldwide. Simply choose a ski jacket or ski pants from Helly Hansen’s latest collection, decide which of their partner resorts you’d like to visit, validate your “hangtag”, and you’re good to go. For more information, go to hellyhansen.com/skifree


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