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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by M3DHaT

  1. M3DHaT

    Help about servers

    it's in my panel how i can fix ?
  2. M3DHaT

    Help about servers

    I am make ticket it's is 5 days and no any one answer
  3. Your Nickname: M3DHaT Your Problem: I am make re-install and all things for server started it's not start I am recive it from company as same like now how i can open this servers ? Screenshot
  4. Accepted my ticketed request i am wait 48 hours and it don't have any answer

    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      done medhat ticket is solved 



    1. M3DHaT
    2. #Speed


      Good luck in Your Server i hope see ur server 32,32 ? 


  6. who is scammer ? this proof in facebook and this is offer in csbd for 50 EURO when server dont have players and respect your self
  7. All are not seruios Last price : 30 €
  8. Contact Via Pm!
  9. No i don't want sell with 35 euro because you are not serious
  10. Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Name requested (if the server will be added in our community): Furien.CsBlackdevil.com Slots number:32 Game mode:Furien Contact address ( Skype / Steam):https://www.facebook.com/medhatsalman2 Gametracker states : https://cache4.gametracker.com/server_info/ Current Players : 32/32 / Avergage (past month) 10 Server Price : 50 EUR
  11. Yes , The Last price to me is 15 EUR
  12. Server Summary Name: StreetZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Server Manager: m3dhat claim server) Current Players: 5/ 32 Average (past month): 5 Server host: 12 euro/month Addons Zombie Plague 6.2 included ( inclus ) Server Price: 20 EURO
  13. do you can see my ticikcted 

  14. Peace be upon you and Ramadan Karim on all Muslims We at the NEWDEADZM family announce the following awards to our featured server players We announce the first prize for those who make 1K activity in the server will take a remote desktop with the following specifications: 512 MB RAM, 1 vCPU, 30 GB SSD This is the picture of the award we have more awards just all you need is only to play 1k in our distinguished server NEWDEADZM We are waiting for you and we will announce the winners after 24 hours. Thank you ?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M3DHaT


      Dear @Wassim™ Good luck to you in Server our friends and brothers in StreetZM

    3. Wassim™


      Thank you

    4. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Hahhahahah iam make 10 day on our taem spaeek on this desktop  anyone want a desktop just tell me 

  15. why u here LOL xD 

  16. ROYALZM will be ready after 1 hour with FASTDL and all things 

  17. ? whare all is administrators of your froum ? all is not accivty 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HICHEM


      I miss old administrators ?

    3. Mr.Love


      I think you miss a ban!

    4. HICHEM


      noooooooooooooooo -_-

  18. give me acess my son xD ???

  19. if no any one here care to me ,  for who i care ? 

    1. Tweek
    2. Dev-☠
    3. M3DHaT


      abood zanon maybe you care :/ 

  20. you work in my idea about ads it's very nice 


  21. SERVER SUMMARY Name: Furien.CsBlackDevil.Com Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Browse: Counter Strike 1.6 Servers Address: Port: 27015 Status: Alive Current Players: 30 / 32 Average (past month): 13 Price = 30 Euro
  22. v1 text , blur , effects
  23. v2 text , blur , effects
  24. Hi guys  , I am Back

    All days School ....

    I am want free time here :) :D

    1. M3DHaT
    2. Lil Pump ^^

      Lil Pump ^^

      Welcome open ROYEL Zm Bro 

    3. Mohamed Nasser

      Mohamed Nasser



CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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