Everything posted by ProfessionaL ♛
hey man do you have a problem with me????
1: why you gave me warnned in my gallery
2: i made report for him because he everytime removed my posts in my gallery and inslite me
3: you everytime give me warning are you respect only staff or whattt
4: i told him stop reply in my gallery..........
5: tell me if you have problem with me and i will
First of all read the rules before come to my prfile and post this, An the other thing is If someone delete your post just talk with GFX Designer not with me i dont care about Design Section, and finally i gave u Verbal Warning, other Global Mod could Gave u Warning Points.
So be careful with your words!
you have to do it when you see a line that you have to take the rules and do not tell me that it is not your specialty because it makes the place very complex and i don't care about anything i just care how i help this site or i was can get any grade i dont want to get warinng because someone its not good
sorry love but i want to know if its your accout or not this your accout ?? and We have to respect the rules and you ? or i see that name is "lovetest" do you make some thing ??? and iam sorry again i just want when the boss respect the rules all will respect ??
Thanks for folow my suggest I suggested this suggestion because the points were new and I wanted to be important and for this reason we will make everything wonderful in the forum and will increase activity in the forum because of this proposal to get more points to be best person I hope I give the site more suggestions ?
how are you ❤️
hello legends...
I want you talk with mr.love because he not want talk with me tell him about POINTS
there is a problem big mistake about POINTS Mr.love said All members will receive 3 Daily Points
but there alot of pearson they don't open account why they get 3 POINTS Daily Only Who Was Online before 24 hours because if you not do it there problem all peaple will make alot of accouts on forum to get POINTS
be carfull
I hope you understand what i mean...
hello love....
there is a problem big mistake about POINTS Mr.love said All members will receive 3 Daily Points
but there alot of pearson they don't open account why they get 3 POINTS Daily Only Who Was Online before 24 hours because if you not do it there problem all peaple will make alot of accouts on forum to get POINTS
be carfull
I hope you understand what i said
i have good idea about POINTS but i cant to it now i want to try it first and i will make topic coming soon
Hello love...
i saw new updates "Donate" but i didn't understant it how that can help me and how i can get "points" Is there competition???
WHY deleted my post here
i can "replay = gift " in that topic or i will get warning ??