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Askor lml

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  1. Good evening, I hope you have a good night

  2. The US president contemplated this possibility in one of the moments of greatest tension between Washington and Caracas, according to CNN. Maduro has asked the Army "not to lower your guard". The president of the United States, Donald Trump, raised several months ago to his Cabinet the possibility of invading Venezuela alleging issues of national security, according to several media. While many details of this conversation have not been revealed, it is known that this took place months ago since Trump exposed this option during a meeting with the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and the National Security Adviser of the White House, H.R. McMaster, who are no longer part of the Executive. According to CNN, which cites sources close to the president who requested anonymity, the president valued this possibility in one of the moments of greatest tension between Washington and Caracas and wielded national security issues to defend this measure. In any case, according to said source, the possible invasion of the Latin American country "was never an imminent option". In August of last year the US president already said in public that he did not rule out a "military option" to solve the "very dangerous mess" that Venezuela was going through, then engulfed in a wave of anti-government protests that left more than 120 people dead. Just a day after these statements, Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, warned Trump that the oil country would respond with "rifles in New York" and take over the White House in the event of a US military invasion. Maduro rejects the intervention The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated his rejection of a military intervention by the United States and asked the Armed Forces not to "lower their guard for a second" to defend the "right" of the South American country to "live in peace" . "When I made this complaint last year, they immediately went to disprove me in the US government. Today is a confirmation," said Maduro, recalling that he rejected it at the time.
  3. Askor lml

    Need Help

    First what you should do is open 2 ts3 Then press Ctrl + S As you can see in the image, each name must be different from the other But remember! You should not abuse placing so many accounts in ts3 If you still can not join do this: reboot your pc or close the speak3 team and open it again if your problem is not solved: remove teamspeak3 and download it again I hope I have been helpful Greetings Askor
  4. Welcome ! Please read the rules to avoid penalties ? Click here :)
  5. Good morning I hope you have a great day ?❤️ 

  6. Good evening guys have a good time tonight  ?❤️

  7. Correa does not appear before the National Court of Justice in Quito on Monday after having linked him to the kidnapping case of the former Balda, who has denounced him. An Ecuadorian judge will ask Interpol for the arrest and extradition of former president Rafael Correa, after not being presented this Monday before the National Court of Justice in Quito, as a precautionary measure after being linked by the prosecutor to the case of attempted kidnapping of the former ruler. Fernando Balda Judge Daniella Camacho accepted the request of the State's Attorney General, Paúl Pérez, and ordered her preventive detention, for investigative purposes, in addition to a request to Interpol to locate Correa, who lives in Belgium with his family since the year past, for extradition purposes. On June 18, Camacho ordered Correa to appear this July 2 before the Secretariat of the National Court of Justice and dismissed the request of the defense to do so at the embassy of Ecuador in Belgium. Balda, whistleblower against Correa, during the hearing. Correa, on Monday, covered by his lawyers under diplomatic regulations, appeared before the diplomatic legation in Brussels and immediately the complainant, Balda, requested his preventive detention, also supported by the Prosecutor's Office for having disregarded an express order from the judge. In what is his first reaction to the decision, Correa recalled on Tuesday a Twitter message of November 10, 2017 in which Balda advanced his arrest. Correa did not appear before the National Court of Justice in Quito on Monday after having linked him to the kidnapping case of the former Balda, who has denounced him. "Balda already announced in November that there were legal proceedings that would order me to capture Interpol, I guess or part of a plot, make your bets, in the next few hours I'll send a video through networks, until the victory always!" said the former president in a message on the same social network. In a previous message, he had already denounced the supposed "outrage" committed by the justice system, by a "fiscal hand-picked", and with a "connection without any evidence". "Do you know how successful this farce is going to be at the international level? Do not worry, it's all just a matter of time, we will win!" He wrote when he sensed the outcome at the Court.
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  9. Good evening to all ❤️

  10. The Mexican president-elect and American leader talking on the phone on Monday to analyze "a comprehensive agreement" that supports the development of Mexico and reduces migration. The winner of the Mexican elections, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on Monday held a telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump, in which he spoke of promoting development in Mexico to reduce migration to the United States. "I received a call from Donald Trump and we talked for half an hour, and I proposed to explore a comprehensive agreement on development projects that generate jobs in Mexico, and thereby reduce migration and improve security," Lopez Obrador reported on Twitter. In this same message, the leftist leader also stressed that Trump and he maintained a "respectful treatment" and stressed that the door has been opened for the "dialogue of our representatives." López Obrador reported this conversation with Trump minutes after he explained that he had spoken with the Mexican President-elect about the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the possibility of a "separate agreement" between the two countries. . "We had a great conversation, about half an hour in length, we talked about border security, we talked about trade, we talked about NAFTA - NAFTA English phrases - and about a separate agreement, only between Mexico and the United States," Trump said. . Trump also predicted that he will have a "very good relationship" with López Obrador, who will help him with his immigration priorities. The New York mogul was one of the first regional leaders to congratulate López Obrador for his electoral victory. "I'm looking forward to working with him, there's still a lot to do for the benefit of both the United States and Mexico!" He wrote on Twitter. The tension between Washington and Mexico City has increased since Trump's arrival at the White House for his plan to build a wall on the border between the two countries to curb illegal immigration, arms and drug trafficking and even " terrorism". Meeting with Peña Nieto The outgoing president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, and his successor, the leftist leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will meet this Tuesday in Los Pinos to begin work on the transition process in order to be "orderly and efficient".
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  12. It is the first time that a leftist candidate wins the presidential elections. Although the count has not ended, the electoral Authority and the rest of the candidates have recognized their victory. The National Electoral Institute (INE) of Mexico has confirmed this Sunday at the last minute the victory of the leftist candidate for the Presidency of the country, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has won at least 53% of the votes, according to the data of the Rapid count after the presidential elections held this Sunday. It is the first time that a leftist candidate wins the presidential elections. López Obrador has achieved victory with 53.5% of the votes, according to the provisional results with 36.1% of the minutes counted. In second place, the candidate of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Ricardo Anaya, obtained between 22.95% of the votes. In third place would be the candidate of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), José Antonio Meade, who achieved between 15.07%. In last place is the independent candidate Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, the Bronco, with 5.73% of the votes. The percentage of participation was between 62.9 and 63.8%. These data were taken from the records of some 7,700 polling stations of the nearly 157,000 that were installed throughout the country. However, these do not constitute the final results of the electoral contest, which will not be announced officially until Wednesday, July 4. More than 89 million Mexicans were called to the polls this Sunday to renew 3,400 positions, making these elections the largest in the history of the country. In addition to the president, 128 senators, 500 deputies, eight governors and the head of government of Mexico City were elected, in addition to thousands of local offices. Both the electoral authority and the rest of the candidates have recognized the victory of López Obrador. The third was the defeat, after his defeats in a presidential election in 2006 and 2012, which he attributed to electoral fraud. In his first speech from the Plaza de la Constitución in Mexico City, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 64, has promised to "banish corruption" and eradicate impunity. López Obrador has explained that the "new project of the nation seeks to establish an authentic democracy" and has assured that it has no intention of "building an open or covert dictatorship." In addition, he stressed that give greater preference to the "most humble and forgotten, especially indigenous peoples."
  13. I will be absent 2 weeks I have family problems

    It will only be 2 weeks I hope you are taken care of ?

    1. [N]audy


      feo te extrañare vuelve pronto cuando puedas te llegas ts3 :(

    2. #Mr.SekA


      Good luck brooo , be carefull its your family .

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  15. Welcome back ! ??
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  18. New avatar Designed by @_Wolfine_

    Thank you ugly ❤️ 


    1. G R 4 V E N ⵣ
    2. -Garrix


      hh np bro por ti ❤️ haha

  19. Corruption and violence are the axis of some elections that could overturn Mexican politics. Mexico celebrates a historic presidential election on Sunday because for the first time in decades they could give the key to the Palacio de los Pinos on the left, thanks to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a veteran of Mexican politics who, according to all the surveys of the last year , has no rival at the polls. The latest polls give almost 50% of the vote, a figure that guarantees victory in an electoral system that is only one round. However, López Obrador knows well that forecasts, however tight they may be, may not be met. In 2006 he already tried to reach the presidency in a poll that escaped him by a handful of votes. Six years later he tried again. Again he stayed in second place, behind Enrique Peña Nieto. In his third attempt, López Obrador competes with a leftist coalition, led by the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) and also formed by the Labor and Social Encounter Party, under the name Together We Will Do History. The Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) is the only one capable of harming him. This formation of the left has opted to join the coalition led by Ricardo Anaya, in which his party, the PAN, and Movimiento Ciudadano, both conservatives, and the PRD itself coexist. Anaya figures as second in all the polls with around 25% of the electoral preferences. The third in discord is José Antonio Meade, he is the candidate of the PRI. Your options, with around 20% of the votes, are scarce. First leftist president in decades If these forecasts are confirmed, López Obrador would become Mexico's first leftist president in decades. "It will be a peaceful, orderly but profound revolution, I would say radical," he declared at the end of the electoral campaign, held on Wednesday night. On the social side, it has promised to freeze fuel prices, set limits for the prices of agricultural products and increase salaries, pensions and scholarships. Violent campaign Mexico has closed its bloodiest election campaign, with some 130 politicians murdered, including five members of MORENA, López Obrador's party, who were shot dead in a rural area of Oaxaca earlier this week. One of the causes of this wave of violence is that this Sunday Mexicans will not only elect a new head of state, they will also renew about 3,400 public positions, including mayors, governors, deputies and senators, lower levels where the ties between politics and organized crime are even narrower.
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    @kikeShitoo te vi feo ? 

    1. kikeShitoo
    2. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      xdxdxd estoy viendo muertos :v

  23. Welcome ! ??
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