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Askor lml

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Everything posted by Askor lml

  1. <13:25:42> "[xLGx] xLGx": askor es un amor pero de espalda


     hhh que tengo en la espalda :V?

  2. Both have proposed that migrants between the countries of the EU block be unloaded to those who are entitled to asylum and returned to the countries of origin to those that do not. The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, has proposed this Saturday to create "closed" centers within the European Union in which migrants rescued at sea are disembarked and from which they are distributed among the countries of the EU block to those who are entitled to asylum and return to countries of origin to those that do not. "It consists of the simple principle of disembarkation in the safest and closest port, but once landed on European soil, we are in favor of setting up closed centers in accordance with the United Nations and financed by European funds," explained Macron at a press in the Elysee after meeting with the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. It is a question of affirming a "different but complementary" idea to the initiative to create migrant centers outside the community block, which will be discussed by European leaders at their meeting this Sunday and next Thursday. Macron has also detailed that in these centers will proceed "quickly" each case to determine if they have the right to asylum. In the first case, it has appealed to "European solidarity" so that "each country welcomes in an organized manner" those people who have the right to international protection and "accompany" their country of origin to those who do not. This proposal has received the support of the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. "We support, of course, the proposal that France and Spain make to Italy to resolve the issue of the ship that is now on the Italian coast," he said, referring to Lifeline's boat. This proposal has received the support of the Prime Minister Spanish, Pedro Sánchez. "We support, of course, the proposal made jointly by France and Spain to Italy to resolve the issue of the ship that is now on the Italian coast," he said, referring to Lifeline's ship.
  3. Well my ThunderZm people will take a break after 4 months without fail and now I will retire for a while from the servers I will still be in ts3 and in the forum if they want to contact me ?

    1. El L0rd

      El L0rd


  4. The Turkish president Erdogan leads the polls of the elections this weekend, but the opposition is more united than ever and if there is a second round they would support the other candidate. The presidential elections in Turkey that were due to be held in November 2019 and that last April the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, advanced to June 24, 2018 are already here and are presented as one of the most decisive of his long career . The Turkish president has not lost a single election since his Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in November 2002. However, the elections this weekend may jeopardize his continuity in office. The devaluation of the currency and the consequent deceleration of the Turkish economy and the increase in the po[CENSORED]rity of an opposition that is more united and strengthened than ever can frustrate their desire to remain 5 years in power and enjoy broad executive powers that they will come into force after the elections. Strong fall of the Turkish lira The Turkish lira does not go through its best moment and for two years it has only devalued. Proof of this is the 15% loss of value against the euro and the dollar since the beginning of the year. Although Erdogan leads the polls, the victory in the first round is far from assured. The Republican People's Party (CHP), the main opposition party in Turkey, and three other formations (the new center-right IYI formation, the moderate Islamist Saadet and the conservative liberal Democratic Party) have agreed on an alliance for the elections. This is the first coalition created in recent years that brings together much of the opposition, but left the leftist and pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP), third in the Turkish Parliament with 59 seats. For its part, the Erdogan party has established an electoral alliance with the Nationalist Action Party (MHP) and the polls give them around 40% of the votes in the legislative elections. In case of having to go to a second round, the situation would get even more interesting, because the parties that have formed a coalition have agreed to support the candidate who is not Erdogan, whoever he is. (*) Imanol Butron Alonso, graduated in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), is a student of the EiTB-EHU Multimedia Communication Master in eitb.eus.
  5. Hello, To solve your problem you must format your computer, this is because your computer has many viruses Check your RAM You also have the option to change your hard drive, you must remove all those malicious documents I hope this helps you solve your problem Greetings Askor
  6. Askor lml


    Hello, all members are allowed to upload photos of a size of 200kb If you want that image upload any image you want on this page imgur.com here you can upload your image you want to put in the forum Try this: 1.- Log in to https://imgur.com/upload 2.-Look for the image that you give 3.-Then Press Right Click on the image and search for '' Copy Image Address '' and paste it in the forum and you're done I hope it has been helpfull Greetings Askor
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Wittels-


      Uffff de pana ?

    3. FireCell*


      Buenos mal que yo soy bien millonario JAJAJAJAJAJ 

    4. -Garrix


      Mano ya no se puede ni beber bien , njd mald*** gobierno de mier**


  7. Hello, This problem is because you have your internet slow Restart your mode wait 10 seconds and turn it on again It may also be that the password that is entering this erronea speak with the owner of the server to pass the new password Greetings Askor
  8. It is a measure to try to cope with the country's strong inflation. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has announced on Wednesday that he will triple the minimum wage in Venezuela in order to counteract what he has termed as an economic war by opponents and businessmen. "The first elements of the economic program include the protection of income, so I am going to decree the increase of the minimum wage to 3 million bolivars," the Venezuelan leader said during a public ceremony. According to Maduro, the measure - applicable to all salary tables - will take effect immediately to face the high inflation that hits the Latin American country. One day after the National Constituent Assembly appointed Calixto Ortega as the new governor of the Central Bank of Venezuela, the president has indicated that the country will "stabilize and balance" its economy. "We will achieve it," he asserted. The Venezuelan opposition has accused Maduro of being the main responsible for the serious economic crisis in the country. The leader, for his part, has asserted that he is the victim of an "economic war" waged by opposition politicians and businessmen with price speculation whose objective is to achieve his exit from power.
  9. Feliz Cumpleaños @#Wittels- me das torta feo ?
  10. Welcome back ! ??
  11. It will be the first country of the G-7 to authorize the recreational use of this drug and the second in the world after Uruguay The consumption and cultivation of marijuana will be legal in Canada as of October 17, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday in the House of Commons in Ottawa. Canada will thus become the first country of the G-7 to authorize the recreational use of this drug and the second in the world after Uruguay. Trudeau made the announcement after the two Houses of Parliament approved this week the liberal government bill.
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  14. designed by @#Wittels- gracias feo ?


    1. #Wittels-


      hahaha de nada feo :v

    2. [N]audy


      que feos los 3 :v cara de susto tienen en la signature heheheheehheheheheheheheheh

    3. #Wittels-


      jajajajajajajaja :v

  15. Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron have also agreed to prevent immigrants from seeking asylum in different countries. They can only do so in the country of entry. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron today announced a joint proposal to tackle the migration crisis that includes strengthening the EU's external borders and preventing immigrants from seeking asylum in different countries, but only in the State of entry. The German chancellor has presented this common plan in a joint appearance with the French president in Meseberg, on the outskirts of Berlin, in a joint session of both executives to prepare the summit of European leaders at the end of the month, where the migratory crisis is one of the main issues on the agenda. Merkel has expressed its willingness to support the proposal of the European Commission and Austria to strengthen the EU border protection agency, Frontex, with more staff and to prevent what is called "secondary migration" between countries of the bloc in search of the place more convenient to ask for legal protection while moving towards a standardization of asylum criteria. The French president, meanwhile, has also advocated defining a "European response" to the "challenge of immigration" and asked to be "coordinated", after holding the meeting with Merkel. The head of the German government has stressed that "you can not choose the country" of the EU in which asylum is requested and that the State of entry must be responsible for managing this demand, including in the Franco-German proposal a claim of his allies in the Berlin Executive, the Bavarian conservatives of the Social Christian Union (CSU). In addition, he pointed out that "greater support" has to be offered to countries that suffer more intensely the migratory pressure, in a clear reference to the countries of the south of the EU after meeting yesterday afternoon with the prime minister Italian, Guiseppe Conte. Agreement for the reform of the eurozone On the other hand, the Chancellor of Germany has also announced that she has reached a "good solution" with the President of France for the reform of the eurozone that includes a common budget for the bloc and the conversion of the rescue fund into a European version of the IMF The budget for the eurozone will be "parallel" to the European Union (EU) multi-annual framework and will have the "convergence" between countries as an objective, while the development of the rescue fund - called the European Stability Mechanism, ESM - will be used to provide to the eurozone of an "extra instrument" to improve its "stability" and face "liquidity problems". The ESM will evolve, therefore, "in the direction of the IMF," said the chancellor, which in this way achieves that one of the demands of Berlin is consolidated in the final proposal of the Franco-German axis to present the other partners at the summit. from the end of June. The budget of the eurozone, which was a French claim to which Berlin has finally agreed, will serve to bring the countries that share the common currency economically, because, according to the chancellor, "convergence in the eurozone is not enough " "We will work with the European partners to establish the details (of the Eurozone reform), we have a draft for the eurozone of the future, it is really a good thing," Merkel added. Macron has confirmed the agreement and has stated that the objective is to be ready in the framework of the next financial perspectives of the EU, in the horizon of 2021. "We want to address the rhythms with the other partners," the French president has acknowledged in this aspect of the eurozone budget, which he said has the "objective of (achieving) convergence" within the euro zone.
  16. Askor lml

    Need help..

    Hello, Watch this video and your problem will be solved Greetings Askor
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  18. Welcome back ! ??
  19. without internet all day ?

    1. Strix


      so sad... please only sad reacts only

    2. Askor lml
  20. The urugist Duque has obtained more votes than the candidate of the left, Gustavo Petro. There has been an abstention of 50.8% of the voters. The conservative candidate, Ivan Duque, has been elected president of Colombia with 54.28% of the votes, compared to 41.54% of votes obtained by the progressive candidate, Gustavo Petro, according to data corresponding to 93.26% of the vote. . Specifically, Duque has achieved 9,673,022 votes, compared to 7,402,594 votes of Petro, according to data from the National Electoral Council of Colombia (CNE). In addition, a 50.81% abstention rate and 743,926 blank votes have been recorded. After knowing the results, Duque said that with his victory this Sunday comes to power "a new generation" and stressed that govern with the intention of uniting the country. "With humility and with honor I want to tell the Colombian people that I will give all my energies to unite our country: no more divisions, let's think of a country with all and for all," said Duque in a speech before his supporters in Bogotá . Therefore, he stressed that for him tonight "there are no defeated citizens", since he wants to be the president of all Colombians, those who voted for him, those who did not and those who opted for blank suffrage . The polls opened at 8:00 am (3:00 p.m. in Euskadi) and closed at 4:00 p.m. (11:00 p.m. in Euskadi). The Ministry of the Interior has stressed that "no security problems have arisen" during the voting day, although the Immediate Reception Unit for Electoral Transparency has pointed out that 404 complaints of irregularities have been registered until 3:00 p.m. The progressive candidate to the elections of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, has recognized this Sunday his defeat in the second round of the presidential elections, which have given the victory to the conservative Iván Duque, with 54% of the votes. "What a defeat, eight million Colombians and free Colombians standing up, there is no defeat, for now we will not be a government," Petro said in his personal Twitter account. On the other hand, former President Juan Manuel Santos has congratulated Duque by telephone as he has announced through his Twiiter account, while offering him "all the government's collaboration to make an orderly and quiet transition."
  21. Welcome back ! ??
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