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Everything posted by #FIGHTER.

  1. thanks youu for ........

     you know :P

    1. [N]audy


      np my love.

  2. new Avatar And Cover.

  3. <12:13:15> "#Lunix Boss server": saian
    <12:13:16> "#Lunix Boss server": see
    <12:13:17> "#Lunix Boss server":

    @Lunix ???

  4. who love gread V.I.P

    This time for the best be it.

    goodluck to All.

  5. This is not easy to make such a picture you practice design and watching lessons so you can make a wonderful work. T/C.
  6. 101 Pontis ?

  7. 0 Points ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. #FIGHTER.



      you want see !

      Come in a special place

      So no one sees ???

    3. Nadeem-


      Down your jeans and watch 1 back Til ? 


    4. G R 4 V E N ⵣ
  8. v1 : @GUCCI™ 1Vote's v2 : #Bored. 11Vote's V2 Winner #Bored. Topic Closed.
  9. Start Vote. v1 : v2 : Goodluck.
  10. Name of the oponent: @GUCCI™ Theme of work: https://imgur.com/a/F6MA8Jf Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150*250 *Text: Love Watermark: csbd - csblackdevil - www.csblackdevil.com Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ) 8 Working time: 12
  11. no problem come pm.
  12. I hate someone ?!

  13. v1 : @Flenn. 7 Votes // v2 : @#Bored. 4 Votes The Winner is v1 Flenn. T/C
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