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Everything posted by Huseyn[IBN]Hasan



  2. i dont like kids 12-15 old year if you want frends me 18+ i am oldschool men what talking about you canin cehenneme dostum ? 

  3. salam aleykum bro how are you ? ❤️ burada cok olamiyorum sen benim kardesimsin kendine iyi bak

    1. Sinan.47


      Eyw kardeşim ❤️?

    2. PranKk.


      Aleykum salam. Ben chok chok sevi yorum. Sen varmu para?

    3. Sinan.47
  4. Where are you from ? ? ? 

  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Congratulations for new grade here

  9. @JaEgArN BANNED REASON DESTROY NEWLIFEZM <- HE IS OWNER NEWLIFEZM JOIN ADMIN NICKNAME AND DESTROY BANNED PLAYERS.... AFTER HE IS HACKER JOINED @Viking 007 NICK NAME AND BANNED ALL PLAYERS , BUT ITS FAKE VIKING , VIKING SO GOOD OWNER MANAGER.... AND TODAY I DONT KNOW WHO JOINED MY  NICKNAME @Huseyn[IBN]Hasan  BANNED ALL ADMINS PLAYERS BUT MAYBE ITS OWNER FOR DONT KNOW OTHER MEN MY PASSWORD ONLY OWNER KNOWS ... MAYBE TODAY BANNED AGAIN OWNER PERMANANETLY IN FORUM SO BAD GAME ITS NO HACKER OWNER BUT DONT KNOW WHO OWNER @Mr.Love You So Good Adminstrator in FOrum Please help The Problem and Banned He Owner Who Hacker Join Other Admin Nickname ... I Dont Want Admin Acsess Now I Want Who is He 100% He is Owner see @JaEgArN  Destroying Newlifezm he is owner in here idk its just game but i dont want play i am no kid !!!! NO HACKER ITS OWNER !!!!!! and @Solito/Im Alone you dont fightnig me !!! if you want removed go removed idk maybe you hacker ! @Ard!  only i believe you and @Viking 007  so good manager we my frends always !


    Score: 2227 
    Minutes Played: 10422 
    Score per Minute: 0.2 
    Rank on Server: #207 out of 13480   Me Always Good Admin but we wrong for me its so bad i hate the owner for dont help me this is problem but just wait banned you hacker=owner !!!... end my newlife carier !!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. FoReIgNeR



      PRICE FOR UNBAN: 550 euros

    3. Pop-Corn


      I. Think you people have misconceptions about jaegarn he did not destroy newlife .....I guarantee that might be some other hacker but it's not done by jaegarn so you should unban him for free give him back owner.... ? 


    4. Pop-Corn


      I. Think you people have misconceptions about jaegarn he did not destroy newlife .....I guarantee that might be some other hacker but it's not done by jaegarn so you should unban him for free give him back owner.... ? 

      And for a fact about 5-6 months ago Sv was not active it had like 5-6 player online at one time and see now it's 32/32 ..This can be done by good management and he did that.. ....  

  10. WHO JOIN MY NICKNAME AND BANNED ALL ? WTF I AM SO ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!! ONLY WHO KNOW MY PASSWORD OWNERS NOT OTHER ! OR HACKER? I DONT KNOW HACKER WHY JOIN ME ONLY ME WHY !!!!!!!!!! ? ?????? @Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA) @Viking 007 @Ard! @KoLiKoV please say me who is he join my nickname i am so angry i am no kids .... !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. |FOUNDER|


      friend its a serious matter talk about your new pw with owners

    3. ogard


      i dont know who...u must pm owner to change u pw

      i was there when that happen.

      this hack use anti ban

      even estoy cant ban or destroy him...he is good as hacker

    4. NuTeLIA


      see u in blacklist kid

  11. Your name: Huseyn[IBN]Hasan Claimed Admin name: TRASH Date and time:09.12.2018 / 17:10 Reason of complaint: REKLAM OTHER SERVER IP Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://ibb.co/2PZzJwh
  12. Contra
  13. Contra Bad Activity
  14. Pro
  15. Pro
  16. ¤ Your Nickname: Huseyn[IBN]Hasan ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: Instagram @huseynabdullayev_ ¤ Age(you must have or higher than 14 years): 22 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: English,Russian,Turkish ¤ Your Location: Baku Azerbaijan ¤ Experience As Admin: 3 Year ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): All Time ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname https://www.gametracker.com/player/Huseyn[IBN]Hasan/ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: just want help players and server ¤ Password [Required - Read The Rules] :4861nlzm2018
  17. NewLifeZM Closed ?? ?

    1. bolfosu


      It's hacked now closed ?

    2. Huseyn[IBN]Hasan


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