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Everything posted by X A V I

  1. 99 FOLLOWERS :D

    1. Timm-


      dont post status like this 

      you lose 7 followers for 1 min

    2. #Farouk Messi

      #Farouk Messi

      ahha 92 fellowers

      ~ Xavi ~™


    3. X A V I
  2. Rank Server ROYALZM 4 :) 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InfiNitY-™


      We will work, we will not stop at that point, our duty is to be rank 1
      With hard work everything comes true

      Really our team is amazing,
      I cant mention because all the staff worked 
      You want to know who worked at royalzm? http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/242153-♔-╬-★-staff-★-royalzm-★-╬-♔/

    3. AFROJACK™


      King of dark i would like you here too soo if you want to be part of me again we have place

    4. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      mr.twins thanks for this  other chance but before any thing i was from guys here back rerank of this server 

      and i will agree and i can any grade which you gave me bcz i play in royalzm every day bcz he have best addons here :)

      and welcome back again 

  3. Good bye Ramadan Kareem
  4. Sa7 s7orkam  Guys  :white-heart-facebook-emoticon::white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  5. V3 Text
  6. v1 , text , blur
  7. Welcome To CSBD have enjoy
  8. s7a s7wrak -_- 

    1. #Farouk Messi

      #Farouk Messi

      allah isalmek , mais mazal matsa7zartech w mziya fakaretni 9abel ma ifotni wa9to :)

    2. X A V I

      X A V I

      héhéhéhhéh ;)

  9. V1 Text & C4D & Effect
  10. v2 blur, and text
  11. v1 text and color
  12. Welcome To CSBD ! Enjoy & Have Fn
  13. -Nick : ~ Xavi ~ -Real Name : #FerhaT Kada -Your Birthday : 08-05-2000
  14. V2 blur -text
  15. Welcome to CsBlackDevil ! Enjoy.
  16. Welcome to csbd
  17. V1,Blur
  18. Welcome To CSBD ! Enjoy & Have Fun


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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