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  1. As I see, I explain the reason for the gag and you are famous for asking for many packs, if you don't want to be given Gag for a long time, avoid asking for these things. Rejected.
  2. There is a war currently between hard drive manufacturers, who also own most of the SSD companies. But although they compete in two sectors, the traditional HDD knows that it has lost the performance war and therefore approaches it from capacity. Because of this, all manufacturers are immersed in increasing densities, since whoever arrives first takes the huge cake represented by servers and consumer PCs. Seagate will hit first, as 30TB is closer. If there is a company that is strongly committed to HAMR, it is Seagate. While others are looking for the path they consider most optimal, the company not only already has its 20 TB HDDs in the hands of many companies with this technology, but also intends to advance before the others with the second generation based on HAMR. Increasing density without compromising reliability, impossible task? HAMR It does not seem like it, at least not according to the statements of Gianluca Romano, Seagate's CFO, who has expressed at the 2021 Citi Global Technology Virtual Conference where he wants to go to stop his company: We have a 20 terabyte HAMR HDD that we started selling in December of last year. That is a small capacity unit for that new technology, so now we are increasing production volume, although we are only producing enough that we can sell to our main customers to get familiar with these new HDDs, with their new technology. In the meantime, we are developing our second generation HAMR unit which will probably be around 30 terabytes. This would be a direct hit to WD, its biggest rival, as its HDDs currently get a density of roughly 1,116 TB per inch. The company's previous demos leave this figure behind and by a long shot, since, in theory, Seagate would be able to currently deploy around 2.7 TB / inch. Seagate 30 TB: your plans with second generation HAMR seagate-hamr-illustration_story If this were not enough, the company's road map will leave the rest of the competitors, Toshiba included, in diapers. Gianluca Romano assures that at the end of the fiscal year 2025 (approximately half of the year) his company will have 50 TB hard drives on the market, so what was stated before for 30 TB could arrive approximately at some point in 2023. But there is more, since he assures that in 2030 they will reach the density of 6 TB per inch to make a total of 100 TB per HDD manufactured in 3.5-inch format. We are talking about figures that currently surpass anything seen so far, and that leave the current 18 TB with PMR and TDMR far behind. The question is when will they hit the market? And above all, when will we have similar capabilities on our PCs or NAS? Romano did not disclose these data, but they will first reach large companies in the cloud due to their higher profitability and volume, so it is to be expected that a few years later we will end up seeing them on store shelves, without a specific date of course. In any case, these 30 TB from Seagate are the first step for everything that awaits us.
  3. The Venezuelan ambassador to Peru, Carlos Scull, affirmed that the solution to the migratory crisis in his country involves political change in Venezuela. He explained that once democracy is re-established, Venezuelans who wish to do so will be able to return to "a country of peace and progress." “Peru is the second country, after Colombia, with the most Venezuelan migration. According to UN reports, 6 million people have left the country, it is the second largest in the world after Syria. Part of the solution, the beginning of the end of the crisis, is the political change in Venezuela so that there is a transition towards democracy and the Venezuelans who wish to can return to a country of peace and progress, ”he told TV Peru. Along these lines, the diplomat highlighted the negotiations between the administration of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition, which have been taking place in Mexico. He pointed out that both Peru and the international community must ensure that these agreements are fulfilled and that a free and democratic election is carried out in their country. “Peru is a very supportive country, it continues to support the efforts in Mexico, it is important that Peru and the international community are vigilant that the agreements are fulfilled. We hope they continue to be vigilant with the human rights situation, we are talking about 300 political prisoners, many of them are tortured in Venezuela. It is important that it is monitored and that the community helps us to have free elections and a transition towards democracy, ”he added. C07-carlos-scull null null -Meeting between Castillo and Maduro- Last Tuesday night, Nicolás Maduro confirmed that he had a conversation with Pedro Castillo in Mexico, but the Presidency of the Republic did not report on it. The message was broadcast by the Venezuelan television network (VTV). ADVERTISING “We have 42 thousand Venezuelans registered to return from Peru and we have agreed to coordinate at the level of Governments, from Peru, Pedro Castillo, and from Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, for a plan to return to the massive Venezuelan homeland, we put the planes and we are going to seek support from UNHCR and other international organizations for that plan, because they want to return, ”Maduro told his country's state television network. "We spoke with the president of Peru about an interest that we have to buy agricultural products, Peruvian industry, to reactivate commerce, we need to buy products for Venezuelan industry, we had a good conversation with President Pedro Castillo", added. Link: https://gestion.pe/peru/politica/solucion-a-la-crisis-migratoria-requiere-cambio-politico-en-venezuela-dice-su-embajador-en-peru-nndc-noticia/
  4. How likely are you to meet a bee with male and female characteristics? The answer is simple: practically impossible, also considering the difficulties that an expert in these insects would have to face to detect the difference. However, researchers from the National Institute of Biodiversity of Ecuador (INABIO) and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA, Manaus, Brazil) reported the first case of gynandromorphism - when an organism contains both male and female characteristics - in the bee of the orchids (Eulaema meriana), found in the province of Los Ríos, in the Costa region of Ecuador. “What we found is a fortuitous event among millions. Of the nearly 20,000 known species of bees, only one or two cases have been found in 150 species. We are talking about a probability of 0.7% ”, comments entomologist Alex Pazmiño-Palomino, technician and head of INABIO's entomology collection. Pazmiño-Palomino is one of the authors of the scientific article where the particular finding and all the characteristics of the so-called "androgynous bee" are described. Mongabay Latam spoke with the scientist not only about this case but also about the situation of bees in Ecuador and the enormous challenges faced by biologists who decide to dedicate themselves to the study of insects. Researcher Alex Pazmiño-Palomino examining the androgynous bee discovered in Ecuador. Photo: Private archive. Researcher Alex Pazmiño-Palomino examining the androgynous bee discovered in Ecuador. Photo: Private archive. Read more | Colombia: the palm that invaded the ancestral Sikuani territory in Vichada How common are androgynous bee cases? Alex Pazmiño-Palomino (A.P.P.): It's tremendously rare. In Apis mellifera is where more cases have been reported because it is the most common and domesticated bee. In wild bees it is very difficult to find these situations. For example, on the island of Barro Colorado, in Panama, the Smithsonian Institute has been working with a species of bee for about 20 years to study its social behavior and there they have only found two cases. Why does gynandromorphism occur in bees? A.P.P .: The exact reason is not known but the main hypothesis is that, in fertilization, the eggs can be fertilized by several sperm with different chromosomal load and both sexes develop in the same individual. In the bee that we identify, the differences between females and males are quite visible. Does this genetic characteristic occur in other insects? A.P.P .: Yes, it has been found in butterflies and not only in insects, cases have even been detected in crustaceans and birds. Is this the first case of gynandromorphism in this species of bee? A.P.P .: This bee (Eulaema meriana) has a wide distribution in Central and South America, the only case that has been found so far is that of Ecuador. The species belongs to the group of orchid bees, in other species of this group seven more cases have been found. Link: https://elcomercio.pe/tecnologia/ecologia/descubren-la-primera-abeja-androgina-de-ecuador-entrevista-noticia/
  5. 09/23/2021 To date, a total of 534 cases of the delta variant of covid-19 have been identified in Peru, Health Minister Hernando Cevallos reported today from the Loreto region where he arrived to supervise the day of vaccination against this disease. He provided this figure prior to visiting the Indiana district where vaccination supervision is scheduled for members of the Palmera II - Yagua community, as well as verification of the status and needs of the Indiana and Mazán health facilities. "What we now see is an increase in cases of the delta variant. Less than three weeks ago we had 40 cases, and now we have 534 cases and it has become the predominant variant in Peru with more than 54% of cases of detected variants. ", he indicated. Third wave Given this, the head of the Health sector launched an early warning and indicated that "we cannot rule out that in two or three weeks we may already have a clear entry into a third wave." "We are at a stage where it allows us to advance as quickly as we can in vaccination and take precautions against this third wave," said Minister Hernando Cevallos. In that sense, he specified that the Minsa continues to work under its new strategy "Let's go to your meeting, get vaccinated now!", Which consists of bringing the vaccination process closer to citizens, through the active search for people with the first or second dose of the pending vucuna to close the gap of the non-inoculated. "We are going to continue lowering the age range according to the arrival of vaccines to the country. We need to close gaps, we cannot continue lowering the age if we are still older than 23 years where the vaccination percentages are not what we would like. Our goal is that before the end of the year we have the entire target po[CENSORED]tion vaccinated, "said the minister. According to the National Repository of Health Information (Reunis) of the Minsa, until 6:00 p.m. on September 22, a total of 24 million 443,032 doses have been applied in Peru, of which 9 million 647,785 correspond to second dose, which represents 34% of the target po[CENSORED]tion to be vaccinated. Link: https://elperuano.pe/noticia/129706-ministro-cevallos-tenemos-534-casos-de-la-variante-delta-y-es-la-predominante-en-el-peru
  6. Rejected. First look at the rules of each section that I see that you do not respect and avoid spam, or I send you a warning in your profile
  7. NEWLIFEZM #4life
    Connect and try

  8. Contra no seas pendejo y sabes perfectamente que debes hacer actividad todos los días mininos 2 horas por día xd
  9. PRO, good activity, please more play in server...
  10. Thanks for your proposal on our server, but unfortunately it would not help the server much, the nemesis normally must use 2 jumps to kill quickly and what Jetpack and tryder use, is a consequence for the Nemesis or Assassin. Rejected.
  11. There is no doubt that the use of advanced packaging systems that go further is marking the future in the semiconductor market. That is why it should not surprise us that patents appear on new hardware designs that make use of this new paradigm, as is the case with the 3DIC GPU recently patented by NVIDIA. One of the problems that exist with a view to scaling future GPUs is the fact that they are getting bigger and bigger and to reach certain performance levels it is necessary to exceed the limits of the grid that can be achieved by manufacturing the GPU on a single chip. Hence, the future is in the form of chiplets and they are already in finished designs and suddenly their launch in the HPC market as is the case of the AMD Instinct MI200 or the Intel Ponte Vecchio. Well, NVIDIA has published a patent where it goes further, since instead of promoting a graphics processor divided into several interconnected chips to function as a joint block, in this case said division is maintained, but we are talking about these being found vertically interconnected making pathways through silicon, so we can say that NVIDIA has patented a 3DIC GPU. What does the NVIDIA 3DIC GPU patent say? NVIDIA 3DIC TSV Dual GPU Patent Under the title FACE-TO-FACE DIES WITH ENHANCED POWER DELIVERY USING EXTENDED TSVS is the NVIDIA patent in which they speak of a multiple GPU composed of two chips, which are connected one above the other, but are placed in such that the one at the base would be placed face up, while its partner is in the reverse position and therefore face down. Most secure to connect the latest level caches of both graphics chips. The reason is that the LLC is crucial so that both GPUs can not only work together as one without problems of latency in their communication and internal bandwidth, but also to ensure that they can share a common VRAM pool. SoIC packaged The interconnection in the 3DIC GPU would be done by making use of the paths through silicon, which vertically cross the structure of both chips to communicate with each other. So we are talking about a structure very similar to the Intel Foveros and since NVIDIA is a company that does not manufacture chips then they have to pull a third party and the possibilities for the moment are limited to TSMC since Samsung has not developed a method 3DIC. As a final point we must bear in mind that the fact of placing two processors so close to each other ends up producing thermal drowning problems, so despite the fact that a 3DIC double GPU is a way of doubling the number of units compared to a conventional single-chip design. The proximity of the processors means that you have to choose to lower the clock speed in order to reduce the temperature and consumption.
  12. The Lava Jato special team prosecutors Rafael Vela Barba and José Domingo Pérez traveled to the United States to carry out reserved procedures throughout the week, as well as face-to-face work meetings and coordination. Today, in the legal regulations bulletin of the newspaper El Peruano, the Public Ministry formalized the publication of the resolution that was approved on September 15 last so that the coordinator of the special team and the prosecutor in charge of the investigations related to illicit payments of Odebrecht and other companies in Peru participate in the trip. The detail of the trip indicates that it will take place between September 20 and 24 to Washington D.C. to "carry out proceedings, coordinate and attend work meetings in person, with a reserved nature, within the framework of an investigation process by the Special Prosecutors Team". While these tasks last abroad, the working group of prosecutors will remain in charge of Hernán Mendoza, senior deputy of the Superior Prosecutor's Office, Coordinator of the Special Prosecutor's Team. The Public Ministry has ordered that within a period of 10 calendar days after the termination of the commission of services, Rafael Vela and José Domingo Pérez must submit to the Attorney General's Office a detailed report on the actions they carried out on their trip to Washington, United States. United. Link: https://gestion.pe/peru/politica/fiscales-rafael-vela-y-jose-domingo-perez-viajaron-a-estados-unidos-para-diligencias-reservadas-nndc-noticia/
  13. San Antonio de Pichincha is a town in Ecuador that boasts of being located exactly in the center of the world, through which the equatorial line that divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres passes. It was precisely there that the herpetologist Mauricio Ortega spent a large part of his childhood. "At that time there were not many people living there, there was a lot of forest and, for example, you would find a lizard when lifting any stone." All that environment, added to his childhood passion for National Geographic documentaries and series, led him to study Biology. Years later, in the internships and advanced classes of the career at the Central University of Ecuador, he was part of a student group where he began to work with dung beetles, but then he had the opportunity to be part of a project on amphibians and reptiles, “But nobody wanted to. I remember that there were many people who liked to work with insects, mammals, but nobody wanted to get into herpetology ”. But Ortega did "enter" and since then he has not left that world. In addition, recently he was one of the 33 scientists who worked in the elaboration of the Red List of Amphibians of Ecuador and where he also assumed the coordination of this ambitious project that took about five years. Link: https://elcomercio.pe/tecnologia/ecologia/los-anfibios-estan-entre-los-animales-mas-amenazados-por-el-cambio-climatico-entrevista-a-mauricio-ortega-noticia/
  14. Peru could not take for granted that it will be a key player in the competitive world of copper mining in the future and must take care of legal stability and competitive fiscal conditions, warned the president of BHP Minerals Americas, Rag Udd. During his speech at the Perumin convention, he said that the country, the world's second largest copper producer, can “choose” to play an important role in the supply of the red metal in view of the expected increase in demand in the coming years. “However, this opportunity cannot be taken for granted. It requires competitiveness and stable policies to attract and secure investment, and the right partners to make this investment sustainable in the long term, ”said Udd. The coming to power of the leftist Pedro Castillo raised fears among the large mining companies for his promise to get a bigger slice of the vital sector, although he has yet to propose a way to achieve it since any tax reform would require the approval of Congress. The president has said that the criterion of social profitability will be implemented in which companies generate more development for local po[CENSORED]tions and take care of the environment. “I am pleased to note that the new Peruvian government is thinking strategically in this area. The government concept of ‘Social Profitability’ has the potential to create a positive incentive and create strong long-term partnerships between business and the state, ”he added. BHP participates in Peru in the Antamina copper and zinc deposit, together with Glencore, Teck and Mitsubishi. However, Udd stressed that the extensive investments required in mining depend in part on the competitiveness and stability of the regions where they participate. "With the right conditions - competitive tax conditions and a stable jurisdiction to support long-term investment - these partnerships can become a reality and significant long-term benefits can be realized for all stakeholders," he said. Link: https://gestion.pe/peru/bhp-peru-no-puede-dar-como-segura-oportunidad-de-ser-actor-clave-en-mineria-noticia/
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