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Everything posted by Dark

  1. EN : Whoever reaches number 10 is KING/QUEEN ! the counter will be reset from 1
  2. The poster has to guess who will post the next one ! I'll start @Blexfraptor?
  3. Hello Dear Members, Here you can vote for our server: https://topg.org/cs-servers/server-665499 Note: You will be greatly appreciated if you support our server by 1 vote per day
  4. Upgraded @Dark Back Coordinator, Reason: I will work with the permission of @The GodFather. We will do our best
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. Start Vote!!!


  7. v4 - good effects and text (If the designer can make me one the same but red) xd
  8. Dark


    MAIN RULE THAT WE MUST ALL FOLLOW AND RESPECT: You're not allowed insult anyone, especially the administrators. Camping in zombie mode is prohibited. = 3 slaps after freeze/slay It is prohibited to ask for Ammos Packs/Points, especially when you're an administrator. You cannot disconnect when you are Zombie/Nemesis, etc (Retry Zombie) = Ban 60 Minutes Administrators are prohibited from being a spectator. (Except for managers/owners) You cannot destroy other players' Mines (LM). = slay LM on AFK is NOT allowed. Administrators cannot offer free VIP in public chat or Admins. The human mod has the obligation to hide or will receive slap 3 times (Warning) and if he does not pay attention, he will be given a slay. (If there are 5-6 zombies left you can leave.) You can't use LM in human mods except for Survivor. You can only buy 1 mod and 1 game round per map Everyone should use AFK Binds (To avoid ban in Gametracker) All administrators/Managers must be active in the server category in the forum for any news or meeting. You're not allowed to Cheat/Adversting/Swearing Families = Ban Permanant Note: You must comply with these main rules, and you will be an administrator with excellent behavior and exemplary for the players.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. Join server, Need Admins you interest? contact me


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark


      Depende, si me ayudas en reclutar admin, un rank superior

    3. Ronaldskk.
    4. WiZzArD!
  11. I need 2 designers, if you are interested, talk to me!

  12. Remove @Hawk™ From GFX Designer, Reason: Inactive.
  13. Upgraded @Blexfraptor & @Mr.Daniel From Leaders. Adding @unknown4graphics. From Members.
  14. @Blexfraptor Added to group of Moderators + Project Leader. @Mr.Daniel Added to group of Moderators + Project Leader. Reminder: If you want to upgrade to the next Global Moderator rank, you must enter 2 more project.
  15. Experienced and old school designers if they return will be returned to the rank co-leader and will have a trial for 1-2 weeks, depending on the activity. Leaders will be those who have been with us for a long time with experience and confidence, as a guarantee of their work they will receive a Moderator in the forum as a reward for their effort and their work as a designer in the community. If the leader and the moderator have inactivity for 3-4 days, they will be removed directly. It will not be necessary if you have another project, design activity will be enough for your future Moderator. Idea: That the community is very active in requesting avatars and that they learn to be professional community designers. Authorized by the owner of the community @S e u o n g.
  16. foto mas clara no puedes poner? ctrmr

  17. I need GFX designers, if you are interested, talk to me privately or comment!

  18. Status: Rejected. Reason: Check your profile, you have no activity for you to apply to be a moderator I recommend: Activity here: Journalists: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/104-free-time/ Devil Harmony: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/19894-social-musician/ VRG: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/14024-game-platform/ Note: If you are interested in being a moderator, talk to me privately and I could teach you.
  19. If you know a theme for the community, let me know

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