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Everything posted by Dark

  1. WARNIGHTZM: advertise on the server that we need 1 programmer on the server who knows how to edit and add new weapons etc (you will be paid for it)

  2. WARNIGHTZM: advertise on the server that we need 1 programmer on the server who knows how to edit and add new weapons, skins, modes (will be paid for it).

    1. FNX Magokiler

      FNX Magokiler

      cuanto cobras u.u


    Active administrators are needed on the server, if someone is interested you can apply here:



  4. Activity here please. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/20142-music/
  5. Leyenda thunderzm, te extraño tmr los viejos recuerdos cuando jugábamos, ya son casi 6 años de tu partida wow.. no tengo palabras extraño los viejos amigos que teníamos, solo recuerdos 

  6. WARNIGHTZM: We need administrators on our server, if you are interested you can apply here:


  7. Warnightzm Rank 45.

    Informations: We need new managers on the server (It is mandatory to have WhatsApp and TeamSpeak3) if you are interested, talk to me privately Or @#Wittels- @ALEJANDROPlay @- !el Catire *O* @Ga[M]er @Draeno@TugaCarlos

    1. Ga[M]er


      Opportunity to be a Manager of well active ranked server ❤️ 

    2. TugaCarlos


      Of course, I am available 

  8. Hello, you have activity here and if I see a job well done, I will add you to the project. remember to respect the titles and the model





  9. New Battle DH1 or DH2? what is the best song?



  10. WARNIGHTZM RANK 58!!! Soon we will return to rank 40!!! ❤️ 


    We need a manager, if you are interested, speak privately with the founders and supervisors: @#Wittels- @- !el Catire *O* @Ga[M]er!!

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