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Everything posted by Dark

  1. CONTRA - I saw that sometimes you are active in your projects, you leave and then you return it will be the same as other former moderators (they got their rank and after weeks they leave)
  2. Dark

    Problem in csbd

    That will be fixed soon, we had problems with it before. Just wait and it will be fixed soon! T/C
  3. Warnightzm: I need 2 owner with experience and control the server

    1. Necro12


      Te fias de un desconocido antes que a mi, que verguenza .v.


  4. Welcome Staff!!

  5. Happy Brithday #10yearsofCSBD
  6. ohhh….. 💔

    1. Bada...


      Hahah I knew this would happen and because of a trifle

  7. Hello, if someone has this plugins, could I pass it to my private? I would really appreciate it ❤️ 


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