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Everything posted by Dark

  1. We need administrators, if you are interested join!!

  2. Join server ZM, New Update!

  3. Tomorrow we start working on the "ZM" server with the boost, if you want to help us with recruiting administrators, talk to me privately!

  4. Accepted. I will send you some photos and you will design me so I can see your work.
  5. If you want to lead and be a manager on our ZM server, you can apply here:

    The monthly boost will begin on the 15th, and I hope that our managers and admins will help us with new players and recruit them!

  6. We need managers with experience on our server [ZM.CSBLACKDEVIL], if you are interested, contact me privately so you can help our server be active and on the 15th new players will enter due to the monthly boost.

  7. https://www.gametracker.rs/server_info/ 1. enter the "boost" option 2. Enter the "paypal" option or any of those options that you are available "SMS" "CRYPTO" "PAYSAFE". 3. and you buy it with the paypal option. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. After you bought the "Billings" you give them the option (Boost 10 GTC) 2. you put the IP of our server: 3. Press the "BOOST" option and it will automatically be given to the server and players will enter If you help with the daily boost, you will be rewarded on the server.
  8. Hello server members, we already have our first monthly boost and we will have many more boosts Any donation will be rewarded to help us Paypal: fzclaudia7@gmail.com Proof Boost Monthly:
  9. @Joosh. @Blexfraptor @Mr.Daniel @guts13 @unknownGFX. 哈 @MehrezVM @RKZZ @Otman™ @S.S.I @Glacier @7aMoDi @ぁ Ꭷbito- @#CeLTiXxX Enter the new discord for the project, I will wait for you to give your corresponding ROLE. LINK: https://discord.gg/xU5hWCNc
  10. Hello group of GFX Desingers, we will have a Discord group very soon and we will start from 0, obtain communication between us and facilitate the members to do activity and news.
  11. If you are interested in joining the Designers group, Talk to me!

  12. Accepted. You can make requests for avatars and publish them on Imgur or if you cannot wait for the issue to be resolved by publishing a post in the forum. Welcome
  13. You just requested an avatar and no one commented because of the 404 Error. 👻

    1. MehrezVM


      Can't post anything because of it and i don't want to post shitty topics let us know when it's fixed 👌

  14. I need 2 designers, if you are interested, talk to me privately!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark
    3. Dark
    4. Mr.Daniel


      ellos seran los ultimos diseñadores helper asta que aprendan todo en 1 semana estaran aprueva gracias por tu ayuda

      el equipo ya esta completo

  15. Status: Accepted. Reason: Daily activity, keep it up Note: Remember to do daily activity and respect the rules.
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