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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by [N]audy

  1. hola!! dejame explicarte unas cosas como veo que eres Nuevo. el grado Vip en ThunderZM se obtiene con 10 Horas en el Servidor. despues que hagas 10 Horas haces un post como este pero siguiendo el Modelo Correcto. te dejare el link del Modelo en Español : Note : En todo caso para mas ayuda contactame en el forum dejandome un msj. Con todo Respeto [N]audy Topic/Closed.
  2. Ace. looooooooooooool hahahaha very fun :))))))


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L I A X

      L I A X


    3. #Moshaks™
    4. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      Lavo mi ropa con Jabon @Ace. :V me lavo con jabon @Ace.

      haha si que sirve para todo ese ace :V

  3. Veo muertos visitando el forum :V

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      e entrado y no esta nadie todos afk :c


    3. [N]audy


      pero cuando entras me mandas pm siempre estoy activo :v

    4. *CaRtoo'N™
  4. epale mano cuando puedas me escribes en pm ok!!!

    1. Jose.


      oye bro disculpa el tiempo de verdad he estado muy ocupado ya te escribo de pana

  5. new upgrade members to moderator


    #X A V I ♕

    Congratulation ?

    Note for members: in any case they still have a chance to get moderator are active in faq propolsal reports etc.

    I will be active observing your reports and reply.

  6. we will recruit new moderators for the staff.

    Good luck to all.

  7. Felicitaciones mano!!!

    vente ts3 pa enseñarte

  8. Zeref. 1,208

    Replied: 57 minutes ago

    ? una visita rapida :v


    ese men visita x mes :( vuelve pronto ❤️:c

  9. ALL likes remove.
    Reason : asking for likes in pm+ a member report you in support ticket.
    it's for people who deserve and if you want like you can do good post topic etc not asking for likes in pm.
    next time if this happens again you will be BANNED.
  10. Bueno graxias a dios me llego la caja de comida but wtf pesaba como 20k diablo ksi me muero cargando la caja :v

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ."Ses" "Zm".

      ."Ses" "Zm".

      hahahahahaha XD

    3. FireCell*


      Porque todo el mundo agrega "gracias a Dios" como si el hiciera algo? es como que diga por fin me salio el mojon gracias a Dios. e.e

    4. [FlakiToOn.!]ArkanGeL


      jajaajajajajaja lollll

  11. Request Rejected. Next time put request here : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/5592-admin/ This section is for Request tag. Note : Next time i want to see admin reply not only 3 reply .. With all Respect [N]audy Topic/Closed.
  12. New avatar ❤️
    Many thanks to the gfx and members for their reply in my request avatar.

  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. Request Accepted. mal pensados no piensen mal es que tengo grande el ❤️ .
  15. today is a good day my family visited me since yesterday ❤️ I had time without seeing my grandmother uncle etc I hope they do not leave soon :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. #Ace



      Hope you have much fun with your familly bro 

    3. Mohamed Nasser

      Mohamed Nasser

      I hope you will be happy with your family

      Good Luck Pro 


  16. Hey papito chulo i miss u much :(

    1. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      I miss you too papita 

    2. [N]audy


      I hope you come back soon so you can give spanking t Ace.  XDDDDDDDDD

  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  18. Good morning guys ??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BhooTh


      LOL ? here it is night ? 

      anyway Good morning bro ❤️ 

    3. L I A X
    4. Mr.SekA


      good morning ? 

  19. of course he can cry and much :)))))))) ?
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  21. <23:53:18> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": stop ask grade ok
    <23:53:25> "☆?Nazism?☆": Ane time
    <23:53:35> "☆?Nazism?☆": 5 euro bro
    <23:54:47> "☆?Nazism?☆": Tell me bro
    <23:54:55> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": what?
    <23:55:14> "☆?Nazism?☆": Ani time give me him 5 euro
    <23:56:11> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": I only can give ban
    <23:56:28> "☆?Nazism?☆": Who
    <23:56:31> "☆?Nazism?☆": Me
    <23:56:42> "☆?Nazism?☆": No plzz
    <23:56:50> El compañero de la charla ha cerrado la conversación
    <23:56:58> Su compañero de charla se ha desconectado.



  22. <23:11:49> "[Nico] Nico": Naudy
    <23:12 : 08> "[Nico] Nico": what is your real name
    <23:12:35> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": naudy ._.

  23. electricity problems in lara state...

    the light arrived just now

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      que viva venezuela carajo......!!!


    3. meekal }>D3@d z()Mb!3<{

      meekal }>D3@d z()Mb!3<{

      my light gone 8-9 Hours a day

  24. <15:21:34> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": como cuando te llamas asko y tu net es un asko :v

    <15:21:51> "[Sk1ZzZ1z] Askor lml": porque crees que me puse asi

    ese men :]]]

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