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Everything posted by ITS OZX-

  1.  Happy eid : D


    1. meekal }>D3@d z()Mb!3<{

      meekal }>D3@d z()Mb!3<{

      Happy Eid Mubarak to you too ?

    2. ITS OZX-
  2. كل عام وجميع الأمة الإسلامية بخير

  3. omg you are kasa old in thunaderzm ?

    JUNE 5, 2017

    [N]audy      [M]ikasa

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. [N]audy


      yeap im [M]ikasa and remember u my old name in thunderzm :P

    3. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      Yap im old in thuanderzm ?

      good luck  kasa:?

    4. Strix


      mikasa u remember when we talk about anime and AOT and now u dont even reply on me >:V

  4. Can you tell designers to close each challenge publication?

    I do not see anyone interested in corner design

    And sorry 


    1. ∆VERON∆™


      Naudy is Administrator he had no work to do with Design Section , All GFX battle Which are Over are closed . PLEASE GUYS WE ARE ALSO HUMAN ?

    2. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      ?Haha I just want to mention some responsible for the design place

  5. Stop vote : Hennnry is win (v1)
  6. I apologize for my mistake


  8. start vote ! v1 v2
  9. From the proud Palestine, to Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
    We are all with you in the World Cup in Russia.
    Wayne is what .. madly encouraged ?


  10. welcome
  11. إفطارا شهيا مسلمين ???

    1. #FiNe


      Thanks, you too.


    ?مبرووك حبي

    Congratulations to you success for manager's

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      Thanks Bro ❤️ 

  13. Name of the oponent: Free-palestine . Vs @HeNNNrY. Theme of work:  Type of work (avatar / signature / logo / banner) »Avatar Size: 150x250 * Text: City Watermark: / Competition time (5 votes per paper or total of 10 votes per paper or in total) »9 Working time: 24 hrs
  14. Please visit this page

    don't forget (LIKE-COM...)



  15. Welcome bro have fun Good luck
  16. Welcome have fun bro ?
  17. I am sorry I did not reply to you in your leaflet Farewell and I leave you my message Here you return safely and we will miss you friend

    1. HICHEM


      I will not go back to Streetzm 

    2. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      Ah good luck for you'r life

  18. I designed some of the pictures of my friends you will see in the evening ??


  19. New education I want the opinions of the followers and designers and thank you I hope you get your admiration ?

    BY : @✘-Free-palestine-✘


    1. meekal }>D3@d z()Mb!3<{
    2. L I A X

      L I A X

      Amazing Work ?

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