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Manager CS 1.6
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Everything posted by NeO-,

  1. Thank you for your Report. Dr.E7M Suspended for 5 days, he will be no longer a co-owner after one week. Please next time take a full screen of console ( https://imgur.com/K0wLj54 this proof would not be accepted next time cuz u can write that text by yourself in console ) Accepted. T/C
  2. Accepted!
  3. Solved.
  4. Proofs clear, *-*-* is downgraded. Thank you for your report. T/C
  5. NeO-,

    Big problem here

    Hello Harith, I checked FTP and banlist but you are not listed there, try to change your IP or turn off your Wifi and turn on again. I hope it will work with you.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. YoU FoX.

      YoU FoX.

      Thanks @ThugLife /// NeO-

      Yes I'm just little kid and crying and Spam all time

      Thanks so much ??

    3. NeO-,


      your welcome dear ❤️ i'm just telling you to grow up nothing more

    4. maykel.
  9. Good work! Thank you for this =D
  10. Rejected!
  11. Accepted! Send me nick/pass via pm! T/C
  12. PRototip banned you ! he said that you are using hacks... is that true?
  13. Warning for this time! T/C.
  14. Rejected...
  15. Hello There! Here is the newest video of our server THUGLIFEZM. Hope you Like it
  16. NeO-,


  17. Accepted! Contact me via PM ! T/C
  18. ADMINS HOURS; =================================================== Co-Owner = 20Euro/Monthly => payment here> https://revolut.me/houssaw604 =================================================== Prince = It a decision from Owners/Co-Owners // please don't request it. =================================================== Elder = 1800h =================================================== Semi-Elder = 1300h =================================================== Super-Moderator = 1000h =================================================== Moderator = 650h =================================================== Administrator = 500h =================================================== Helper = 300h =================================================== SLOT = Purchasable with prestige =================================================== VIP = 7Euro/Monthly => payment here> https://revolut.me/houssaw604 =================================================== Contact; -Steam_id> https://steamcommunity.com/id/houssamm -Discord: houssamelcouitro
      • 2
      • I love it
  19. Ezel NeO- Sadik Y[0]SseF mhmd Mythics The GodFather -=mostafa-= AcTioN! _!_RoBo_Ma{N}_!_ Shrbo5x {!AMRO!} |-K!LLeR-| SonaK! abo db3e MeBoX! .::{Sami}-{God}::. {-HellBoY-} MAGNOM Sf.a7 Snopii Gustoooo Note:-this list was edit every time.
      • 23
      • I love it
      • Haha
      • Like
      • Brainy
  20. Contact me via PM !
  21. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): houssam.cs / fb : houssam el qcouitro ø Item(s) on sale: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ManuelOwnerOfGcc ø Price of the product(s): 20$ ø Product photo(s):- ø Payment method: paypal ø Other specifications: -
  22. Congrats my friend :) :white-heart-facebook-emoticon::yuhu:

    Good luck !

    1. FALLEN'


      Thank you mate!

    2. NeO-,


      you're welcome :)

  23.  :yuhu::rambo:

    1. YASSIN
    2. NeO-,
    3. DidouTR


      ahahaha wooow GoooD bro KeeP It Up ! :D :D:D 

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