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Everything posted by BoRINg

  1. After so long, home is home 

  2. Give me Teamspeak adrress

    1. BoRINg


      labes w nta wech rak 


      w discord fih adress ?

    2. ✘ tayab™ ✘

      ✘ tayab™ ✘

      wtf chkon rah hna :V 

      3la slmtek xD 

    3. BoRINg


      rani gasrt chwiya fi shadowszm ya khouya twahchnaha

  3. Well, V3 because i like the brushes, Also the border gives the picture more vibes.
  4. Would you like a music contest for our musicians?

    1. YorJose


      Yes Bro And Contact Me Music

    2. HellZone o.O
    3. Kyter


      This will be good idea there will be atlast something new competition to participate and have fun.

      I hope there will be more than 30 members.

      When it will be start?

      I am waiting

      And we want

  5. Whenever you want to hear some music, You'll find what you are looking for here: 

    Have a good listening :yuhu:

    1. #*|King|Star|*


      I listen this very good man 

  6. The most powerful about time is it changes, Grateful to discover some faces :YD:

    1. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      not just you know this

      welcom back !

    2. Sinan.47


      welcome back dude 


  7. I'm trully attrackted by the creativity of this talented boy, So young but so creative
      • 1
      • I love it
  8. BoRINg

    Assistance Needed.

    Hello, Well, I don't see this as a problem because there's no solutions to increase your FPS without exception purchasing an upgraded graphic card I mean ( Nvidia GTX 260 till 1080 ti ) By this you can increase your video games or recording without losing your current FPS, Is recommended to visite the Computers store to be informed about the technology and what's recommended for the new changes. If you'll keep searching for solutions through the network connection to this kind of problems, You are just wasting your time for nothing. Have a good day!
  9. I'd like to take some feedback?What you say?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      its very good :) 

    3. #*|King|Star|*


      Its very good Realy I thank you Dangrous for this :smileys-money-702364:

    4. #AdrIaN0


      well done 

      this very good

  10. Are you proud of the GFX Team or not?

    What you have to propose for us? Anything in your mind and should we know it?

    Be brave in your opinion!

    1. ∆VERON∆™


      Yea I am proud of our gfx team because I was one of them .

      Just try to post competition  weekly.

      It would be great.

    2. -Sn!PeR-


      What about this:

      only designers can post free "NUMBER" avatars/signature..etc

      EX : @Bedreddine™ can post topic like "FREE 10 AVATARS"

      but @-Sn!PeR- Is normale member that mean i can't

      this will not helpful but is better than every one who coming open a topic with title "FREE -- AVATARS"

    3. Mr.TaLaL


      after seeing this you will get my opinion!

  11. https://www.facebook.com/DjScrap31/

    My facebook page, Can you follow me ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NoMercY :3

      NoMercY :3

      Yup ..liked... followed...as well as invited some friends

    3. Kyter


      We will too susrcibe you king of dark :)

    4. CSBD Member 1
  12. My Offecial WebSite: http://dj-scrap.revolve.cc  :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eXpLoReRs


      Making websites doesnt make you better than me :)

    3. HellZone o.O

      HellZone o.O

      how ?

      he is the best

    4. ✘ PsychO™✘

      ✘ PsychO™✘

      its good to see you developing day after one, Good luck mate!


    1. AFROJACK™


      This song was made in Albanian Costal called. Vlore 

  14. Ohh finally :rambo::rambo:

    Master Guardian I


    1. Kyter


      Congrats :D:rambo:and keep killing 

    2. Wanted :x
    3. #Farouk Messi

      #Farouk Messi

      3andek la itji il ageria b Ak47 :v

  15. Master Guardian I
  16. My profile song :D :white-heart-facebook-emoticon: :yuhu:

    She's burning my heart... What you say about it ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *CaRtoo'N™


      I like it

    3. Berlin▼


      Yea Amazing :o 

      its made by u ?! :3

      i mean Dj Scrap Channel ?


    4. BoRINg


      No it's not mine.. It's made by Mike Perry 

  17. At the time of remixing music
  18. Like & SubScribe ;)

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoseskip/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmLi...
    SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/abdou-tix
    Thanks for your support!

  19. Hello,

    Everyday i find like 2 or 3 Friend request on steam.. But With setting profile in private or attempt to take something negative from me!


  20. With the second edition :D 

    Special thanks to @ShKoDrA 

  21. Only for Lacrim fans 

    Je te baise l'espoir ... 

  22. My feedback moved with V1 The effects and textures were incredible and creative, I liked the imagination in this creation!
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