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#Steeven.™ last won the day on June 2 2023

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About #Steeven.™

  • Birthday 11/06/2001


  • [S]teeven


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  1. Ya nada volvera a ser lo de antes Steeven...

    Por cierto, como te va la vida?

    Si te fuiste y desapareciste de esto por alguna razon sera me imagino yo...

  2. Legend ahead 👏

    1. #Steeven.™


      Hello bro.

      Legends never die... ❤

    2. Ronaldskk.


      Que mal que ya no estés :((

    3. #Steeven.™


      Aún nada esta dicho, no sabremos que pase más después. ❤

  3. Hello, You have shown great interest and commitment on his part towards the projects in which he is involved. In addition, you remain active in other sections.
  4. Music Title: Polaris Remix Signer: Saiko ft. Feid, Quevedo, Mora Release Date: 08/06/2023 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: - Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 10/10
  5. Artist: Romeo Santos Real Name: Anthony Santos Birth Date /Place: July 21, 1981 Age: 41 Social status (Single / Married): Single Artist Picture: Musical Genres: Bachata Awards: - Top 3 Songs (Names): Ella y yo - Mi santa - X SI VOLVEMOS Other Information: Anthony Santos (Bronx, New York, July 21, 1981), artistically known as Romeo Santos, is an American singer. He is considered in most of America as the King of Bachata, for being the leader, vocalist and main composer of the group Aventura. As a member of Aventura, Santos has been a key figure in po[CENSORED]rizing bachata internationally, taking songs to the top of the Billboard Latin charts and charts in Europe. After several albums with the group Aventura, Romeo announced his separation from the group to go solo in April 2011. As a soloist he has released 5 studio albums: Formula, vol. 1 (2011), Formula, vol. 2 (2014), Golden (2017), Utopia (2019), Formula, vol. 3 (2022).
  6. Live Performance Title: Segundos Platos Signer Name: Morat Live Performance Location: Bogotá, Colombia Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): 9/10
  7. Nick Movie: Unos suegros de armas tomar Time: 2023 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: 1 h 35 min Trailer:
  8. These animals are capable of retaining most of their body heat and this adaptation allows them to inhabit the coldest regions. Penguins are a family of flightless seabirds found almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, with the exception of the Galapagos penguin. These animals are one of the species that arouses the most curiosity, and behind them there are a large number of curiosities that manage to capture the attention of those people who are interested in animals and their routines. They are intelligent? Penguins have excellent orientation skills, which shows that they are intelligent, in addition, they communicate through their squawk, by which they recognize each other. Why are they so important? These animals play a key role in the food chain, both as predators and as prey, which is why if they disappeared there would be an imbalance in the chains of other marine species that could also disappear. Penguins and love Despite always going in groups, penguins choose a partner for life. It is believed that these animals are a symbol of romanticism because they are monogamous, and have a special ritual to make their partner fall in love. When a penguin dies, it is said that its partner stays by her side, stops eating, and ends up dying of starvation. They are an extremely possessive monogamous species. The males also take care of the eggs. Normally, most of the mothers of the animal world are usually in charge of caring for the young and protecting them until they reach an age in which they can survive on their own. In the case of penguins this is different, the females are not alone doing this work, since between them and the males they take turns to incubate the only egg laid. How do penguins sleep? These birds, unlike people, never sleep soundly. Their rest is based on taking small naps throughout the day, although depending on the species of penguin there may be some differences. They do not go into deep sleep at bedtime, in fact, their sleep phases usually do not last more than a few minutes. This is because they need to be constantly alert, and therefore cannot rest for long periods of time. What's more, to defend themselves and be alert, they always sleep in a group and never alone. In this way they also manage to protect themselves from the extreme cold of the areas in which they live. https://www.elperiodicomediterraneo.com/buzzeando/2023/06/10/cinco-curiosidades-pinguinos-mediterraneo-alcas-dv-88504071.html


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