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  1. Still alive bro 🥲

    1. DarKVoicE


      It is a retired time brother 😅

      How are you doing

    2. Sinan.47


      I'm fine my friend, I'm back too. I feel sad when I remember the old days. The old days were very good 🥲🥺

  2. 😉

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarKVoicE


      @glowXDBeen good n old.. just like my pc .. hope ur doing good.. took long to be a manager i see

  3. Looking for staff / Active at night ( afk or playing)



  4. #Contra Admins are already good players and adding speed would just make them more stronger. less fun for players. We dont want future admins who just want to be admin for ingame benefits
  5. #Contra No Daily Activity Your Minutes show quite a good amount Played. Maybe there could be a chance if you are Old Here.
  6. As I said, I personally favour what you said. And Agree on Almost everything but we await for opinions Eitherway's we wait for other admins opinions For Me it is A #Pro Good Luck
  7. Hey there, Firstly, I was there too back then on zmold. But lets be specific, this is newlife section ( idk if u meant to post it here or there , but fair enough ) I Agree with you on most part. For Instance, making it more competitive. We have suggested this before, and its not suitable or cannot work out these days. Since many new players enjoy the "Easiness" provided. Removing these suddenly/Even slowly would result in a loss of players since its been put to use from a good amount of time (around 1-2 years; if I am not wrong) Although if there is a chance to for example, remove multi jumps, unlimited clip and stuff,(to make the game more competitive ) I would definitely go for a #Pro, Although chances are low for changes unless everyone agrees.
  8. Hello, I Analysed and I could not find any specific type of Aim being used. Maybe a Kind of Lag, but not Aim. (Should be unbanned Hopefully, Managers please view the demo) Also, I don't understand why the Ban is Permanent as Mentioned in the Ban list Rule : Players Who Use Hacks/Scrips Will Receive Ban (5000 Minutes) Managers Please Re-check the Demo's and #Pro For Report
  9. #Pro Seeing the 1.1k in the Activity Graph might prove potentially A very Active Admin Good Luck ❤️
  10. All Players come to play for Rank or Frags . I dont think theres any reason we can stop Players from doing that since they want to play ( In the Limits and also Respecting The Rules ). Master didnt slap him, there is no "deserved" slays .. we follow the rules and thats key There should not have been a direct slay for camping or extending the round. # Pro for Accept/Solve Rest discussions are baseless/unnecessary. i dont know why you guys want to extend the arguments. Your opinion is respected, but you must know the main reasons why we got removed from gtrs ( We will be back soon for sure ) . Also you must know that There are Admins who are greatly working for the server and sometimes miscommunication / arguments happen, why to make a big issue when it can be easily solved. Hopefully with not much arguments its solved instead of making such a big issue out of this. ??‍♂️❤️
  11. #Pro Your Forum Name should be the same as In Game Good Luck
  12. #Pro I Hope you can increase your daily activity Good Luck
  13. Welcome Have Fun ❤️


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