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  1. Nick: FANTASSY Real name: Adrian How old are you?: 20 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): PUBG / League of Legends Where are you from?(country and city): United Kingdom Describe yourself(at least 50 words): who want to know more about me just ask or send a message in private Note some of your qualities: patient Tell us some of your defects: - Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Designer in this community a long time ago On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): no one Which category/project you want to care off?: World of Games and Design How well you speak english?(and other languages): Medium Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Yes For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Long as possible Contact methods: Private Last request: -
  2. Just days after the “Ampere” code-name surfaced, we have another one, and this time from a very credible source: Reuters. What is particularly interesting is that this news comes just around the time the Ampere codename leaked out putting things into a very interesting fray of rumor and speculation. Does this mean that the ‘Ampere’ news was wrong, or that its a different GPU entirely? Well, no one except NVIDIA really knows. Reuters: NVIDIA launching ‘Turing’ GPU next month We had already heard that NVIDIA would be launching a brand new next generation graphics architecture in the coming month thanks to the Ampere leak (regardless of what you choose to call it). That said, there’s not much to this story except speculation so let this serve as the obvious disclaimer. According to Reuters, A brand new NVIDIA Turing GPU is launching sometime next month. This means that either NVIDIA is undergoing a massive rebranding campaign or that Volta will not be making it to the consumer side of things. This itself has interesting implications because it could mean a couple of things: anywhere from NVIDIA optimizing the architecture further to yield concerns. In any case, before we go further, a short intro to Turing. The codename Turing of course refers to Alan Turing who is considered the father of modern computing and was the chief architect of the British program to break Enigma machine encryption, used by Germany to encrypt communications during World War II. He is also the person behind the concept of the Turing machine, a hypothetical device that can simulate any algorithm regardless of how complex it is. Programming languages that can simulate this device are referred to as Turing complete languages. Now there are two possibilities as I see them. 1) NVIDIA decided to ditch the Ampere codename because it’s very similar to another company – an ARM server maker called Ampere – or 2) it decided to fork the upcoming architecture into two distinct flavors, namely Ampere and Turing. Both possibilities are just as likely as NVIDIA has been known to do that in the past simply to discredit the leak scene (anyone remember the GeForce GTX 800 series?). The second possibility however is much more exciting, it could mean that NVIDIA is preparing two distinct products in the consumer space: Ampere and Turing. Since there have been rumors floating of a cryptocurrency focused product from the company soon then it could mean that the Turing GPU is actually the one NVIDIA will market as the mining variant. This makes a semblance of sense, because Alan Turing is well known for his work on cryptography. In fact he was part of the team that cracked the Enigma machine which resulted in the World War being won. If Alan Turing’s cryptographic roots are indeed being honored in this new product then it could very well mean that NVIDIA is becoming very serious about cryptocurrencies. The company has already given its customers free reign to use its GeForce GPUs in data center environments as long as they are used for ‘blockchain mining’ purposes so this wouldn’t be entirely out of character. Of course there remains the remote possibility that Reuters is simply wrong about this and there is only one GPU which will in fact be called Ampere after all.
  3. Last week, Apple’s walled garden suffered a major breach as the iBoot code for iOS leaked onto the web. The code was posted to GitHub and had been downloaded by many before Apple’s DMCA took effect. How did such critical iOS code leak in the first place? Well apparently it was the doing of a low-level intern at the company. The iBoot code leak was heralded as the “biggest leak” in the history of iOS, with researchers claiming that the code could lead to iOS emulation and open the door for future jailbreaks. Apple is usually pretty bad at keeping upcoming products under wraps, but a code leak like this is a rare sight. According to sources speaking with Motherboard, this all came down to an intern working at Apple, who stole the code over a year ago. According to the source, the person who stole the code and leaked it didn’t necessarily have anything against Apple. However, friends of the employee encouraged them to leak the code for the jailbreaking community. The employee took the code and shared it with a small group of five people, likely not expecting it to spread as far as it did. However, as we know, the code ended up on GitHub. According to two of these five people, the group didn’t intend for the code to leave their hands. Not out of greed, but rather in fear of Apple’s relentless legal department. In addition, the people involved acknowledged that if the code spread too widely, it could enable hackers to create various security exploits and malicious jailbreaks to attack iOS users. The iBoot code was actually taken outside of Apple in 2017 and given to this small group of jailbreakers. However, at some point one of the five shared the code with “someone else who shouldn’t have had it”, eventually a group on Discord not affiliated with the original five to receive the code, began sharing screenshots of it. At that point, it was too late and the iBoot code had spread too far to contain, leading to the GitHub leak last week.
  4. Asus expect to ship even more gaming laptops in 2018 than they did in 2017, and this growth is forecast to be the company's largest in years. While gaming laptops haven’t seen any considerable and sweeping changes to offer gamers greater value for money, the market has made them one of the few reasonable ways to actually pick up a gaming PC this year. Asus are looking to increase their gaming laptop market by 500,000 units over the course of this year. In 2016, Asus were estimated to have sold 1.2 million of portable gaming machines, which rose by 25% in 2017 to 1.5 million units. A DigiTimes report suggests Asus’ expected sales to increase by 33% in 2018 up to a total of two million units. That's a hell of a volume increase, but there could be a very good reason why Asus think gaming laptops are in for a boost this year. With tech consumers looking on in horror at the rising prices for hardware across the board, it may seem like a distant dream for Asus to crank out even more GPU-powered laptops and get them into gamer’s hands. However, gaming laptops are potentially set to come out of this sudden bout of shortages the victor, as these all-in-one machines are simply unnecessary and unsuited for any mining tasks. Asus lead the charge on gaming laptop sales at the time, although MSI account for a large portion of global sales, too. While the current shortage may be working to these manufacturer’s favour, the situation lending to their potential increased share could - and hopefully will be - short lived. No hard feelings. While demand is certainly one factor of the current market faults, memory shortages have a tight grip around manufacturer’s supply lines - not to mention rising prices for other components and semiconductors. Gaming laptops could still at least see some rise in price increases or production issues down the line, which could potentially be a limiting factor for their growth in 2018. Asus’ ROG gaming laptops don’t come particularly cheap, as do very few gaming laptops with any reasonable graphical chops. However, compared to the alternative of buying an artificially pricey GPU, you can potentially grab a graphics card with all the grunt you require in mobile form - even at peak (let’s hope) market inflation - for a price that somewhat doesn’t necessitate the sale of your kidney.
  5. Microsoft has finally admitted Windows Phone is being put to rest and no further hardware or features will be developed for it. The platform offered a refreshing alternative to the ‘me too’ approach between iOS and Android, but that was also part of its downfall. While the platform still had a chance, it was too complicated to port apps from iOS and/or Android to Windows Phone. Between iOS and Android, it was relatively easy. Over the years, Microsoft realised this and launched several tools for improving the porting process. The Android tool, Project Astoria, was abandoned. The iOS tool, Project Islandwood, continued and was useful, but it was too late. The small but dedicated fanbase of the platform abandoned it from the lack of apps, and the lack of fans provided little incentive for app developers to spend their precious time building apps (and offering ongoing support) for it. Microsoft persisted. The software giant hoped to call on its historic developer community by creating further porting tools, such as Project Centennial, to port the huge library of existing Win32 apps to UWP. This also wasn’t anywhere near as successful as the company would have liked. In what appeared to be sheer desperation, Microsoft even started building apps on behalf of companies such as Facebook. Google, meanwhile, killed the YouTube app Microsoft built for Windows Phone. Nothing was working and iOS and Android reached a point that it’s hard to imagine any newcomer being able to compete. Observers will have noticed the increasing attention Microsoft has been giving to competing mobile platforms. The company’s approach changed from needing to own the platform, like Windows in its prime, to supporting their users where they are. On Android, due to Google’s less walled approach, Microsoft is able to do more. Last week, the company’s dedicated launcher changed its name from ‘Arrow Launcher’ to ‘Microsoft Launcher’ and offered further confirmation of the intention to provide a custom experience on top of an already successful platform (for those who want it.) Many, including me, love Microsoft’s new hardware. Its Surface line is gorgeous and easily gives Apple a run for its money. Hopefully, one day we’ll see a Surface Phone running on Android with the Microsoft Launcher, but it’s better not to hold out hope. The smartphone wars are pretty much over. Android and iOS are both wildly successful and both hardware and software updates get smaller by the year. Meanwhile, new areas such as mixed reality and AI are opening up. It makes sense for Microsoft to abandon the past and pour its resources into what’s next to ensure it doesn’t get left behind again. For now, Microsoft will continue providing security and stability updates for Windows Phone but nothing else. RIP 2010-2017.
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  9. It looks like Intel chips have started to become more po[CENSORED]r compared to those from AMD among the masses as revealed in the latest CPU sales statistics shared by Mindfactory.de. We are talking about sales from the largest online retailer in Germany which reveal that Intel CPUs have started out selling AMD Ryzen processors which had mostly dominated the German markets since their arrival last year. Intel Processors Outselling AMD’s In The Latest CPU Sales Results From Germany’s Largest Online Retailer When AMD launched Ryzen processors, Intel had a dominant position with more than 64.4% share in monthly revenue compared to AMD’s 35.6%. That started to change in the mid of 2017 when AMD, for the first time, overtook Intel CPUs in terms of sales and revenue on Germany’s largest online retailer. That success was due to several reasons, AMD had a highly competitive processor lineup after many years and a platform that was priced in the sweet spot range. Furthermore, AMD offered more cores whereas Intel had their flagship Core i7-7700K at just 4 cores and 8 threads. AMD’s flagship was more than twice of that in terms of cores and thread count, further enticing the deal was the fact that AMD’s platform is meant for long term CPU line support whereas Intel’s 200-series platform ended support for any modern chip. Till November of 2017, AMD enjoyed a good dominant position but December of 2017 and January of 2018, the tides shifted back to Intel. With Coffee Lake availability getting better, Intel saw leading the charts once again with the Core i7-8700K becoming the most po[CENSORED]r chip among the masses. Intel now stands at 58% CPU sold per month share while AMD’s CPU managed to fall around 42%. The monthly revenue from Intel chips has also gained big numbers thanks to the flagship Core i7-8700K amounting for bulk of the sales while AMD’s revenue share has fallen in this regard since considering that their most po[CENSORED]r chip, the Ryzen 5 1600 is part of the budget segment. The Ryzen 7 series aren’t very po[CENSORED]r among consumers as compared to the Ryzen 5 line whereas Intel’s Coffee Lake unlocked lineup are highly po[CENSORED]r.
  10. Intel has always enjoyed the performance crown when it comes to processors and last year, it temporarily lost that medal of honor to AMD’s Threadripper platform. The Intel Core i9-7980XE ‘Extreme’ processor is the answer to that challenge and is the highest core count mainstream consumer processor to date. Featuring 18 cores and a price tag of $2000 (that’s MSRP by the way), this isn’t a processor for the average Joe, but it is perhaps a superb choice (once overclocked) for the amateur workstation or rendering rig.
  11. Vara mai vrei să te duci în vacanță undeva prin alte țări,și când mai vezi chestii de astea ți se duce chefu pe loc.
  12. ATENTAT TERORIST in Turcia, pe aeroportul din Istanbul - 41 de morti si 239 de raniti. Atentatul terorist de pe aerportul Ataturk socheaza intreaga Europa fiind consierat cel mai sigur aeroport din Europa si fiind unul din cele mai mari aeroporturi din lume. Teroristii au ucis pe aeroport peste 32 de oameni si au raniti peste 100. Update, ora 14.55: Zi de doliu national in Turcia, dupa atentatele de la aeroportul Ataturk. Update, ora 13.35: Bilant actualizat 41 de morti si 239 raniti. Vladimir Putin a avut o convorbire telefonica cu Recep Erdogan, aceasta fiind prima discutie dintre cei doi presedinti, de la doborarea avionului militar rusesc din urma cu sapte luni. Update, ora 12.30: Printre cei 36 de morti din atentat se numara si cetateni straini, respectiv un ucrainean si un iranian. Printre raniti se numara si sapte sauditi. Update, ora 10.43: Reactia presedintelui Recep Tayyip Erdogan, presedintele Turciei: „Sper cu tarie ca atacul asupra aeroportului Atatark va reprezenta un punct de cotitura in lupta pe care o avem de dus in comun, in frunte cu tarile occidentale, in intreaga lume impotriva organizatiilor teroriste”, a afirmat seful statului turc intr-un comunicat dat publicitatii de serviciul sau de presa. Update, ora 10.14: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe a emis un comunicat de presa cu privire la starea romanilor care au fost in preajma atentatului de pe aeroportul Ataturk din Istanbul! „Pe tot parcursul noptii, echipele consulare constituite la nivelul Consulatului General al Romaniei la Istanbul s-au deplasat la spitalele din localitate pentru a verifica daca printre victime se afla si cetateni romani. Cetatenii romani aflati in atentia Consulatului nu sunt raniti, cu exceptia unei persoane care a precizat ca prezinta echimoze la nivelul membrelor inferioare, survenite in urma aglomeratiei provocate de panica. Viata persoanei nu este pusa in pericol, fiind evacuata si cazata la hotel la putin timp dupa producerea exploziilor. Consulatul General al Romaniei la Istanbul asigura in permanenta asistenta consulara unui numar de aproximativ 40 de cetateni romani, care au solicitat sprijin, fiindu-le facilitata cazarea la hotelurile din apropierea aeroportului. Totodata, familiile din Romania a peste 20 de cetateni romani aflati in aeroport in momentul deflagratiilor au fost contactate de Consulatul General al Romaniei la Istanbul. Consulatul General al Romaniei la Istanbul continua demersurile sustinute pe langa autoritatile turce pentru a verifica existenta vreunui cetatean roman decedat sau ranit si ramane in legatura cu persoanele de cetatenie romana cazate la Istanbul sau aflate in zona libera a aeroportului. Totodata, se depun eforturi pentru identificarea unor solutii cat mai rapide pentru repatrierea cetatenilor romani ale caror zboruri au fost anulate. Situatia este monitorizata permanent de catre Centrala Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, o echipa consulara din cadrul MAE fiind pregatita, in caz de necesitate, sa se deplaseze la Istanbul pentru extinderea demersurilor de acordare a asistentei consulare cetatenilor romani. Cetatenii romani precum si rudele acestora au la dispozitie contactele telefonice ale Consulatului General la Istanbul +90 2123583541, +90 2123580516, +90 2123583537, apeluri redirectionate catre Centrul de Contact si Suport al Cetatenilor Romani din Strainatate (CCSCRS) si preluate de catre operatorii Call Center 24/24, precum si telefonul mobil de urgenta al oficiului consular roman de la Istanbul + 90 5335420695. Precizam ca, pe parcursul noptii precedente, Call Center-ul MAE a preluat operativ un numar de 10 apeluri telefonice din partea cetatenilor aflati in aeroportul din Istanbul, asigurandu-le asistenta necesara”. Update, ora 9.38: Bilant actualizat: 36 de morti si 180 de raniti. Update, ora 9.11: Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a reactionat dupa producerea atentatului terorist de pe aeroportul Ataturk: „Atacurile teroriste care au avut loc ieri noapte pe Aeroportul Atatürk din Istanbul reprezinta o atrocitate. Zeci de oameni si-au pierdut viata si peste 140 au fost raniti, in urma unui act de cruzime indreptat impotriva unor cetateni nevinovati. Imi exprim cele mai sincere condoleante pentru familiile indurerate si suntem alaturi de cei care se lupta in acest moment pentru viata lor. Astfel de atentate trebuie sa fie prevenite, iar tara noastra este si va ramane in continuare un partener angajat in lupta internationala impotriva terorismului”, a scris seful statului pe Facebook. Update, ora 9.05: Tarom a anuntat ca va opera cursa de miercuri RO 261/262, intrucat aeroportul din Istanbul a fost redeschis. Update, ora 8.58: Au fost trei atentatori kamikaze, au anuntat autoritatile de la Ankara, precizand ca traficul aerian a fost reluat incepand cu ora locala 03.00. Update, ora 8.54: Momentul in care un atentator se detoneaza. Premierul Binali Yildirim a afirmat ca atacatorii au sosit cu un taxi la aeroport.
  13. You wrong the section,next time be more careful. Topic Closed.
  14. The chipmaker has been talking to bankers about the sale, said a report Intel is considering selling its security business as the company tries to focus on delivering chips for cloud computing and connected devices, according to a news report. The Intel Security business came largely from the company’s acquisition for $7.7 billion of security software company McAfee. Intel announced plans to bake some of the security technology into its chips to ensure higher security for its customers. With the surge in cyberthreats, providing protection to the variety of Internet-connected devices, such as PCs, mobile devices, medical gear and cars, requires a fundamentally new approach involving software, hardware and services, the company said in February 2011, when announcing the completion of the McAfee acquisition. Intel has been talking to bankers about the future of its cybersecurity business for a deal that would be one of the largest in the sector, reported The Financial Times, citing people close to the discussions. It said a group of private equity firms may join together to buy the security business if it is sold at the same price or higher than what Intel paid for it. “I could see them selling a piece of the service, but not all security capabilities,” said Patrick Moorhead, president and principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy. “Intel has a decent security play right now and security is paramount to the future of IoT,” Moorhead said. “Hardware-based security is vital to the future of computing.” Intel is declining to comment on the report, a company spokeswoman wrote in an email. The company rebranded its McAfee business as Intel Security in 2014. The security sector has seen a lot of interest from private equity buyers. Symantec said earlier this month it was acquiring Web security provider Blue Coat for $4.65 billion in cash, in a deal that will see Silver Lake, an investor in Symantec, enhancing its investment in the merged company, and Bain Capital, majority shareholder in Blue Coat, reinvesting $750 million in the business through convertible notes. Intel said in April that it was cutting 12,000 jobs, or 11 percent of its workforce, by mid-2017 as it tries to evolve from chips for PCs to silicon for data centers and the Internet of Things.
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