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Everything posted by Daliath.

  1. Dar cine a admin aici?

  2. V1-blur, text, border On v2 is too much sharpen, and brush is bad.
  3. V1- blur, exposure, satin on text, border
  4. V2 WIN (ME).
  5. v2 - integration, colors, textures on render At v1 is too much exposure.
  6. Bine ai venit, speram sa te simti bine.
  7. v2 - colors, integration, brush, contrast
  8. I am the winner. (V2). T/C
  9. Name of the oponent: Nolife Theme of work: http://68.media.tumblr.com/edcae16484226c3ca62c23e92816e16d/tumblr_n0almlJtmX1qd16i6o1_1280.jpg Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150 x 250 *Text: Battle Watermark: csblackdevil Working time: 1h
  10. I don't like this avatars but i vote v1 because text and blur. In v2 text is not observed and blur is so bad. In v3 text is horrible and is too much exporsure. VOTE V1.
  11. v1- colors, c4d, bg, textures, brush
  12. v1 - colors, depth, text, brush, all )
  13. Ard ingerii in spitale, Dracii danseaza in catedrale N-am alte cuvinte sa descriu ROMANIA. Imi pare foarte rau de cei care au murit in COLECTIV, condoleante. R.I.P
  14. Lucrezi bine, ai un blur ordonat, cateodata se intampla sa iti iasa prea inchise avatarele, in rest e bine.
  15. Numele oponentului: HUMANN ERROR Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Semnatura Marime: 450x250 *Text:Oricare Watermark: csblackdevil/csbd Timp de lucru: 1 ora
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