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Everything posted by Daliath.

  1. Vote #1 : text, blur, border.
  2. Vote #2 : blur , text , effects.
  3. Vote #1 : claritate, text.
  4. Numele oponent: d3v0uTT™ Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Avatar Marime: 150 x 250 *Text: Orice , sa aiba legatura cu stockul Watermark: Csbd / csblackdevil Timp de lucru: Cat vrea dev.
  5. #Vote 1 : pattern, blur, text.
  6. #Vote 1 : text , border.
  7. #Vote 1: blur, text.
  8. v1 - text, blur
  9. Repsins, sunt ocupat.
  10. v1 - blur, claritate, text
  11. Nu inteleg ce ati vazut la v1 poarta prietenia care sa o votati. v2 - text, C4Ds, text
  12. v2 - text , border , pattern
  13. Daliath.

    All vote

    Gold and white.
  14. Bun venit , Ana!
  15. Daliath.


    Look a border: Goodbaye!
  16. #Vote 3: text , blur , rediminsionare.
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