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  1. te olvidas de tus verdaderos amigos eh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BILLS


      q onda claro q no mi bro como estas, pasando por aca a ver quien vive y quien muere jjaja. como esta todo bro.

    3. FNX Magokiler

      FNX Magokiler

      xD bien rey gracias aca dandolo todo xD

    4. BILLS


      lee privado.

  2. damn u still alive

    1. BILLS


      obviously I'm still alive hahahaha.

  3. volvio tu papá

  4. gata holis como estas bbesita que es de tu vida.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BILLS


      bbsita fino fino  q me cuentas me tienes en facebook y ni le escribes a uno .

    3. [N]audy


      lo mismo digo de ti jejejejej :v 

    4. BILLS
  5. todo bien cuentame, compraras la steam o no.

    que tengo otro interesado en el.

    1. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Escribeme en facebook

  6. Andas perdida!!! KAJSKAJSKASJ

  7. Necesito hablar contigo man! 

    1. BILLS


      @Eduardo.ve dimelo rey ando activo, regrese. 

    2. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔


  8. image.png.33621f7b2e850c8ac2a71ed68e1b9f9b.png

    cuando lo marico te da derrepente jajajajajajajajaja

    @Cr@zy @Akrapovic; @Php.exe? @MosterOfficial ☆


  9. Quake III Arena or Quake 3 (also recognized with the abbreviations Q3: A, Q3A or Q3) is a first-person shooter video game published on December 2, 1999. The game was developed by id Software, with music composed by Sonic Mayhem and Front Line Assembly. Quake III Arena is the third title in the series and differs from previous games in the Quake series in excluding common elements from so-called single-player games, focusing instead on multiplayer action. The solitary experience in Quake III Arena is a sand fight against PC controlled opponents, in a style similar to its competitor, Unreal Tournament. As in many games of the genre in its multiplayer mode, the objective in Quake III Arena is to move through the entire battlefield by eliminating (fragueando, from English frag) the enemy players and scoring points based on the targets of the type of game. When a player's life points reach zero, the player's avatar is eliminated (fragmented); then the player reappears at another point on the map and continues playing with his restored life points, but without the weapons or items that he previously collected. The game ends when a player or team reaches a specific score, or when the time ends. The single player mode of the game consists of this objective against computer controlled opponents (bots). The game modes that come by default in Quake III Arena are deathmatch (mortal combat), team deathmatch (mortal combat by teams), capture the flag (capture the flag), and tournament (tournament), in which the players put Test your skills among them in one-on-one battles, and one elimination round. An official expansion, called Quake III: Team Arena, (Q3TA) went on sale in December 2000. This focused on emphasizing team play through new game modes, as well as including new weapons, maps, items, and player models. Even so, Team Arena was criticized because its novelties were late, and had already been implemented through modifications made by fans of the game. A few years later, Quake III: Gold was put on sale, containing Q3A and Q3TA as if they were a single video game. On August 19, 2005 id Software published the complete source code for these two games under the GNU General Public License (GPL) license, as well as with their previous engines and works. This does not make the game completely GNU, anyway, since the textures and other data were not published with the code. A project called OpenArena solves this problem, creating "open" content and delivering it with the graphic engine as a stand-alone clone of Quake III. Developing At the beginning of March of the year 1999, ATI showed a copy of the exclusive game for internal use for hardware vendors. (IHV) This contained a fully functional graphic engine of the game and a level with various textures and weapons running. This IHV copy brought all the weapons that would eventually appear in the game, however, many of them were not yet complete in terms of their models. A chainsaw and a hook-throw (the weapon included in CTF of Quake II) were in that IHV demo, but eventually they did not appear in the final release version of the game. This also included several of the sounds that would later appear in the game. After the fiasco of the IHV, id Software launched a beta of Quake III called Q3Test on April 24, 1999. Q3Test started with version 1.05. This included three levels that would then be included in the final release: dm7, dm17, and q3tourney2. They continued updating Q3Test until version 1.11. Initially in Q3Test the console commands did not need to be prefixed with '/'. If a command was entered as a typo or incorrect command, it would be displayed as a text message so that everyone can see the error. This caused a serious problem for the administrators of servers, because if one entered the password to access the administration options of your server and wrote the wrong command, you could uncover the password of the same and let others control the server to taste. Adding a '/' before entering a command ensured that it remained private. During a time in the final release of the game, the Gauntlet (weapon body-to-body of the game) could be used to instantly kill any player by activating and removing the text dialog box at the same time. If the player approached, he died instantly. Other versions Dreamcast Q3A had its version for the Sega Dreamcast console in the year 2000. This version brought support for the online game for 4 players against PC and Dreamcast players. Its portability to the console is also considered as the best of a PC game to a console of its time, thanks to its fluid number of frames per second and its online game. Before Activision could launch an "official" map pack for the game on the console, a "hacked" copy of all the maps of the Dreamcast game appeared by surprise. This pack included the maps designed specifically for the split screen action of the console, which never had plans to be launched for PC. Once the "official" maps pack came to light, getting that other pack became more difficult. PC players needed an old version of the game (1.16n) to play with their Dreamcast pairs, but the maps ended up running smoothly in the final version 1.32. Playstation 2 Quake III Revolution was released for the PlayStation 2 video game console in 2001 and contained several adopted elements of Quake III: Team Arena, as well as a single-player campaign more focused on missions. It did not have the same success that its counterpart of Dreamcast, when lacking of game in line. Even so, it had a four-player split screen mode and was one of the first games to take advantage of the full potential of the console. Xbox Q3A also has an unofficial version for the Xbox console, based on the release of the source code, which added wing filtering of the console SDK made it possible to create a free port, although it still requires original Quake 3 files that can not be distributed, and that the end user must possess, that without forgetting the fact that the executables created with the filtered Xbox SDK are illegal. The game is a faithful port of the PC version, making online game play possible with the Quake 3 servers (as well as the LAN online game with PC versions) and without using the Xbox Live ones. It is compatible with existing Quake 3 mods with the possibility of slowdowns with some too complex or heavy with the available resources. Xbox 360 Quake III: Team Arena was recently revealed in an ESRB listing for the Xbox 360 console. The title is being developed by Pi Studios. PSP Also based on the released code was a port for portable Playstation that runs at 15-20 fps, it is still impossible to connect to LAN, and large maps do not run but it is somehow playable. Technology Graphics Unlike other video games that appeared at the time, Quake III required a graphics accelerator board compatible with OpenGL and did not include a software graphics renderer. The graphic technology of the game is based firmly around a system of "shaders" where the appearances of many surfaces can be defined in one of several text files referred to as "shader scripts". The shaders are described and rendered as several layers, each containing a texture, a blending mode that determines which one should overlap the last, and texture orientation modes such as environment mapping, verticalization, (scrolling) and rotation . These features can be easily seen within the game, with many bright and active surfaces on each map, and even more so in the character models. The system of shaders goes far beyond the simple appearance, defining also the contents of the volumes, (for example, a volume of water is defined as such by applying a shader of water to its surfaces) emission of lights, and what sound to reproduce when entering a volume. Quake III, in addition, introduced curved surfaces based on splineas in conjunction with the planar volumes, both responsible for the vast majority of the smooth surfaces present in the game. The original version of Quake III brought support for animated models using vertex animation with attached labels, allowing models to maintain the separation of torso and leg animations, in addition to holding weapons. With the release of Quake 3: Team Arena, support for models on skeletons was added. Quake 3 is one of the first games where the third person model can see up, down, and in the surroundings. (Due to the separation of the head, torso and legs). The videos in the game use a proprietary format called "RoQ", originated in the game The 11th Hour. Graeme Devine, designer of Quake 3, appears as the creator of the format in The 11th Hour, which also contains videos in RoQ. Internally, RoQ uses vector quantization to encode the video and DPCM to encode the audio. While the format itself is proprietary, Reverse Engineering was applied successfully in 2001, and the current RoQ decoder is present in the source code released from Quake III. RoQ has very little use outside the games based on the graphics engines of Quake III or Doom 3, but is supported by many of the current players (such as MPlayer) and there are also several decoders made by third parties. Other visual characteristics include volumetric fog, mirrors, portals, debris, and vortex distortion in the form of a wave. Sound The Quake III sound system has output for two channels using an output loop buffer, mixed from 96 tracks with stereo spatialization and Doppler effects. All sound mixes are made inside the engine, which can create problems for the licenses that are expected to implement EAX or support for surround sound. Certain po[CENSORED]r effects such as echoes, moreover, are conspicuous by their absence. One of the biggest problems with the sound system is that the mixer does not have its own thread, so if the game stops for a long time (particularly when navigating menus or connecting to a server), the small output buffer starts repeating itself , a very remarkable problem. This problem is also present in the Doom, Quake, and Quake II engines. Networking Quake III uses a "snapshot" system to collect information about game screens and upload them to a UDP client. The server updates the interaction of the objects at a fixed frequency and independent of the frequencies of the clients that update the server with their actions. Then try to send the status of all objects at that point on time (the current screen) to each client. The server tries to omit as much information as possible about each screen, sending only differences from the last screen confirmed as received by the client. In addition, almost all data packets are compressed using Huffman coding, using static and pre-calculated frequency data, to reduce bandwidth even in the future. Quake III, moreover, integrated a relatively elaborate trap protection system, called "pure server" or pure server. Any client that connects to a pure server automatically activates pure mode, and when it is active, only the files within the data packages can be accessed. Clients are also disconnected if their data packets fail during one of several integrity checks. The file cgame.qvm, due to its high potential to be modified with bad intentions, is subject to additional integrity controls. The system can be an obstacle for developers, who must manually deactivate the pure server to test maps or modifications that are not yet in the data packages. Later versions replaced the pure server with the support for the PunkBuster anticheat, although all the links between the game and this software are absent in the released source code, due to the closed source nature of PunkBuster and its inclusion in the code is a violation of the GNU License. Virtual machine Quake III also contains a virtual machine used to control the behavior of the objects, effects and prediction of the client, all these in the server, and the user interface. This presented many advantages, since the authors of the modifications did not need to worry about ruining the game with bad code, and customers could show more advanced effects or better game menus than were possible with the Quake II engine, in addition to the high customization that the user interface won for the modifications. The MV files were programmed in ANSI C, using LCC to compile them to the 32-bit RISC pseudo-assembler format. Then, they are converted by a tool called q3asm to QVM files, which are multi-segmented files composed of static data and instructions based on a reduced set of operational input codes. Unless there are operations that require a specific endianness, a QVM file can run on any platform supported by Quake 3. In addition, the MV contains bytecode compilers for the x86 and PowerPC architectures, executing QVM instructions as native code instead of doing it through an interpreter. The game Game modes Quake III Arena brings several types of game. They are: Free for All (FFA) - Deadly combat. In this mode all players fight with each other. Win who more deaths (frags) is scored at the end of the game, or who reaches the limit of established frags. Team Deathmatch (TDM) - Deadly team combat. Like FFA, this is about fighting, but not all against all, but divided into two teams. The team that writes the most frags, or the one that reaches the frags limit, wins the game. Tournament (1v1) - One-on-one duels tournament. Two players play, while the rest watch the game. The winner of the duel participates in the next, the loser becomes a spectator. Capture the Flag (CTF) - Capture the flag. In this modality there are two teams, each with its base, and within each base there is a flag. The objective of this modality is to get as many flag captures as possible within the sti[CENSORED]ted time, or to reach the flag limit first. To make a capture, you have to infiltrate the enemy base, take your flag, return to the base, and touch your own flag. To make a capture, the own flag must be in the base; If it is not there, it will have to be recovered. Single-player Unlike its predecessors, Q3A does not have a mission-based campaign. In its place there are a series of fights that simulate the multiplayer experience using computer controlled opponents, better known as bots. (See below). The history of the game is very simple; the best warriors of all time fight for the fun of a race called Vadrigar in the Eternal Arena, continuity with previous games of the series and even Doom is reflected in the inclusion of characters related to those games in particular (like that some information included of each character in the manual), a familiar architecture of map (mixture of Gothic architecture with technology), and specific items; for example, the item Quad Damage and the Rocket Launcher, belonging to the first and second installments, and the powerful BFG10K, which debuted in Quake 2. Perhaps the game should be partially considered as a canon of all series of games Quake and Doom, since the game is based on another dimension: the Eternal Arena. In the game, there are a series of maps that consist of combats with different characters of the game. These range from the easiest difficulty (Crash, in Tier 0) to the most difficult (Xaero, in Tier 7) regardless of the level of difficulty that has been chosen from the main menu. The syntax of the map names are composed of the name of the game, the type of map, and then its number. For example, Q3DM5 is "Quake 3 Map DM number 5", while Q3TOURNEY3 is "Quake 3 Map Tournament number 3". While the common DM maps are designed for 16 players, the Tournament maps are designed for 'duels' between 2 players, and in the single player game they can be considered as the battles against 'bosses'. In addition, the weapons are designed in such a way that there is no "dominant" weapon. The balance of arms was obtained when reviewing previous versions of the games of the series; Quake and Quake II. For example, the Rocket Launcher in Quake is so effective that it dominated the entire scene of DM combat, and its Quake II counterpart has less power to such an extent that other weapons became strong against it. The Quake III version is effective in terms of use, but it does not have much power, allowing it to be countered in many situations. The weapons start as items. They appear at regular intervals at specific places on the map, depending on the value for the variable g_weaponrespawn. When the player takes the weapon, the ammunition reserve for it is subject to a fixed number. However, if the player has more ammunition than indicated by this number, and regardless of whether the player has taken another weapon or more ammunition for it, only one additional round is added. When a player dies, all their weapons, except the Gauntlet and the Machine Gun, are removed from their inventory. The player, in addition, drops the weapon he was using until his death, allowing other players to take it and duplicate his ammo amount in that weapon. There are curious things in the design of some maps of Quake III Arena, for example on the map called: "Q3DM14" there is a figure hanging on the wall that resembles Jesus Christ placed the crown of thorns and has a black appearance; on the map "Q3DM15" there is the cut off head of one of the Q3A programmers and it closely resembles the programmer John Carmack. Multiplayer Quake III Arena was designed specifically for the game between multiple players. This means that the game allows players, whose computers are connected to a network or the Internet, to play games with each other, in real time. Uses a client-server architecture structure that requires clients from all players' computers to connect to a single server. The multiplayer focus of Q3A made possible the emergence of a community similar to Quakeworld, which remains active to this day. Modifications Like its predecessors, Quake and Quake II, Quake III Arena can be modified to support other types of games. The most po[CENSORED]r modifications (mods) are: Rocket Arena 3. A mod focused on the Tournament mode, allowing players to play on the same server in 4 different arenas. Although it depends on the Arena's own configuration, the players' weapons can be configured so that they do not harm those who use them, allowing the constant use of the Rocket-Jump technique or jump with Rocket Launcher. Unlike the normal Quake, when a player dies, he remains a spectator until his entire team dies. DeFRaG. A modification that allows players to train their jumping skills (trickjumping) and compete against others by completing all kinds of tests using these skills. Weapons Factory Arena. A modification based on CTF like Team Fortress, which also uses player classes and modifications to the type of game. Orange Smoothie Productions. It provides many implementations and allows you to customize and manage the game. Excessive Plus. Special for online games, where E + organizes its own tournaments worldwide, between sounds to the characters, agility to move with the help of weapons. Urban Terror Enter the type of tactical game, e.g. team play in more realistic environments. Challenge Pro Mode Arena (formerly known as Promode) * A modification for game types that includes physics and options that allow you to manage air control, rebalance weapons, change weapons faster and implement jumps. Bots Quake III Arena contains an advanced artificial intelligence system, (for the time) with 5 different levels of difficulty. Each bot has its own 'personality', (sometimes humorous) expressed through a number of chat lines based on various factors to simulate the speech of the players at random. The factors include the percentage of opportunities of each bot to speak, responses when a player or bot is eliminated with a certain weapon or when they eliminate it idem, when they commit suicide or see other bots or players committing suicide, correcting, but not eliminating, a player or bot and / or being trapped, praising or despising an opponent when they are eliminated by this, making a kind of mocking comment after eliminating an opponent, random answers based on words that the player or bot writes in the chat , and random phrases and lines that have been entered into the chat based on the percentage of the bot to chat as well as other types of chat. Each category of bot-chat has some lines that must be written by the bot, reducing the chance of any bot repeating the same line for a long period so that the "bot chat" seems more realistic, although sometimes it is inevitable that the repetition of lines occurs. These bots serve as good practice and can be difficult for a newbie to handle and even more for an experienced player, although many of the bots that come with the game are not as advanced even in the difficulty level "Nightmare" ("Nightmare" ") to show a tough challenge to a very experienced player. The Gladiator Bot of Quake II was transferred to Quake III and incorporated into the game by its creator. The chat lines were written by R. A. Salvatore, Seven Swords and Steve Winter. The Gladiator Bot Zero was renamed Xaero and is the toughest opponent in the game. Competitive game Quake III Arena's multiplayer development led to the development of a large community of competitive players, and like its predecessor in the series, it was used extensively in eSports tournaments. In the competitive Quake III Arena, there are two distinct disciplines, sometimes referred to as "rule sets" or "Rulesets". The game Quake III Arena as it comes in the box is referred to as the Vanilla Quake 3 ruleset. It is referred to as 'vanilla' in contrast to the CPM ruleset of the Challenge Pro Mode Arena modification. On July 26, 2006, Challenge Pro Mode Arena with the VQ3 Ruleset was selected by the CPL as the game for its tournament, in addition to converting it as the unofficial competitive mod for Quake III Arena. Previously, OSP was the most used modification for tournaments.
  10. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is an open-world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was officially confirmed by Rockstar Games in early March 2004, and its tentative release date was scheduled for October 19 and 22 of that year for North America and Europe. Distributed by Take-Two Interactive, San Andreas was released for PlayStation 2 on October 26, 2004, although later versions were released, for video consoles of sixth, seventh and eighth generation, as well as computers and mobile devices. The plot of the game takes place in San Andreas, a fictitious state that contains three metropolitan cities: Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas; the three based in the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas, respectively. Set in 1992, the play tells the story of Carl Johnson "CJ", who decides to return to Los Santos after five years of being absent in Liberty City; after learning about his mother's murder. Upon arrival, CJ tries to restore his former band and his family, while slowly revealing the truth behind the death of his mother. Its plot is loosely based on events such as the rivalry between the Bloods and Crips gangs, the crack epidemic, the Rampart scandal and the Los Angeles riots of 1992. San Andreas is structured similarly to the previous titles in the series. The core of the game mechanics consists of elements of third person shooting, driving and open world. For the first time in the series, the player can swim, dive, drive a train (besides being the only one in the series) and climb walls. In addition, emphasis was placed on the personalization of the protagonist, adding varied skill statistics in areas such as driving, handling firearms and physical attributes. Many of these mechanisms in the game, added to the history of the same achieved a great acceptance by the public, which caused that the delivery was considered as the most beloved of the saga, and was considered as the best and most complete delivery of all Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas received almost unanimous approval of the critics. On the Metacritic website, the game has an average score of 95 out of 100 for the PlayStation 2 platform. For its part, the Windows and Xbox versions have a score of 93 out of 100. Likewise, on that website the title is presented as the fifth best rated game of PS2, in addition to being the best-selling video game of the console and the best-selling game of the entire Grand Theft Auto saga. Argument Stage Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas takes place in the year of 1992, along the fictitious State of San Andreas, whose design is based on the states of California and Nevada.n. It is home to Los Santos, which takes Los Angeles as its reference, San Fierro, which is based in San Francisco, and Las Venturas, which is based in Las Vegas. a notorious reflection in its zones and surrounding areas like fields, farms, factories and others. The three cities are connected by numerous roads, a single railway system and several air routes - in which the player can take a plane and travel instantly to another city. The player can drive about 800 m uphill on Mount Chillad-which in turn is based on Mount Diablo-jump from several hills and skyscrapers scattered throughout the state. San Andreas not only contains huge cities and agglomerated suburbs, but also offers a vast rural and peasant area, helping the player to visit the twelve towns and villages that are on the outskirts of each main city: Red County, Flint County, Bone County, Whetstone and Stolen Land, unlike their predecessors who were limited only to urban areas. The U.S. Bank Tower, a skyscraper that turns out to be the tallest on the West Coast of the United States, appears parodied in the game as the Los Santos Tower building. Other remarkable places are the Sherman dam -based on the Hoover Dam-, a secret military base called Area 69 -taking Area 51 as an example-, a land in the middle of the desert with a huge amount of parabolic antennas -Very Large Array-, the district of Vinewood -Hollywood- and its respective sign -Hollywood Sign- and many other geographical references of the real world. The bridges that connect Los Santos with San Fierro take their inspiration from the Forth bridge and railroad, which connect in real life to Edinburgh - the city where the Rockstar North offices are located - with Fife despite the fact that the bridge has a resemblance very similar to the bridge between San Francisco and Oakland. Characters The characters that appear in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas are relatively varied and are related to the respective cities and districts on which these are based. The player controls Carl "CJ" Johnson, a young African-American gang member who, after missing five years and living in Liberty City, decides to return to Los Santos. By advancing the plot, CJ will be forced to a trip that will take him across the state of San Andreas and part of Liberty City, to save his family and take control of the streets.Repper Young Maylay is the one who lent your voice to the character. On the other hand, the main antagonists are Frank Tenpenny, Edward "Eddie" [CENSORED]ski and Jimmy Hernandez, all corrupt police officers who belong to a group called as C.R.A.S.H. -Acronym of «Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums» -. Anecdotally, it is noteworthy that the actor Samuel L. Jackson lent his voice to the character of Tenpenny, which earned him to win the award for "Best human performance" in the 2004 Spike Video Game Awards. Other important personages are Sean "Sweet" Johnson, leader of the band of Grove Street Families and brother of Carl; Lance «Ryder» Wilson and Melvin «Big Smoke» Harris, who at the beginning of the plot belong to Grove. Likewise, Kendl, sister of CJ and Sweet, figures as an important character, because for her the protagonist manages to meet César Vialpando, the leader of the Varrio los Aztecas gang, with whom he forms an alliance.18 Throughout the game, CJ knows other people who help him in his adventure, some with whom he even manages to maintain a romantic situation, or as important allies in certain points of the plot that allow him to access new areas and regions that he could not before. As in previous editions, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas includes the dubbing of notable celebrities, such as David Cross, Andy Dick, Ron Foster, Samuel L. Jackson, James Woods, Peter Fonda, Charlie Murphy, Frank Vincent, Chris Penn, Danny Dyer, Sara Tanaka, William Fichtner, Wil Wheaton; the rappers Ice-T, Chuck D, Frost, MC Eiht and Game; and the musicians George Clinton, Axl Rose, Sly and Robbie, and Shaun Ryder. The Guinness Book of Records in its 2009 Gamer's Edition listed San Andreas as the largest voice-sharing game hitherto: with 861 actors of accredited voices, including 174 actors and 687 additional performers; of the latter, many were followers of the series that wanted to appear in the game. Gangs A large part of the game and important within the plot, is based on the relationship that the bands in Los Santos have with each other. These bands are divided by territories and neighborhoods within said metropolis. CJ belongs to the "Families" street gang, which at the beginning of the game is divided by internal disputes in three branches: "Temple Drive", "Seville Boulevard" and "Grove Street", a faction to which Carl belongs. The other bands are the «Ballas», «Los Santos Vagos», who also compete for the same territories as the Families; also the band «Varrio los Aztecas». The organizations that move through San Fierro are the triads, among which the «Da Nang Boys», a group of mobsters from Vietnam; and the Hispanic gang "San Fierro Rifa", which acts under the orders of "Loco Syndicate." On the other hand, the triad organized by the Mountain Cloud Boys (led by Wu Zi Mu) is owned by their respective casinos in Las Venturas. the mafia families Sindacco, Forelli and Leone (the latter led by Salvatore Leone) .These bands are based on real gangs, among which the Bloods, the Crips, the Latin Kings, the Norteños band, the Asian Boyz stand out , the Italian and Russian Mafia, and the Sureños. Plot Set in the early 1990s (1992), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas tells the story of Carl Johnson, who decides to return to Los Santos to attend the funeral of his mother, Beverly, who was killed in a shooting. As soon as he arrives, Carl is intercepted by CRASH police officers Frank Tenpenny, Eddie [CENSORED]ski and his newest addition, Officer Jimmy Hernandez, who threaten to incriminate him in the murder of a police officer, unless he helps them in his illegal operations Carl returns with his allies and friends in his old gang, Grove Street Families, working together with his brother Sweet and who lost all respect for leaving, 30 and his companions Ryder and Big Smoke, to return to Grove as a predominant gang in the city - since now the strongest bands are Ballas and Los Santos Vagos as they dominated Grove Street territories - and reduce addiction and influence of crack among some members of the band. Shortly before a gang battle between Grove Street and the Ballas, CJ receives a call from his sister Kendl's boyfriend, César Vialpando a leader of another gang, Varrio the Aztecs who have some rivalry with Los Santos Vagos. After asking him to meet, César shows Carl the vehicle involved in the murder of his mother being escorted to CJ's surprise by Big Smoke, Ryder, Ballas and Tenpenny, and CJ realizes that the battle is an ambush and decides Go for his brother, who was in full confrontation. However, he arrives too late, because Sweet is injured and hospitalized in a prison hospital, Carl is arrested and the CRASH manages to guard him, releasing him in Angel Pine where they give him more orders of murder, meanwhile, Ryder and Big Smoke. , now allied with the Ballas and flooding the city with drugs, they take absolute control of Los Santos as far as gangs are concerned. During his stay in the rural counties of San Andreas, Carl does various jobs with the cousin of the also exiled Cesar, Catalina, and also for "The Thuth," an old hippie farmer of marijuana.19 34 Also, during some races illegally meets the blind Wu Zi «Woozie» Mu and wins the title deed to a garage in San Fierro belonging to Catalina; While it decides to go to Liberty City with Claude Speed, Carl moves to San Fierro and works to convert the garage into a mechanical workshop hiring the mechanics Dwaine and Jethro, and the electronics expert Zero. helps Woozie defend himself against the Vietnamese gang Da Nang Boys, in addition to working for Tenpenny. CJ enters the Loco Syndicate, a band associated with Smoke and Ryder in their drug business, to eventually assassinate the latter and the leaders of the organization, Mike Toreno, T-Bone Méndez and Jizzy B. Subsequently, Carl is contacted by a mysterious man in the desert who turns out to be Mike Toreno, who reveals himself as a secret agent of the government and agrees to secure the release of Sweet from jail in exchange for his help. He is invited by Woozie to associate him with the casino The Four Dragons, in Las Venturas, at this point they begin to plan a robbery at the Caligula casino, controlled by the Sindacco, Forelli and Leone families. Meanwhile, Carl meets music producer Kent Paul and Caligula manager Ken Rosenberg, who is under pressure from the underworld that controls the place. After excessive pressure from the other two families, the mafia boss Salvatore Leone arrives at Las Venturas, gets rid of both with Carl's help and takes complete control of the establishment. After this, and after having planned, Carl and Woozie carry out their theft, subtracting millions of dollars from the casino. An enraged Salvatore calls CJ after the robbery, threatening him with death. Johnson only limits himself to mocking Leone, then hangs him in. During this, Tenpenny and [CENSORED]ski, now under accusation, try to assassinate Carl, but he manages to kill Eddie after he murdered Hernandez, who had turned out to be a snitch, while Frank escapes. CJ also saves rapper Madd Dogg from attempting suicide after a series of unfortunate events in which Johnson was responsible, this, without Dogg knowing, becoming his new representative and reestablishing himself in Los Santos. He does one last job for Toreno, Sweet is finally released and CJ agrees to help him once again to restore Grove Street. Tenpenny goes to trial, but the charges are dropped due to lack of evidence, possibly thanks to all the work that Johnson did correctly on his behalf. The liberation of Frank generates anger and commotion, which provokes disturbances throughout Los Santos. Meanwhile, César has also returned to the city and asks CJ to help him re-establish the Varrio the Aztecs, since the Santos Vagos have taken over the area, and later, Sweet locates Big Smoke, who lives in a «Crack palace» fortified in Los Santos. Carl, then, enters with all the defenses of the fortification and kills Smoke in a shootout, only to be confronted by Tenpenny, who steals the money from Smoke's drugs, causes a fire in the palace and escapes in a truck. firefighters with the intention of fleeing the city that is in turmoil because of their fault After escaping from the building, the Johnson brothers chase Frank through the streets of the city until, eventually, he loses control of the truck and falls down a bridge, finally crashing at the entrance to Grove Street. Tenpenny manages to crawl free of the remains of the accident, before collapsing and dying from his injuries. Game system Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is structured similarly to previous games in the series. The core of the game consists of elements of a third person shooting title and driving, as well as giving the player an open world environment with freedom of movement. The character of the player is able to move on foot and jump, as well as use weapons and combat melee in multiple ways. In addition, the character can shoot two weapons at a time, only if they have the ability required to do so.For the first time in the series, the player can swim, dive and climb walls. Also, you can drive a wide variety of vehicles, including cars, boats, helicopters, airplanes and motorcycles. The open world system allows the player to explore and know the virtual world around him. Although missions are necessary to progress through the game and unlock most of the map and content, players can complete them whenever they wish. When a mission is not being developed, the player can freely roam the map. However, creating havoc can lead to unwanted and potentially fatal attention from the authorities.The search levels operate in a similar way to previous deliveries. When the police are chasing Carl, stars appear whose number indicates the level they are at. The more chaos caused, the stronger the police response: where the police handle minor crimes - attacking pedestrians, stealing vehicles, etc. - SWAT teams, FBI and military forces will respond to the highest levels. If the player is injured he can recover his health using the services of a prostitute, eating, drinking sodas, keeping the game, etc. There are also small physical injuries such as falls, windings by vehicles and, of course, shots or explosions if equipped with bulletproof vest. This body armor is gradually damaged by shots, explosions and slashes. When the protagonist's health level reaches zero, it reappears at the nearest hospital. Also, if Carl is arrested, he will be taken to the police station. In both cases, Carl will lose a hundred dollars of his total money for medical expenses or police bribery, and yet only when he is arrested will all his weapons be confiscated. The camera, the aim and the combat system was revised and adapted to a scheme similar to that of Manhunt, since it also includes some elements of stealth. When it is in focus, the target is indicated by segments that pose on it, and that change color according to their state of health, Carl's health is represented by a red bar in the upper right corner of the screen, while on this one a white bar represents its total armoring. Due to the swimming and diving implement, the head-up display also features a bar that symbolizes the amount of remaining oxygen that Carl has while underwater. In the same place there is also an internal clock that indicates the hours of the day, which is reflected in the game environment, since it can be day, afternoon or night. This clock is not synchronized with the real time of the computer or the console, but it uses its configuration to indicate the passage of time; this has a relationship within its software. Also, this same timer activates some missions that can only be performed at certain time intervals within the game. The player can participate in a huge variety of side quests, which can increase the attributes of your character or provide an alternate source of income. Despite this, not all the places that the player can enter are available from the start of the game. Some places, such as garages, restaurants, gyms and shops, only become accessible once certain missions are completed. Also, during the first part of the game, only the city of Los Santos and the suburbs that surround it are available to explore them; But to unlock the other cities and rural areas, it is also necessary to successfully complete different missions. But if the player tries to travel to these places while they are still blocked, instantly SWAT and military forces will try to trap the player. Some of the missions already seen in previous titles included works of taxi driver, paramedic, watchman and fireman, while those added in San Andreas include robbery, procuring, export and import of vehicles, distribution of goods by bicycle and driving schools for Terrestrial vehicles, as well as maritime and aerial vehicles Other features implemented in GTA: San Andreas are gang warfare, where the player conquers enemy territories -through the sequence of rounds; These begin when the player kills three members of an enemy band - and defends the ones he has already won - however, while fighting for the territories, other enemy gangs may attack those the player already achieved. of mini-games available scattered throughout San Andreas that include basketball, ballroom dancing, triathlons, gambling, virtual betting, arcade machines, and so on. In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Rockstar emphasized the personalization of the protagonist, adding various elements belonging to a role-playing video game. Clothing, accessories, hairstyle and tattoos can be modified to the player's choice, and even have more of a reaction in the pedestrians Carl comes in. Carl can also have girlfriends with whom he can go out to have fun. CJ's respect among his bandmates and recruits varies according to his appearance and actions, as well as his relationships with his girlfriends, who will compensate him if their relationship reaches a good level. sport has also an effect on its appearance and physical attributes. The video game also includes skill statistics in areas such as driving, firearms handling, endurance and lung capacity, which improve through their use in the game.CJ can also learn different styles of melee combat in the gymnasiums of San Andreas. As in previous titles, San Andreas does not include online multiplayer mode. This was confirmed five months before its release by Dan Houser, who stated that the setting of the video game was too large to be introduced efficiently online, while the Microsoft Windows version received modifications from third parties such as Multi Theft Auto and San Andreas Multiplayer that provide that functionality.Other features in certain versions, however, present a feature called "Slaughter" (except the PC version) where two players can play in the same game at the same time. In addition, the game changed the "hidden objects" present in other titles of the series, by graffiti painted on walls, specific photographs, horseshoes and oysters that the player must repaint, take, collect and search, respectively, along all the state of San Andreas. As in other titles of the series, in San Andreas it is possible to insert codes through the command that affect the game, either as a means of making the gameplay easier or as simple fun. However, in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, entering one of these "tricks" will prevent achievements / trophies from being unlocked during the normal game, and the game can not be automatically saved between missions because the file of the game will be corrupted. Vehicles In total, there are 248 vehicles that pass through the streets of the state of San Andreas, compared to the 60 types that were in Grand Theft Auto III. In contrast to this game, more means of transportation were added, both personal and for groups, among which are bicycles, tractors, forklifts, trucks and hovercrafts, among many others.The game physics that it implements for the use of vehicles is similar which was used for the series of Midnight Club racing video games, which allowed to program a more simplistic control for jumps and acrobatics, in addition to designing own characteristics for the modification of automobiles, such as the body, nitrous oxide and hydraulic suspension -Although the latter was already present also in GTA III. Vehicles usually have different but equally important functions within the game. For example, some off-road vehicles that are employees have a better cross-country performance, while race cars work better on the streets and roads Jet planes are fast, but usually always need a large place to be able to land. Helicopters can be landed almost anywhere, and are easy to control, although they are quite slow. While other games in the Grand Theft Auto series only had a small number of aircraft, and it was difficult to obtain them, San Andreas has 11 different types of aircraft and 9 helicopters, which makes the game even more extensive. to your missions. In some cases it is also possible to dive with the help of an aerial vehicle, with the help of a parachute. Also, a large number of boats were added to the repertoire, although many had already appeared in previous titles, only modified. Production After the critical and commercial success of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, rumors of a next title in the series came in 2003.IGN said that same year that "Rockstar is working on his next Grand Theft Auto, but there are many details about the game that we simply do not know ». Likewise, Take-Two reported that the next GTA would be announced in the second half of the fourth fiscal quarter of 2004, that is, between August and October of that year, and that the title was going to be exclusive with PlayStation 2. during the first months of launch. Although, at that time, there was no more information about the plot or where the game would be set, there were already rumors that it would be framed in San Andreas or Las Vegas.Rumors about a Grand Theft Auto in the city of Nevada grew significantly; So much so, that Amazon online sales site published a game under the title of Grand Theft Auto IV: Sin City - meaning "the city of sin": Las Vegas -, including the exact launch date and the possibility of preordering it for Later, in December 2003, Take-Two registered several brands with names that involved San Andreas, Bogotá and Tokyo, as well as GTA 5, GTA 6 and GTA: Sin City. next month and speculated that it was only a diversionary maneuver to keep the followers in the unknown of what the real title would be. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was officially confirmed by Rockstar Games in early March 2004, and its tentative release date was scheduled for October 19 and 22 of this year for North America and Europe, respectively. Sam Houser, the co-founder and president of Rockstar, said that "[...] Over the past two years, we have put a huge amount of pressure on ourselves to make sure we do everything we can to exceed people's expectations. with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Although we still have eight months to put it on the market, we are starting to feel very proud of what we have achieved. " Leslie Benzies, president of Rockstar North, added that "we are very honored by the success of the Grand Theft Auto series, and it has done with us to demand more than ever to create Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which is expected to redefine the series and revolutionize the open world game mode ». San Andreas introduced graphical improvements compared to its predecessors. The video game uses a texture streaming technology, which incorporated more detailed environments and environments. In addition, it included other features such as real-time reflections, smoother shading, ragdoll physics, downcast NPC graphics application, and independent models for day and night environments. Likewise, a greater drawing distance was made, as well as 30-50% more polygons rendered on the screen. Advertising Rockstar on its website revealed in early May 2004, the first screenshots of the game system in in-game format. Also, during the publication of these was confirmed that the title was set on the West Coast of the 1990s, and that the main character of the plot would be Carl Johnson, a gang member who "is forced to a trip that will take you all the state of San Andreas, to save his family and take control of the streets. "After this revelation, IGN commented that" [San Andreas] has a conceptual style reminiscent of the po[CENSORED]r films of the 1990s, Boyz n the Hood and Juice. "At the end of June of the same year, the Dutch magazine Power Unlimited reported that San Andreas would not have an online multiplayer mode. This was confirmed by the creative vice president of Rockstar Games, Dan Houser, who stated that the setting of the game was too large to be introduced into an online model efficiently at that time. The Rockstar team worked with the Chicano tattoo artist Mister Cartoon to explain the cultural and philosophical aspects of the tattoos that were lived among gangs during the 1990s. In addition, Cartoon was in charge of making the font for the videogame. A short film entitled The Introduction, a video made with the same graphics of the game, was included along with the soundtrack in DVD format, as in the re-launch of the game for the PlayStation 2, whose version was called Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas Special Edition. The video briefly explains the events that precede San Andreas which allows to know relevant information about the outcome of the characters. It also explains how Carl gets to know about the death of his mother by a phone call from Sweet, so he returns to Los Santos and realize that his life is in misery. The title for PlayStation 2 also included a real documentary called Sunny Driver, which deals with the culture of tuneo - a prominent aspect of the game. Launching The title was launched for the PlayStation 2 console in North America on October 26, 2004, and three days later, in Europe and Australia, Japan did not see its launch until January 25, 2007, under the distribution of Capcom. The versions of Xbox and Windows were published on June 7 and 10, 2005 in the United States and Europe, respectively, and a version of the game for the Xbox 360 would be published on October 20, 2008 and later on October 26, 2014 an "HD remastarización" for the tenth anniversary since its original premiere. San Andreas was released for OS X on November 12, 2010, as well as PlayStation 3 under its digital platform, PSN, on December 11 and 12, 2012 in North America and Europe, respectively. The video game also obtained its versions in iOS mobile operating systems, on December 12, 2013, Kindle and Android, on December 19, and finally, Windows Phone, on January 27, 2014. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas received 18 ratings by the BBFC, 18+ by the PEGI, MA15 + by the OFLC and M by the ESRB, however, after the controversy of hidden codes known as Hot Coffee, the US board re-labeled the title to AO. Finally, San Andreas regained its original classification after replacing the game with edited copies and deleting the codes in these. Soundtrack As in previous games of the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA: San Andreas has a soundtrack that can be heard through radio stations while the player is in a vehicle. The game is provided with eleven radio stations, of which one is a discussion station. The other stations have music from a wide range of genres. The radio stations are: WCTR, Master Sounds 98.3, K-Jah West, CSR, X Radio, Los Santos Radio, SF-UR, Bounce FM, K-DST, K-Rose and FM Playback. There are notable inclusions to the soundtrack of the game, such as The Who, Deodato, The Ohio Players, Toto, Faith No More, Depeche Mode, James Brown, Soundgarden, Kiss, Kid Frost, Rage Against the Machine, Danzig, Alice in Chains, Frankie Knuckles, Guns N 'Roses, Gang Starr, Snoop Dogg, NWA, Cypress Hill, 2Pac, Ice Cube, Eazy-E, Stone Temple Pilots, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Living Color and Ozzy Osbourne. The main theme of San Andreas - music of the introduction - is composed by Michael Hunter, who would also compose the theme for Grand Theft Auto IV years later. The radio system in San Andreas has been modified. In the previous titles of the series, each radio station was essentially a single file of repeated sound, playing the same songs, advertisements and propaganda in the same order each time. With the radio stations in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas each sound file is separated, and they are "mixed" randomly, allowing the songs to be played in different orders, the ads for the songs to be different each time, and the Argument events are mentioned in some stations. The Xbox and Windows versions include an additional radio station that allows the user to create their own soundtrack by importing audio files, or by making a playlist in the iOS version. Not so the versions of PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Reception Review Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas received universal acclaim from critics. In the metacritic analysis aggregator, the game has an average score of 95 out of 100 for the PlayStation 2 platform; the versions of Windows and Xbox, on the other hand, have a score of 93 over 100. Also, on that website the title is presented as the fifth best punctuated game of PS2, behind Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Grand Theft Auto III, Resident Evil 4 and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.11 GameRankings.com, on the other hand, offered a score of 95% based on an average among other analysis sites, 125 not so, however, for the versions of Xbox and PC, because they obtained a smaller but equally high percentage. Jeremy Dunham of IGN gave a final result of 9.9 out of 10 - the highest score ever given a game for PS2. In this review, Dunham praised the game for being "the ultimate software work" for that console. Likewise, as at the end of his analysis he indicated that: "in short, it is an endless masterpiece of videogames - and one that will never be a victim of overvaluation due to its sublime gameplay. It is the definitive piece of software for the successful second console designed by Sony; In addition, it is almost impossible to imagine the library of PlayStation 2 titles without him. "On the other hand, Jeff Gertsmann of GameSpot scored him with a 9.6 out of 10, also giving him the" Editor's Choice "award. Gertsmann mentioned that "San Andreas definitely gives meaning to the name of Grand Theft Auto. In fact, it may be the best game in the whole series. "However, in the Xbox and PC version, it got a lower rating, mainly due to the drastic change in the controls for the game system, but still the site mentioned that the game continued to show an "entertaining and challenging" environment, since the changes were minor for these versions.The 1UP.com website mentioned that "we expected a" big "title, but we were not prepared enough for something "extremely gigantic". In very rare occasions it's your turn to enjoy a game that as you advance in the plot your skills -fighting, marksmanship, handling, etc.- increase within themselves, and that this is maintained until the end of it ». For this reason, the site gave it a rating of A +, which represents the maximum rating of the site. For his part, Kristian Reed of Eurogamer also offered an optimistic perspective on the game, saying that "depending on the type of missions you have to perform, you will realize that San Andreas defines itself as a game in constant uninterrupted change - a game which is almost impossible to judge at first sight, because you will never be sure of what is going to happen next ». Before said comment, Reed gave him a rating of 9 out of 10. Rob Hamilton of HonestGamers.com, mentions that "the euphoria, the emotion and the infinite possibilities" of San Andreas allow the player to admire the great complexity of the title, put that "in a few words, the game is gigantic! - so big that it is a faithful representation of the largest city in the United States. Carl is so submerged in this virtual world -in which very little space is wasted- and in which simply, there is always something to do literally speaking, around the corner », which ends his review giving the game a score of 10 out of 10. Shaun Hunter of NZGamer.com, gave a general review on the title, praising mainly the new features that the game offers, highlighting the complexity with which the game system was designed, because unlike the previous titles of the series, in San Andreas the player can progressively improve in the adventure, discovering new places in which, although submissions can be completed or even several mini-games, the title "squeeze to the max" all the capabilities that a game of the series of Grand Theft Auto offers, since this will keep you "pretty busy at least some 100 hours, if you want more, "he gave a rating of 9.7 out of 10. One of the most notorious aspects that the critics found as "innovative" within the series was the soundtrack, since they mention that during the course of the game, the music varies from one moment to another, and they found it pleasant to listen to music from famous bands and artists, such as 2Pac, Cypress Hill, Rage Against The Machine, Guns N 'Roses, Billy Idol, etc. Other aspects and details about the game, such as the voice acting, the way in which the game is designed to be an open world, the size of the state of San Andreas and its "interesting" argument, highlighting and further improving the replay of the title.In contrast to the above, some commentators criticized the graphics and the aesthetics of the objects Some have bugs in the game environment, as well as the poor modeling of the characters, the low resolution in the texture of the buildings and vehicles, as well as some errors presented in the s controls, such as the mechanism of aiming blockade to enemies, among others. Also, others said that although San Andreas includes and expands the compendium of weapons, vehicles and missions, very few of these characteristics were refined or redesigned correctly. In its digital version, the reporter Charles Herold of the New York Times newspaper offered a mixed criticism, since he compared the game with Halo 2, another po[CENSORED]r title at the time of San Andreas, because in his consideration, the sequels of other series are po[CENSORED]r since the main games manage to "have a huge amount of cult followers" since unlike The Sims or the Burnout or Myst series, GTA: SA "takes place in a hideous environment, where casual violence abounds between street gangs, but even though it shows an unparalleled creativity of design, this makes it even more annoying and disturbing would feel more comfortable if the open environment of the game had more general objectives: to kill an enemy when and how you want; Acquire more money for other objectives in any way possible; to challenge people other than car races. "For his part, GamesRadar mentioned that the game represents a synchrony" shockingly coherent, divinely orchestrated - and despite the million words already written with a feverish anticipation - it has the incredible ability to surprise in every moment This is the pinnacle of PlayStation 2, a game with a unique, well-polished magic developed by an experienced group of designers who worked to the limit of their abilities. "In a more recent review, the same site referenced the media controversy that the game provoked due to their "excessive and indiscriminate" violence and that the critics of po[CENSORED]r culture were inclined to negative criticism, for the players there were still reasons why "to take care of him; reasons such as a freedom without limits, exploration without impediments and the possibility of running over unsuspecting old women at impressive speeds ». The editor Nacho Ortiz, of the Spanish portal Meristation, scored Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with a 9.5 out of 10, noting that the highlight of the title is its game system, since it offers "infinite possibilities to pass the time »And the great leap it made with respect to its predecessor. One of the aspects that Ortiz noted, in his words, "is not a simple action game. In San Andreas a fusion of genres has been achieved where the action, the narrative force of the story, the RPG touches and a new social simulator component go hand in hand, "as the number of hours required to complete the game, together with the vast variety of possibilities that the player has at his disposal, together with the meticulous details on the part of the developers, make it an "entertaining" title as well as "immersible". He also made a brief comparison of the game with films of the same theme, such as Boyz n the Hood (1991) and Colors (1988). He also commented that the great disposition of weapons, alternatives of the main story and other elements, become in «a lot of ways to kill time». However, the only flaw in his judgment fell on his graphic finish, as he mentions that "the console hit a ceiling long ago as the only complaint we find that the PS2 does not pull more, does not give more than itself, and that affects significantly to the playable experience ». Commercial The game managed to sell itself in 12 million units only for the PlayStation 2 version during the month of March 2005, making it the best-selling game for that console in history.According to Take-Two Interactive, the game reached figure of 20 million copies sold by the date of September 26, 2007. However, sales increased for the following year, adding 21.5 million copies.The 2009 edition of the Guinness Book of Records, mentions that San Andreas is the most successful game for the PlayStation 2, because only for this console 17.33 million copies were sold, a total of 21.5 million compared to other consoles, as mentioned by Take-Two Interactive. According to Kotaku and Rockstar Games, it was reported that in 2011 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas managed to sell approximately 27.5 million units worldwide.
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  12. my offer would be 12 euros, the hosting payment. @Kompact
  13. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a video game belonging to the role-playing genre developed by the Warhorse Studios company and published by Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It takes place in the medieval kingdom of Bohemia, an Imperial State of the Holy Roman Empire. Romano, with a focus on historically accurate content, was released around the world on February 13, 2018. The story takes place during a war in Bohemia in the year 1403. Under the orders of the Hungarian king Segismundo, the Cuman mercenaries attack the mining village of Skalitz, an important source of silver. One of the survivors of that massacre is Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Forsaken and vengeful, Henry joins the service of Mr. Radzig Kobyla, who leads a resistance movement against the invasion of Segismundo. While Henry seeks justice for his murdered family, he engages in an effort to restore the legitimate king of Bohemia and the half brother of Sigismund, Wenceslaus IV, to the throne. The game features ramified mission lines and an open world, an environment that encourages immersion in the game and includes weapons, clothing, combat techniques and architecture from the early 15th century, recreated with the help of architects and historians. Game mode Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a role-playing video game set in an open world and played from a first-person perspective that uses a classless RPG system, which allows the player to customize their abilities to take on roles as a warrior, bard, thief or its hybrids. The skills and statistics grow according to what the player does and says through branched dialogue trees. During conversations, the time it takes a player to make a decision is limited and will have an effect on their relationships with others. The reputation is based on the choices of the players and, therefore, can have consequences. The bodies and faces of the characters are created through the combination of multiple individual pieces with final touches. The dress system has 16 spaces and items for items in many areas of the body that can be accommodated, for example, a knight in heavy armor can use a gambeson on the upper body, followed by mesh and plate armor, with a tabard or surplice on top, for a total of four garments in the chest slots. Each type of clothing provides different levels of protection against different types of weapons. Clothes also wear out progressively, get dirty or break, which affects the appearance of the character. The player can use a variety of weapons including swords, knives, axes, hammers or bows.Horses appear to a large extent in the game, and are designed to act with their own artificial intelligence while they are under player control, moving or jumping to avoid small obstacles or dangers. The player can also fight on horseback and use his steed to carry items if he needs additional space in the inventory, but the war horses are also competent fighters with their own artificial intelligence. The steeds come with five slots for armor and accessories. Kingdom Come: Deliverance also presents a system of needs that requires the player to sleep and eat to stay healthy. Equipment and clothing also degrade and require repair. Food products and other perishable items will spoil over time. The game uses skills-based mini-games / statistics for many of these tasks, which include repairing armor and garments, as well as collecting new items by choosing locks or pockets, distilling alcohol or creating medications. The game uses long and short range weapons in combat that is based on a physics system that uses inverse kinematics to determine the reactions of both fighters according to the speed and weight of a blow. This system aims to add more variety and realism to combat, along with a variety of basic combat moves and combination moves, some of which can be unlocked by skill points. Different weapons have different characteristics that make them useful for different purposes, for example, a sword is a quick weapon to hit and stop, but it is not very effective against heavy armor. The missions are intended to be non-linear, with multiple ways of completing objectives to allow multiple types of characters to be viable. The plot presents some large-scale events such as sieges to castles and great battles. Each non-player character (NPC) has its daily routine, and each routine can be affected by the player.The characters can react to all the actions of the players and adjust their routines to them.The NPCs will report crimes to the authorities, who will punish the player accordingly, either with a fine, time in jail or subjecting them to actions or torturing. Crime will affect the economy and people will become suspicious or aggressive after unresolved crimes. Synopsis Kingdom Come: The liberation takes place at the beginning of the XV century, in the Kingdom of Bohemia, part of the Lands of the Crown of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire in what is now the Czech Republic. The accessible area of the game is located in the region between Sázava and Rataje nad Sázavou.1 Other settlements and villages in the real world game include Stříbrná Skalice, Světlá nad Sázavou, Ledečko, Sázava Monastery, Samopše, Úžice and Nový Dvůr. Before the events of the game, the Kingdom of Bohemia was ruled by Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, and experienced a golden age under his reign. However, after the death of Charles, his son, Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia, took the throne instead of his half-brother, Sigismund, king of Hungary and Croatia. WenceslaO would prove to be an idle and useless ruler for the bohemian nobility who could not control it. In a risky move, with the help of Bohemian nobles, Segismundo kidnaps and dethroned Wenceslao and begins a brutal campaign to capture the lands of Bohemia. In the silver mining town of Skalitz, the young Henry is a simple peasant, who lives under his mother and his blacksmith father, Martin. After finishing some errands for his father, Henry joins him to complete a magnificent sword entrusted to the squire of King Wenceslas, Sir Radzig Kobyla. While Henry wants to explore and see life outside the village, Martin insists that a quieter life is much safer than that of an adventurer. Immediately afterwards, an army of Cuman soldiers under Sigismund of Luxembourg controls the attack and attacks Skalitz, killing all those who do not flee. Henry grabs the sword and runs, but then returns for his mother and father, and witnesses his murder under Sigismund's sidekick, Sir Markvart von Aulitz. Henry flees to the safety of the castle, but it is too late and he is forced to go to the nearest castle in Talmberg. Hardly escaping with life, Henry arrives at Talmberg and warns his lord, Sir Divish, and his friend, Sir Hanush of Leipa, of the attack on Skalitz. Sir Divish and Hanush take pity on Henry after his ordeal, and are later greeted by the survivors of Skalitz, led by Sir Radzig, who have slipped away during a storm. Henry is devastated by the fact that his parents have not been properly buried, and escapes from Talmberg against the orders of Sir Divish back to Skalitz. Henry swears revenge on the man who murdered his parents, but is immediately outnumbered and defeated by a band of bandits and their leader, who also carries the sword in charge. Henry is rescued by another girl from Skalitz, Theresa, and Captain Robard from Talmberg, who ends up burying Henry's parents and transporting him safely to the town of Rattay. Trying to recover his father's sword and avenge the death of his parents, Henry hopes to join the envoy of Sir Radzig to help in the battle against the army of Sigismund. Although the tradition of servitude initially keeps Henry as a simple peasant, he proves to be a brave and obedient soldier for Radzig. After saving and befriending the evil nephew and heir of Sir Hanush, Lord Hans Capon, of a group of bandits, Henry is accepted in the envoy of Sir Radzig. Investigate the bandits and their raids on local farms, before finally discovering a hidden camp that has been established within a forgotten and forested castle. After warning Sir Radzig of the camp, they prepare a raid to destroy the bandit and the Cuman hive. After struggling to enter, Henry confronts the sword thief and bandit leader, Runt. However, after being defeated, Runt resigns himself to his fate and neither reveals his true leader nor the location of the sword before dying. The hybrid group of cumans and bandits leads the Lords to believe that someone has been secretly trying to raise an insurgency from within the kingdom, and Henry tries to investigate further to discover the culprit. A clue is provided by a clue found in the bandits' hiding place; a fake groschen chest that has been made inside the kingdom somewhere. Henry finds and captures the manufacturer of the fakes and then finds a clue about the mysterious group. Henry tries to insert himself into their ranks, but the bandits ask him to kill a former member of the group that betrayed them. To find the target, Henry secretly joins a monastery of Christian monks where the man hides, and attracts him over time. Henry finally discovers and infiltrates the bandits' fortress, finding a massive hidden army composed of Czech mercenary soldiers. In the fortress, Henry meets Istvan Toth, a Hungarian gentleman who had been visiting the Lords earlier in the game. Toth remembers Henry and reveals that he also has his father's sword. Before he can react, Henry is unconscious and captured. After being beaten for hours, Henry is again visited by Toth, who reveals his plan; Use the fake groschen to arm an army of local mercenaries under the Lords' radar, then loot and capture the land without much resistance. With their alliance with the crusade of Sigismund, Toth would be granted captured bohemian lands once Sigismund was king. He goes on to reveal also that Henry is actually the bastard son of Sir Radzig himself, and that he will keep Henry alive to negotiate a rescue. With the help of a former Skalitz villager, Zbyshek, Henry escapes from the fortress and warns the Lords of Toth's betrayal. Radzig recognizes Henry as his son as well, but remains focused on the growing situation. After recruiting Sir Divish, the Lords descend to the fortress at night and massacre the massed bandits. Although they are successful, they realize that Toth has fled the camp and plans to infiltrate Talmberg Castle without protection. Although they return to Talmberg as quickly as possible, Toth advances to the castle and has the wife of Sir Divish, Stephanie, and a captured Sir Radzig as hostages. With no other options, the Lords prepare for a siege in Talmberg. Sir Divish orders the construction of a catapult in order to break through the walls of the castle, and helps Henry in the process by recruiting the help of eccentric military engineer, Konrad Kyeser. Releasing him of his old duties in the monastery, Kyeser directs the construction of the trebuchet, which allows the beginning of the siege. Eventually, the destruction of the castle rake allows the door to open, and the Lords begin to retake Talmberg and kill the rest of Istvan's soldiers. Although they have it cornered, Sir Hanush carries out an agreement to ensure the safe exit of Istvan and the exile of Bohemia in exchange for Lady Stephanie. However, Istvan leaves with Radzig just in case, agreeing to leave him in Skalitz. Henry and Lord Capon go to find Radzig. Meeting him at the edges of burnt Skalitz, Henry and Radzig reflect on the outcome of the situation. Henry is discouraged by the loss of his father's sword and by the escape of Istvan and von Aulitz from justice, although Radzig weighs that the lives saved in the end were due to honor his nobility and moral principles. They return to Talmberg, to assume their next duties in the restoration of the kingdom. In a dream, Henry is visited by his father Martin, who praises Henry for his courage and resilience. He sees both of them, his father and his mother disappear in the light and he wakes up, dressed in noble clothes, with his new condition of son of a man. The gentlemen receive a visit from Jobst, the Margrave of Moravia and the cousin of King Wenceslaus. Together they discuss the state of Bohemia; Wenceslaus is held captive in Vienna, while Sigismund continues to plunder the kingdom. However, his homeland of Hungary has rebelled against him, and is vulnerable by choosing between staying to capture the Bohemian Crown, or returning home to ensure his rule in his own domain. Jobst proposes a plan to establish a strategic alliance with the followers of Segismundo, who are disconcerted by the uprising and fear their defeat, to end the war once and for all. Although the Lords are not sure of the plan, they agreed to rescue and restore Wenceslao to the throne and end the Segismundo raid peacefully. In a final scene, Henry and Lord Capon leave on a trip to visit one of Segismundo's allies, Otto von Bergow, on his estate at Castle Trosky. Henry says that his personal quest is still to find von Aulitz and retrieve his father's sword. Developing The project that would become Kingdom Come: Deliverance began with a release of Daniel Vávra, who had left 2K Czech in 2009. With a small team he started looking for investors for the project. The launch of Vávra brought Martin Klíma, founder of Altar Games, but the launches to the main investors in the Czech Republic did not succeed. The team was preparing to abandon the project when a successful launch to a private investor, Czech billionaire Zdeněk Bakala, secured funds to develop a prototype of the game. Warhorse Studios was founded on July 21, 2011. Warhorse Studios announced for the first time that they were working on an "unplanned RPG" on February 9, 2012, after having successfully licensed CryEngine 3. On this date, after seventeen months working on the prototype, Warhorse began a tour launching the prototype to several international investors. The project did not generate the hype that they expected and with dwindling resources, little progress had been made towards an investment. On January 22, 2014, Warhorse Studios launched a crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter with the goal of generating £ 300,000, ten percent of the $ 5,000,000 budget, to demonstrate to the investor that there is an audience and desire for their game. On February 20, 2014, the fund was completed, raising a total of £ 1,106,371.10 Even after the end of the Kickstarter campaign, the crowd funding continued through the studios website. On October 1, 2014, Daniel Vávra had announced through a YouTube video that the game had raised US $ 2,002,547 from a total of 38,784 sponsors. The alpha access public release date was October 22, 2014. The beta version was released for sponsors on March 3, 2015. On September 29, 2016, it was announced that Warhorse Studios had signed an agreement with the division of publication of Deep Metal games by Koch Media. to publish the versions of the console, as well as the PC version The Adaptive Music soundtrack of the game was composed by Jan Valta and Adam Sporka, and their parts were recorded with a symphony orchestra at Rudolfinum. The game was released around the world on February 13, 2018. A one-day patch was released with an extensive update of the game's code and gameplay. In the Forbes magazine in the Czech Republic, Daniel Vávra's interview indicated that the game cost them 750 million crowns, approximately $ 36.5 million, including marketing costs. Reception Kingdom Come: Deliverance received "generally favorable" criticism from critics for the PC version, while versions of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One received "mixed or average" reviews, according to Metacritic, a review page. EGM criticized the game's difficult-to-use save system, the long loading times and the frequency of software errors in the game, complaining that they had logged 30 hours of play in real time, but had only advanced the game around 19 hours because of this, concluding "What could have been an intriguing, unique, if somewhat disappointing, RPG is completely paralyzed by a terrible save system and bugs that break the games." Game Informer also criticized the save and errors system of software, concluding that "if the historical configuration and the focus on realism appeal to you, then the deep game systems and the methodical rhythm are worth learning ... however, the innumerable technical problems Kingdom come requires you to suffer .. Until the developer develops an integral balm of patches and polish, you should avoid Henry's adventure like the plague. " Game Revolution was more positive with the experience, he described the game as "if you stripped Skyrim of the fantastic creatures and the magic", and concluded that "it was an experience good enough to justify the persistence of the errors and faults of the game" GameSpot identified the attention of the game with small details as a positive and negative point in the game, praising the "incredible attention to historical detail" and "extensive and realistic searches", but criticizing "too rigorous central mechanics can enter the way of your enjoyment. "Digitally Downloaded appreciated the attention of the game in detail, but criticized the" youthful "tone of the game in some of its features, such as the" masculine scent "as a reinforcement of statistics, receiving an increase in statistics male alpha visiting a brothel, or needing to consume alcoholic beverages to save progress. Points of sale like Kotaku noticed that there seemed to be more bugs and software errors in the Xbox version of the game, and that the update patches were solving fewer errors than in other platforms. Controversies Several progressive publications and websites accused the developers of racism for not portraying people of color in the game, while the developers claim that people of color did not inhabit the Bohemia of the early fifteenth century. The progressive publications also reproached the opinions held by the director of the game, Daniel Vávra, who has been a critic of what he believes is a progressive bias in videogame journalism. Vávra associates his views on videogame journalism with Gamergate, Daniel Vávra and Martin Klima responded to the accusations with an explanation, with Vávra apologizing for offending with his past statements. Heavy.com called Vávra's response to these accusations as "suspicious", since it was published just one month before the game's release. The European media responded to some aspects of this criticism. To evaluate the claim that non-white people did not live in fifteenth-century Bohemia, the German magazine M! Games asked the history institute of the RWTH Aachen University, which referred to Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. According to them, there were at most the Turkish peoples, such as the Cumans (who appear in the game as enemies), but otherwise the presence of non-whites is "questionable." Some Czech media sources defended the game against the accusation . A commentator in the newspaper Lidové noviny called these accusations "out of place" and claimed that most Europeans would reply that there are very few, if any, blacks in central Bohemia at the beginning of the 15th century. Reid McCarter, a writer of Unwinnable, accused the game for its xenophobia. He felt that the Cumans and the Hungarians were unfairly portrayed as cruel invaders, whereas the Czechs were only shown a positive image.Kat Bailey of USgamer lamented the devotion of the game to "lords, kings and great events" on behalf of the historical accuracy, postulating that "there is no place for women in the history of Kingdom Come". Sales On the day of the release, the game topped the list of Steam's top sellers, Game Director Daniel Vávra said the game sold 500,000 copies during its first two days, 38 39 of which 300,000 were on Steam. Two weeks after the launch, the game sold more than one million copies in all platforms. Acknowledgments Before the launch, the game was nominated in the 2017 Game Critics Awards and Gamescom events for the "Best RPG", winning the "Best PC Game" award in the latter.
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