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About rusu--

  • Birthday 10/04/1994


  • CSBD`s FaceBook Page Administrator


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  • Website URL
    http://Www.CsBlackDevil.Com ---> P.M.


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  1. Salut! Daca avem printre noi jucatori de pubg , da-ti-mi add , ma gasiti cu nick-ul: rusu-- Hi! If you are a pubg player , add me to your friendlist, my nickname is: rusu--
  2. Ex staff its cool bro ?

  3. Ehee baieti, dupa mult timp am intrat si eu pe forum, lucru pe care obisnuiam sa il fac zilnic , acum cativa ani. Ma bucur sa revad prieteni vechi si sa imi aduc aminte de momentele care m.au tinut alaturi de csbd in tot acest timp petrecut in echipa comunitatii. S.au intamplat lucruri, crestem si avem din ce in ce mai putin timp pt hoby.urile noastre, insa nu uitam locul in care ne distram si pierdeam noptile. Tot inainte , CSBD!
      • 4
      • I love it
  4. nu e bagat ala rus..

  5. you sever is not po[CENSORED]r for players.
    i can help you, by bringing friends and with advertisement.
    I am PROFESIONAL for more details whrite i made you server 32/32!!

  6. My soul`s name is CHRISTIAN

  7. A SM don`t need to lock a complaint on StreetZM , StreetZM have it`s owners , who can manage the forum. I see this topic as an offence heading to CSBD`s staff. I will give you a verbal warn today , but , next time when you will act like this , you will be banned.
  8. unde fac cerere slot la sv tau<_<

    1. GaBy@--ZM


      sectiunea Zombie-Zombie la cerere administrator acolo aplici

  9. you sever is not po[CENSORED]riti for players.
    i can help you, by bringing friends and with advertisement.
    I am PROFESIONAL for more details whrite i made you server 32/32!!

  10. hi rusu think me need to admin look to my hours give me admin bro plz and if u love me bro and you wont the best for your server give me a owner and im online on your server 24/24 houirs online plw think about tthis bye :D love u bro


    1. TheLord112


      ba unde fqc cerere helapr /slot

  11. CSBD is [CENSORED]in` awsome

  12. Welcome.
  13. Steaua Bucuresti , dar acea sigla si numele "FCSB" nu reprezinta Steaua. Chindia Targoviste , joaca in aceleasi culori pure , rosu si albastru si are in staff doar jucatori si antrenori din zona locala.
  14. Welcome to CSBD


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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