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Everything posted by Akrapovic

  1. Congrats Roselina ?

  2. Happy Birthday!

    happy birthday GIF

    1. Mr.Sebby


      Thx my friend?

  3. Welcome to CSBD!
  4. Hazan Motorworks is a preparation workshop run by Maxwell Hazan in California, the mecca of preparers. Now they present an excellent work with this beautiful KNTT 1200, a tribute to the Harley sports of the 60s, for which they have started completely from scratch. In this way, the tubular steel chassis is entirely made by hand, with an aluminum swingarm with reinforcement - with a Fox 'bicycles' shock absorber and a traditional Royal Enfield telescopic fork, which have been equipped with two unperforated discs, each equipped with two Wilwood pliers. KNTT 1200 from Hazan Motorworks 2 The twin-cylinder V-engine is a veteran Knucklehead of S&S Cycle and 1,208 c.c. to which a pair of Dell’Orto PHF36 carburetors and two leaks with free outlet have been installed, looking for a less decent power. Put to make a single engine, the gearbox of a veteran Indian Chief has been mounted, with change to the right, which forces to mount the rear brake pedal to the left and that this should be operated with the heel to avoid primary transmission (by chain). KNTT 1200 from Hazan Motorworks 3 All the beautiful bodywork is made by hand in aluminum and both tires are 18 ”, mounting high profile tires.
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  5. The artistic ostracism came in search of him and the moment could not be more inopportune, since he is favorite for his film 'The Disaster Artist' James Franco is back in the disparadero. Two women who were students of their acting classes have denounced the actor and accuse him of taking advantage of them sexually. The lawsuit was filed this Thursday in a Los Angeles court and it is alleged that there was "an environment of harassment and sexual exploitation." Tither-Kaplan, as he had already stated in the 'Los Angeles Times' article, specified in the lawsuit the alleged filming of an orgy in which Franco pretended to practice oral sex for women. According to the accusation account, Franco removed the plastic protections that covered women's vaginas before simulating oral sex. In 2017, Franco went from savoring the honeys of success with an award as a comedy actor at the Golden Globes 2018 for 'The Disaster Artist' to be a 'stinker' in the industry. That year, a few days after the award, he stayed at home after winning the same award at the Critics' Choice Awards. The reason for his absence was more than obvious: this week, three actresses had already accused him of having sexually harassed them. It has not helped that the actor has flatly denied these accusations or tried to give explanations. His lawyer has been responsible for transmitting that the statements were not accurate and that his client does not know “what the girls are talking about”. He himself has also sold his friendlier face in several talk shows broadcast this week within that crazy and sometimes sterile campaign that usually accompanies the Oscar celebration. Women become strong in the Golden Globes: this is their fight Raoul Fig Tree The Golden Globes 2018 have had a marked vindictive tone, where women have been the real protagonists. The women have dressed in black - less than three Although he has been acting in the series 'The Deuce' for two years, the actor has tiptoed through public events. 'The Disaster Artist', the movie he directed and starred in 2017, a kind of 'Ed Wood' in which the love for cinema is shown through the inspired biography of Tommy Wiseau, author of the disastrous (and wonderful) 'The Room' was his spoiled child. After winning the Silver Shell at the San Sebastian Festival, Franco saw how his film became one of the bombings of the year and a more than sure candidate for the Academy Awards. However, Hollywood does not forgive. And even less since the Harvey Weinstein scandal erupted, which has caused the rumors of harassment to spread like wildfire and have a domino effect that threatens to sink several characters in the film industry. The actor James Franco on the show 'The Late Show'. The actor James Franco on the show 'The Late Show'. Surely that was the reason that Franco preferred not to attend a ceremony in which they were going to have to do with the staff of his teammates and, probably, with the appearance of more virulent accusations in social networks. What was said about him two years ago was as unpleasant as the last accusations. The phrase of actress Violet Paley, for example, was devastating. "I was talking to him and, suddenly, his penis was out," he said. In the face of such accusations, those of those who defend and believe in him also appeared. David Simon, for example, said he has "no complaint or worrying incident that has to do with Mr. Franco." Simon, one of the great creators of the history of television, has directed it in 'The Deuce' and only has good words for the actor-director. Golden Shell for James Franco: 'The Disaster Artist' triumphs in San Sebastián M.M. The American actor and director has won the highest prize of the contest thanks to his ode to cinephilia, which already garnered great criticism at the Toronto Festival “Personally, I can only speak knowingly about 'The Deuce'. I have consulted with all my fellow producers and other staff. We have no complainants or complaints or knowledge of any incident of concern involving Mr. Franco. Nor has HBO been approached with any complaints. In our experience, he was completely professional as an actor, director and producer, ”he said. In recent years, Hollywood is divided between those who seamlessly support the reporting of cases of harassment and those who think that the fabric is becoming a 'witch hunt'. Cases like Franco's might remind the communist paranoia that shattered Chaplin's careers and so many others. The subject is thorny enough to keep it going much longer. Too many for a James Franco who already lost an Oscar that seemed to be his.
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  6. Por primera vez en Colombia, un expresidente irá a una indagatoria en el alto tribunal. This Tuesday, 441 days after the Supreme Court of Justice decided, in an unprecedented event, to open a formal investigation against a former president, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the current senator of the Democratic Center, will have to attend the high court for an investigation . Related topics Political campaigns Oct 04 Espionage? 6 microcamera found in candidate headquarters in Antioquia Álvaro Uribe Oct 04 Cepeda attends the Supreme Court to testify in case against Uribe Plebiscite for peace Oct 02 Photos: joy and sadness for the 'No' in the referendum, three years ago Uribe, one of the most controversial politicians in the country's recent history, must arrive at 8 am in the offices of the Instruction Hall on 72nd Street with 8th, in Bogotá. There he will be interrogated about the investigation that the Court has against him since July 24, 2018. That day, the then magistrate José Luis Barceló, of the Criminal Chamber, considered that there were elements to investigate Uribe for bribery and procedural fraud. Allegedly, the file says, he would have tried to influence the testimony of former Juan Guillermo Monsalve to retract the accusations in which he links him with the birth of the Self-Defense Groups in Antioquia, a group he demobilized in his government, in 2006. Barceló opened that process after filing in February 2018 a complaint that Uribe had filed against the senator of the Democratic Pole Iván Cepeda. According to the Court, who allegedly manufactured witnesses was not Cepeda, as Uribe said, but there were elements to believe it was the opposite. Cepeda attends the Supreme Court to testify in case against Uribe Why can't anyone ask Uribe for case information? Since then, two investigations against Uribe were opened: one for allegedly pressuring exparamilitaries to speak against Cepeda (a case that is barely in the preliminary stage), and another for allegedly pressing Juan Guillermo Monsalve to retract, which will lead him this Tuesday to give explanations to justice. This is the only one of at least 14 processes that Uribe has in the Court for which there is a formal investigation. In the latter case, the representative to the Chamber Álvaro Hernán Prada, linked to the alleged pressures of the witnesses of the case, is also called for investigation. In the midst of a heated environment, and the polarization that research generates between detractors and supporters of Uribe, marches are expected both for and against the powerful politician who remained in the presidency for two periods and was key in subsequent presidential elections. During the proceedings, which Uribe will go to with his lawyer Jaime Granados, he will sit in front of Judge César Augusto Reyes Medina, who leads the investigation. In March, he was the third magistrate to assume the process, after inheriting the case of Cristina Lombana, who was challenged and had to depart. She received the file from Barceló, who lost competence to investigate the former president on account of the changes in the matter of judgment brought by the double instance law. This Court is not made up of the magistrates who at the time had serious differences with Uribe amid the scandal of the illegal blows of the DAS. The defense Uribe's lawyers say that the former president was not respected due process because he was not given the opportunity to go to a free version before calling him for an investigation. They claim that transcripts of the case have been adulterated and that Barceló illegally intercepted him when the ex-president's phone ended up being thrown into an investigation that was not his own, but the one that the Court was following against former Congressman Nilton Córdoba Manyoma. That fact led Barceló - who is no longer in the high court because his term ended - to have to give public explanations, and it cost him a preliminary process in the Commission of Accusation, which is still open. Senator Uribe's lawyers also say they have never bought witnesses, that the ex-Juan Juan Monsalve was the one who sought them because he wanted to recant, that he lies in saying he was pressured, and that Iván Cepeda is the one who has tried to change statements to harm the ex-president. “Former President Uribe only fears God. There is nothing criminally against him that is relevant, ”Granados said in a statement in August. Although Uribe's defense asked the Court several times to annul the case, none of its resources prospered. With the case firm, the investigator, Judge Reyes Medina, would have a list of at least 100 questions for Uribe, official sources said. Some, what is your relationship with people who were visiting exparamilitaries in prisons? What was sought in those visits? Have you ever offered them money or benefits, especially to Juan Guillermo Monsalve?
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  7. Congrats dude

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      thank you, i hope you as soon as global ❤️ 

  8. Siempre para servirle Joven

    congrats GIF

    1. Inkriql


      Gracias mani manito ❤️

  9. The handmade British motorcycle firm showed on its Facebook the render of a new three-cylinder Hesketh 1000, a sports motorcycle with a 1000 c.c. longitudinal three-cylinder engine, equipped with a compressor. Aunque el dibujo muestra un modelo aún muy remoto (carece de todo tipo de palancas, luces traseras e incluso reposapiés), se puede ver que monta un compresor volumétrico detrás del motor. Por lo demás, las suspensiones son convencionales, con una horquilla invertida, un amortiguador trasero sin bielas y pinzas de freno radiales que parecen ser Brembo. Debido a la falta de detalles en el dibujo, parece que el proyecto todavía está en sus albores y dudamos de que la motocicleta esté lista para 2020. Hesketh, que toma el nombre del automóvil de F1 (patrocinado por Lord Hesketh) con el que el legendario James Hunt obtuvo su primera victoria en 1974, renació haciendo bicicletas de serie limitada, siendo su primer modelo el '24', el número de Hunt . Después de 24, se fabricaron el Sonnet y el Valiant, este último movido por un cilindro doble S&S con un compresor volumétrico Rotrex, un motor que entrega entre 210-250 hp. Como vemos, el motor de tres cilindros de este nuevo modelo es algo totalmente diferente.
  10. The Spanish actress has shown how to face the setbacks that life has given her. At 74, he is still active and with two projects: a film that opens and a play Carmen Maura just turned 74. Many and many at that age have long since stopped working (by choice or forced), but she continues to chain projects one after another. Right now he is about to release a film entitled 'Cuernavaca' and is on tour with his play 'The Swallow'. With these two works on the table he goes to have fun with Pablo Motos and his team in 'El Hormiguero'. Carmen is a woman of character and has shown it on and off the screen: inside playing the most diverse characters capable of confronting a surrealist community of neighbors or a gray and overbearing domestic existence based on barbiturates. But it has been off the screen when the strength of the actress has been most necessary, because her life has been anything but easy. Life is beautiful sometimes One of the last setbacks occurred in July 2016, when a court ordered to seize his four goyas (1989, 1991, 2001 and 2006), the Caesar for best actress (2012) and his Donostia award (2013) for a lawsuit filed in 1994. The bad news added to another series of catastrophic misfortunes in the life of one of our best actresses in Spanish cinema. The actress with the Donostia award in her hands. (EFE) The actress with the Donostia award in her hands. (EFE) 1.- Your problems to devote to interpretation: "I can calmly say that I am good at being an actress," half-jokingly, half seriously, said the protagonist of 'Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown' during an interview. “It's the only thing that I'm good at doing. I have not been an exemplary mother, I have not known how to choose the men of my life ... ”, he added. The truth is that Maura had nothing easy from the beginning. In the 70s, while still very young, he saw an advertisement in the newspaper of the Athenaeum theater requesting semi-professional actors and decided to present himself without saying anything to anyone. She began to see that getting on stage was not a problem and that success accompanied her. Someone told him that this was what he had to do for the rest of his life, in a tone of anger. “You are too old to start,” her husband told her when he communicated her plans to pursue the world of interpretation. At that time, Maura was already married, had children and knew that she would not have it easy when developing her vocation. "At that time being an actress was like being a whore." 2.- The violation he suffered in his own home: In the fall of 1975, when they had to go find her home to do a dubbing, Carmen received an unpleasant surprise. When he opened the door of his house, he received a punch and, when he regained consciousness, he had a gun in his temple. An individual had forced her and was stealing from her house. What came next was a real torture. “Two civil guards showed up and asked me and such. I told them the story and when I had told them everything, they picked up the phone and told others: "Go up, it seems to be true." Carmen Maura, on a previous visit to 'El Hormiguero'. (Antenna 3) Carmen Maura, on a previous visit to 'El Hormiguero'. (Antenna 3) The police doubted his word and asked him if he had not invented the history of rape to gain notoriety as an actress. "The prosecutor was a much more disgusting uncle than the rapist," said the actress in an interview with Risto Mejide, when she first spoke of the assault she suffered and the subsequent police investigations in which she felt humiliated. 3.- The concise relationship with their children: The separation of her husband also brought many problems to the first muse of Almodóvar. Her husband took her children to live in the Canary Islands and she stopped seeing them for a while. The judge gave the reason to him, since the justice considered that he did not comply with the strict morality of then and his abandonment of home, in pursuit of following his dreams, seemed unforgivable even for the obsolete legislation of that time. The few times she could see the children she was accompanied by a person outside the family. “In a report from the magazine 'Time' made in Jávea in the mid-80s, she appears with the children and these, in turn, with a person who was supposed to watch that she was complying with the moral that was to have in relation to their children ”, explains to Vanitatis someone from the journalistic environment who lived in first person the cruel estrangement of the actress and her offspring. "I stopped seeing my daughter at 13 and saw her again at 17," Maura herself recalled in an interview. 4.- Your dispute with Pedro Almodóvar: Together they discovered the freedom of a Spain in transition and enjoyed successes that would lead them far away. Maura was the first movie star of an Almodóvar who gave him characters such as' Pepi, Luci, Bom and other girls from the pile ', the housewife addicted to the chemicals of' What have I done to deserve this ?! ! ' or the Pepa tortur
  11. The dawn of this Friday the Dijin captured and transferred to Bogotá to Aida Manzaneda Merlano, who will answer for the crime of favoring the escape of prisoners. The judicial authorities continue to scrutinize the escape plan of the former Barranquilla congresswoman Aida Merlano Rebolledo who left more than one watching a spark. The tentacles of the fact, which cost the post to the director of the Inpec, General William Ruiz and the director of the El Buen Pastor prison in Bogotá, Diana Muñoz, now reached his family. At 11 o'clock last night, units of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Interpol, Dijín, and of the Criminal Investigation Section, Sijin, arrived at a building located in the 59B race with 79th Street, in front of El Golf Park, in the north of Barranquilla to capture Aida Victoria Merlano Manzaneda, daughter of the fugitive former congressman. The court order was issued by the 153 municipal criminal court of the city of Bogotá for the crime of favoring the escape of prisoners in a heterogeneous contest with the use of minors, because of their 17-year-old brother, who, like the young Merlano Manzaneda, were present at the dental office at the time of the escape. Aida Victoria Merlano Manzaneda was surprised by the authorities when she arrived at her residence aboard a black van. In a video obtained by this means, it is evident that four agents of the institution surround her to notify her about the capture order and her rights that she has in her condition. The 20-year-old woman, who wears a printed dress, listens calmly to the authorities and was subsequently transferred to the premises of the Immediate Reaction Unit, URI, of the Prosecutor's Office where she arrived at about 1 a.m. Once there, it was reviewed and subsequently located in one of the dungeons where he spent the night. Change of clothes In the early hours of yesterday morning, at 5:13 am, to be precise, the captured, who already wore a more casual dress, sweater, jeans and tennis, was embarked by car accompanied by a police caravan with Heading to the cargo airport, where a support plane of the institution was waiting for her, with a PNC 0237 license plate with the aim of transferring her to the capital of the Republic where it is required. The aircraft on which Aida Victoria boarded departed from Barranquilla at 7:50 in the morning and set foot in Bogota at 9:55, where another convoy was waiting for her, at the Catam airport, to take her to the Sijin facilities. Around 6 pm yesterday, the woman was taken to the Paloquemao Judicial Complex to be prosecuted for the events that occurred during the escape of the former Barranquilla congressman. Until the closing of this edition the decisions taken of the diligence were unknown. "I didn't know about the escape" Once the news of the capture of Aida Victoria Merlano was known, the lawyer who represents her interests, Vladimir Cuadro, released a video to public opinion with appreciations from her client. “After the professional contact with the young woman she tells me that she wants to go to justice and give all the explanations of what she knows about the episode of the mother's escape, we never received a formal response citing her to any diligence and only about 5:00 am today (yesterday) I find out about the capture, ”explained the lawyer of the Merlano family. She added that during the professional talk she had with Aida Merlano Manzaneda she recognized that she was in the dental office from which her mother ran away, on the day of the events, and minutes before the evasion occurred she saw her, spoke with her and hugged her , as seen in the video of the security camera. “But he told me that he was unaware of the escape, that he did not know of any plan and that he had no participation in the escape, nor the plan for its execution and also told me that he disapproved of his mother's decision, after the escape he manifests to me that he does not agree with the decision to escape that the mother took, ”said the lawyer. The lawyer Vladimir Cuadro, in compliance with the commitments made with the young Merlano Manzaneda, also traveled to Bogotá to take charge of the situation and learn firsthand what are the evidence he has against his client. “There are no more capture orders” Meanwhile, Brigadier Ricardo Alarcón, commander of the Barranquilla Police said that the institution in the city has not received more arrest warrants in the case of Aida Merlano, except for the one made on the daughter of a former fugitive congressman. "The only capture order we have received here in the Barranquilla metropolitan police is the one that corresponds to this lady's daughter (Aida Merlano)," said the commander at a press conference from the cargo airport minutes after the execution of the transfer from Merlano Manzaneda to Bogotá. The high uniformed said that the operations are maintained in the city, especially everything that has to do with the judicial police and all the activities that will surely “allow the capture”
  12. The Hamamatsu brand has announced that it will present a new Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF, a new single-cylinder sports car designed for those who start in the A2. In addition to a new line - sports, of course - the most interesting thing is a new single-cylinder oil-cooled engine, collecting the witness of that efficient and reliable SACS system (Suzuki Advanced Cooling System). This system takes the oil from the crankcase and sends it to a radiator, which cools it to send it in turn to the hot zone of the cylinder head. Get 26 hp at 9,000 rpm. Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF 5 In addition to the system, the new engine mounts a 4-valve SOHC cylinder head and a piston with anti-friction treatment. Similarly, the outer part of the jacket has a granulated treatment to facilitate heat dispersion. Suzuki says that with the sum of these methods you get power, low consumption and reliability. Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF 4 The cycle part consists of a double beam chassis, Monoshock rear suspension and conventional fork. The driving position is relaxed, with semi-handlebars above the upper post and a seat that seems comfortable for both occupants. Mount a new double optic with LED technology, both for the main light and for the position light. Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF 3 In this photo we can see the grid of lattice on the left side of the rear wheel, to prevent the showy ‘saree’, the dresses of Indian women, can get entangled with the wheel or chain. In a possible European version there would be no such protection. Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF 2 We do not know what markets it is planned for, but Suzuki announced a wave of new po[CENSORED]r models in all segments (we expect that we will see a new Hayabusa, the V-Strom DR Big, the twin-cylinder Turbo, etc.), by 2020, so no It's nothing that we see the Suzuki GSX-R 250 SF at the EICMA in Milan in a month and that would mean that it would reach Europe. We will solve this mystery in Milan, in just four weeks.
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  13. Vanitatis offers you five unusual data to know something better about this Catalan born in Cervera (Lleida) in 1993 Marc Márquez is the absolute protagonist of the press this Friday. The 27-year-old, several times MotoGP world champion, has suffered a fall during the first free practice session of the Thai Grand Prix, which took place in the Spanish dawn. Fortunately, everything has been scared. This summer, it has also been news for his love for Lucia Rivera. Passionate photographs of both certified it and, since then, both have become inseparable. Vanitatis reviews some data to know something better about this Catalan born in Cervera (Lleida) in 1993. [READ MORE: Lucía Rivera and Marc Márquez, couple by surprise] -Your favorite dish As he declared to 'La Vanguardia', what he likes most when one of his careers ends is that his mother prepare a good plate of macaroni and tomato. As a simple boy and from home, the food he likes most is also the reflection of a personality alien to the pretentious. "Every time I travel, there is a dish of these that I like prepared," he said. Marc Márquez, in a file image. (Cordon Press) - His first girlfriend: Simplicity is also the trait that, he said, values more in a girl. However, it seems that love is still somewhat elusive. “The first one left me because I moved a lot. But this happened when I was very young, ”he said on one occasion about the reason for his first love 'disappointment'. Since then, time has been short when it comes to finding his soulmate. So much circuit leaves him little time to seek love. -Your brother is also a pilot: His name is Alex, he is 20 years old and also a pilot. This is Márquez's brother who, despite not having reached Marc's professional height, is following in his footsteps with Tino. Among all the public that follows his careers is not his brother, since he suffers “very much” every time he has to watch him compete. Brother's love weighs more than their passion for motorcycling. The pilot, competing in Valencia. (Cordon Press) -He is the protagonist of his own comic: Although it seems surreal given his youth, Marc Márquez's career has been so inspiring that it led to a comic, the work of Belén Ortega and Isidro Sánchez. Sacrifice, passion and overcoming are the characteristics listed by the creators to define the protagonist of this story that recreates with more or less fidelity the brief existence of the rider who has broken all MotoGP records. Comic about Marc Márquez. - The sacrifices of his mother: One of the mainstays in Marc Márquez's life has always been his mother, Roser Alentà, whom the media have interviewed on occasion. One of the most important confessions of this housewife took place in the Cadena Ser and was quite hard. “Sometimes we didn't have dinner to help buy boots for our children. People see where Marc and Alex are now, but we know that there have been many sacrifices to get there, ”he said. And the truth is that the path to the success of their children and their family was not easy.
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  14. Criminals stormed restaurant in Santa Barbara. They beat their victims and intimidated them. A millionaire robbery was registered on Thursday night at a restaurant in Santa Barbara, Usaquén. Amidst the chaos, the criminals beat their victims, shot to intimidate and proceeded to loot the premises. Two former Challenge participants were at the scene and also lost several of their belongings. "They hit me with a revolver in the head. We had to wait for everything to happen," says Reikin Herrera, athlete and former participant of the reality show that was inside the restaurant located on race 13 with 119th street. Herrera was hit with the revolver in his head. A restaurant employee was also injured. The grade walk that ended in three days of nightmare in Mexico After more than four hours, they move Autonorte's truck Related: Bogotá Robos Reality show usaquén Seguridad in Bogotá By: Bogotá - City Tv October 4, 2019, 07:47 a.m. A millionaire robbery was registered on Thursday night at a restaurant in Santa Barbara, Usaquén. Amidst the chaos, the criminals beat their victims, shot to intimidate and proceeded to loot the premises. Two former Challenge participants were at the scene and also lost several of their belongings. "They hit me with a revolver in the head. We had to wait for everything to happen," says Reikin Herrera, athlete and former participant of the reality show that was inside the restaurant located on race 13 with 119th street. Herrera was hit with the revolver in his head. A restaurant employee was also injured. The grade walk that ended in three days of nightmare in Mexico After more than four hours, they move Autonorte's truck Local money, customer cell phones, televisions, wallets and other valuables were part of the items stolen by three criminals. They even took Fabio Arboleda's car, another former Challenge participant. "You panic when you hear a shot. But we had to be calm," said Arboleda, who recalled how all customers feared for his life. However, it was because of Arboleda's cell phone that something could be done in the middle of the confusion. "They had not turned off my cell phone. Then I activated the iPhone's GPS, with that we managed to track people and I could recover my cell phone," he explained. With this information, the police followed the criminals, who fled in a van and in the stolen car. Finally, and after an exchange of shots in full persecution, the agents managed to capture two of the members of the band in the town of Engativá. "With the support of the Usaquén Police Station, two people are reacted and captured immediately, some elements of the restaurant and customers are recovered," said Colonel Roberto Carlos Sánchez, Usaquén Police Commander. Those indicated were made available to the authorities.
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