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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2014 in all areas

  1. Say: Stop Killing in Palestine/Gaza! Gaza will never die!
    11 points
  2. ok then, do you mean that if someone slaughtered your family,kicked you from your house,burned it, and built his own there you will let it go and you'll forgive him just like that?when people will understand that if Hamas retreated, Gaza won't exist on the map then,when will you understand that a war is a conflict between 2 sides while Israel coward soldiers are attacking from distance weaponless civilians, believe me if this happened to another country you will sing all around the world against the aggression, and fight against it whatever it costs, but just because of our different religion you won't, from now on even if i'll see children from other countries dying I won't feel sorry for them, I already lost my emotions toward the others after seeing what happened in gaza.
    9 points
  3. Wether Saudi Arabia(My Country) supports PALASTINE Or not (Porpabally they don't) I support palastine and have been a supporter since a while Israel are killing so many innocent people for what reason? they think they own them ? They're wrong , the people of palastine aren't owned by anyone , they got their own right to live....Israel is killing almost 300 people of these which include innocent children for no reason.... Israel is one of the worse places on this planet.. About 3 years ago i had a friend who lived in palastine , his name was hamad , he was one of the victims in the bombing sh*t going on in palastine because of israel about a week ago, he died on the spot, he wasnt that much of a good friend of mine but he was a friend.. It is the holy month of ramadan and they're killing so many people ? I promised myself that i would never fricking even see a israeli citizen in real life.....and if i do , i might give him a beating of his lifetime #FREEPALASTINE!
    6 points
  4. No matter what happens next, Romania is with you !
    5 points
  5. Legend , acest razboi este de cand lumea si va mai dura o vesnicie deoarece acea flacara va ramane aprinsa pana cand ultimul Palestinian va murii. Noi nu vom putea ajuta cu nimic la incetarea acestui razboi la care suntem simpli spectator. Acel razboi este si unul religios intre doua simbolui a doua religii diferite. nunt In ciuda acestor lucruri eu spun ca mai mult ar trebuii se ne intereseze soarta razboiului din Ukraina unde este un razboi mai important si care ne priveste mai mult pe noi ca romani si europeni. Acest razboi din Ukraina poate fi scanteia celui de-al 3-lea razboi mondial care va avea efecte devastatoare asupra planetei pe care traim , efecte care poate duce la reducerea drastica a po[CENSORED]tiei pe intreg globul. Catre voi dragi palestinieni am un mesaj: Renuntati la acest razboi fiindca nu il puteti castiga niciodata , Israel nu va ceda in fata voatra fiindca detine un armament mult mai avansat. Pretuiti viata si nu iubiti razboiul , pe pamant fiecare are locul lui.
    3 points
  6. Google is with Palestine!
    3 points
  7. it isn't a war bro, Islam never insisted of war, nor arabs likes it, and others like USA says ARABS Are TERRORISTS! But We aren't, i see 50% of CSBDevil's members are Muslims, not only arabs are muslims, and not only muslims are arabs! So as i said, Palestine isn't in a war, it is in a case of defending it's country, Israel took it from them, AND THEY SHOULD GET IT BACK! And palestine is the mother country where nearly all prophets of islam were born! I SUPPORT GAZA & PALESTINE, AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!! Please god save palestine, and let us stand against the chaos of evil that caused israel
    3 points
  8. GLORY TO PALESTINE! Allah-u AKBAR!! Our mother will be tomorrow free in shaa ALLAH! Thanks loading brother, i hope all the world stand one man, and be one hand for helping palestine, against the mess of Israel! LONG LIFE PALESTINE! LONG UN-LIFE ISRAEL!
    3 points
  9. its job for palestine and i'm palestina i must thank you Loading. And i hope everyone use this picture for identify oneself with Palestine/gaza
    3 points
  10. Because innocent people die daily, plus that children don't have a normal childhood. Need to be with those from Gaza because that territory became an inferno, plus it is not normal in a civilized world, where theoretically should be peace and silence.
    2 points
  11. my name : mohammed..... and i want say : waiting = key the way and i wish of all my heart : the Palestine will be free [ Ameen ] As dear Loading say : Gaza will never die...... it will be
    2 points
  12. I do not understand with what support countries Palestine? what support? only the word "support"? It would be better to support them pointing guns at Israel.
    2 points
    2 points
  14. "awesome " أنت على حق يا عزيزي 1 by 1 people are dieing in gaza i'm really feeling bad for them,
    2 points
  15. my name is sidahmed From i support Palestine the war will never stop, everyone knows the history God when he want the war finish, it will the end of the world. I read several books on Islam, i understood everything and many things
    2 points
  16. Free Palestine. Free Gaza
    2 points
  17. My name is Iyadh and i support my mother
    2 points
  18. God bless you ! Romania is with Palestina !
    2 points
  19. We all support gaza may god help them and win them their war
    2 points
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9hazmsUxrM
    1 point
  21. My name is bryan and I support #Gazza!
    1 point
  22. Bine ai Venit pe CSBD
    1 point
  23. guys guys you talk about palestine and you forgot syrie,to now 2.5 milion has die destroyed the entire city before some month i saw the syrians in moroco, asking for money to live god bless palestine and syrie
    1 point
  24. ¤ Nume în joc: # r1ckoz ¤ Vârsta: 22 ¤ Nume: Alexandru-Mihai ¤ Oraș: Verona ¤ Județ: Iasi ¤ Țară: Italy ¤ Jocuri preferate: Cs 1.6 ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Se vor afla in viitor mai multe . ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Braun . ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): In curand ! ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): O sa postezi la sectiunea respectiva daca exista .
    1 point
  25. My name is fares and surly iam with gaza )) And best support for them with remenbing themwith our prays so pray for gaza )
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. me founder :X the best FREE.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM
    1 point
  28. Although all we know God said "Israel is the holy nation" i think is noot good enough from their side to dissagree to God's meaning, WAR ISN'T SOMETHING IN GOD'S MEANING. Palestine, just release, resist, be patient, the freedom is near. My name is Sindy, and i support Palestine, #Venezuela
    1 point
  29. I support Palestine too and all the albanians do so . Allah-u Ekbar !
    1 point
  30. Cum sa nu se mai blocheze Mouse ! [DESCRIERE] Uneori cand intri pe un server nu mai poti misca mouse in stanga sau in dreapta ! (Mouse Blocat) [Rezolvare] Bagati intr-un nou CFG sau config.cfg: m_filter 0 m_forward 1 m_pitch 0.022 m_yaw 0.022 m_side 0.8 cl_mouselook 1 m_rawinput 1 m_customaccel 0 gl_vsync 0 Apoi te duci in Start->Control Panel->Mouse->Pointer Options. Aici debifezi Enhance pointer precision. Descarca CsBlackDevil[Rar dupa ce l-ai downloadat si ai executat mousefix.reg dai un restart la pc/laptop. Daca ai facut cum ti-am spus si nu merge, incearca sa downloadezi driver-ul pentru mouse si la Settings o sa gasesti ceva cu X and Y axes. Le pui valoarea putin mai mare decat sunt ele in momentul respectiv.
    1 point
  31. Javed=Javed, my name is Javed, i support to Palestine,Gaza, i'dont know there 100 muslims country but no one taking action for, them even saudi arabia and media showing to the, whole world, that palestine,killing , thats not ture,they are so innocent and they dont have heavy weapons for kill them they are fighting hand, isreal is steel attacking to gaza, which is unfair becous there dont have weapons that isreal have, isreal should fight with them who have same strongness war mean a same fighting in between to whole strong party but there is 1 strong and 2 is innocent So i wish to see soon gaza free palestine muslim brothers are my in heart we all are doing pray for them that they get release soon as soon possible oh god Please be with the gaza muslims brother,s Regarding Javed
    1 point
  32. His "mother" is Palestine.
    1 point
  33. see what israel want , seems to me israle want kill the largest amount of women and children palestinian , this is war target just women and Children this is the truth ,! this is the flesh and all should know what happend !
    1 point
  34. what u guys know about Palestine ! u know only what u saw on TV the reality is much worst some news only god know it and few people Its Massacre there , and All governments just watching , god terminate usa and Israel god be with u brave Palestinians i really hope i was there between you .
    1 point
  35. If i will have the resources in the [CENSORED]ure i will help Palestina not only with avatar and words ! I'm with Palestina !
    1 point
  36. no, not all country arab with israel ..., i'm from morocco, tangier and i support #PALESTINE 2 picture from my city tangier support #GAZA
    1 point
  37. My Name Is Faizan Yousuf And I Support Gaza #Free Palestine.
    1 point
  38. Killing of innocent Muslims in Gaza is not about Religion, its about Humanity !!
    1 point
  39. Cu toti presupun ca stiti faptul ca Google este unul dintre cei mai mari jucatori de pe piata motoarelor de cautare. Chiar daca el este relativ tanar, ajungand din punct de vedere biologic la varsta pubertatii, (doar 14 anisori) el s-a dovedit un adversar excceptional, cu care in prezent doar cateva site-uri se poat intrece. In trecut, lupta acerba era data de Microsoft, Yahoo si Google insa acum din cate se pare “razboiul” s-a mutat intre Google si Facebook, acesta din urma chiar depasind-ul in unele tari la numarul de vizualizari respectiv accesari. Oricum ar fi cred ca ar trebui totusi sa revin la subiectul acestui articol. Cum spuneam, Google fiind cel mai po[CENSORED]r motor de cautare era de asteptat ca acesta intr-o zi sa includa in rezultatele sale si alte tipuri de fisiere, nu numai cele cu care am fost obisnuiti de ani buni gen doc, excel, pdf sau imagini. Unul dintre aceste tipuri de fisiere pe care Google-ul le poate returna este si .torrent. Iata ce trebuie sa faceti pentru ca google-ul sa va returneze doar fisiere de tip torrent: tastati in google urmatoarea expresie: numele fisierului pe care il cauti filetype:torrent ca exemplu: vlad tepes filetype:torrent La fel se poate proceda si pentru orice alt tip de fisiere suportat de google, numai ca in locul cuvantului torrent acesta va trebui inlocuit cu extensia fisierului dorit.
    1 point
  40. De_Nuke : - Daca dai flash sub prima cutie de la rampe, ia flash toata camera (De asemenea nu e voie in PGl, e considerat Flashbug) De_Dust2 : - Arunci flash intre cutiile de langa portile de la X2 si ia flash tot tunelul (De asemenea interzis in PGL, e considerat Flashbug) - Se poate face scara din 2 persoane la balustrada de la varianta, astfel incat cel de sus sa ajunga pe marginea de sus (Textura)...daca sare pe textura se vede lung-ul, sau varianta ... in functie de cum se uita (Ai voie sa te sui pe textura in PGL, in schimb nu ai voie sa sari) - In X1 poti pune bomba la teroristi ca sa intre pe ju[CENSORED]te in perete si nu se aude sunetul ... (De asemenea nu e voie in PGL) De_Train : - Exista un spatiu foarte mic sub un perete, astfel incat daca te uiti cu awp-ul cu 2 zoom-uri ii vezi pe T care vin dinspre verde (Nu e foarte folositor ... ca e greu sa tii tinta acolo, de asemenea bug interzis de folosit in PGL) Este doar pentru Experti
    1 point
  41. Salut, Sunt sigur că unii dintre voi aţi auzit că renumitul programator, raiz0, a realizat un nou eXploit, acest eXploit se bazează pe clonarea SteamID-ului. Ce face acest eXploit? Atacatorul în cauză îşi alege un server drept ţintă, acesta accesează comanda amx_who / admin_who în consolă pentru a vedea adminii online, acesta va scrie tot în consolă "status" pentru a putea vedea SteamID-ul unuia dintre adminii online. Ce poate face atacatorul cu SteamID-ul? Atacatorul va scrie în consolă o comandă din SteamID.ini, ceva de genu: hack STEAM_0:1.456646464, iar acesta va putea clona SteamID-ul ales. Doar în cazul în care victima a părăsit serverul, iar atacatorul va scrie "retry" în consolă va fi funcţionabilă clonarea SteamID-ului, şi bine înţeles clonarea accesului de admin. Dacă, ulterior adminul victimă va încerca să se conecteze pe server cât timp atacatorul are accesul acestuia, evident acesta va fi un simplu player. Doar în cazul în care unul dintre cei 2 va părăsi serverul, evident celălalt online va avea accesul de admin. Cam aşa se prezintă eXploitul: Un exploit foarte ingenios din punctul meu de vedere, dar am găsit şi o rezolvare foarte simpă, includerea parolei pentru cei cu accesul pe SteamID. Cum ? După schimbarea flagului "ce" în "ca" automat veţi avea nevoie de o parolă, veţi fi nevoiţi să vă autentificaţi cu comanda "setinfo _pw password". P.s.: Am primit de la un prieten acest eXplot, şi m-am gândit la o rezolvare şi totodată m-am gândit să o fac publică. Cu stimă, Staff CSBD! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention owner of servers CS1.6 (eXploit SteamID) Hello, I'm sure some of you have heard the famous raiz0 made ​​a new exploit, this exploit is based on cloning SteamID. What makes this exploit? Concerned attacker chooses a target server, this access control amx_who / admin_who console to see admins online, it will write all the console "status" for one could see Steam-ID one of the admins online. What can an attacker with SteamID? The attacker writes a command console SteamID.ini, something like: hack STEAM_0:1.456646464, and it will be clone Steam-ID chosen. Only when the victim left the server, and the attacker will write "retry" the console will be functional cloning Steam-ID, and of course cloning access admin. only, admin victim will then attempt to connect to the server as long as the attacker has access to its, Obviously it will be a simple player. Only if one of the 2 will leave the server, other online course will have access to admin. Kind presents exploit: A very cleverly exploits in my opinion, but I found a very simple solution, include those with password access Steam-ID. How ? After changing the flag "ce" to "ca" automatically you will need a password, you will have to login with the command "setinfo _pw password". P.s: I received from a friend that exploit, and I thought of a solution and while I thought I make it public. Sincerely, Staff CSBD!
    1 point
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