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          Ten years ago today, CsBlackDevil Community was founded and within months we joined the top. Little did we know, this would be the start of a remarkable journey spanning one decade. Ten years is a long time and we've continued to adapt with the ever-changing needs of servers managers.

          I can't express how proud I am of what we've built together. From those humble beginnings working until 2am to growing a creative and talented team around our passion for community. I'm still as excited today as I was back in 2012.

          We have a few surprises to celebrate our tenth anniversary. We can't wait to share them!

I'd love to hear your memories of CsBlackDevil Community! When you visit it first time and for what reason? Please let me know in the comments below.




          Acum zece de ani, a fost fondată Comunitatea CsBlackDevil și în câteva luni ne-am alăturat topului. Nu știam că acesta va fi începutul unei călătorii remarcabile, care se va întinde pe un deceniu. Zece ani sunt mult timp, insa noi am continuat să ne adaptăm nevoilor în continuă schimbare ale managerilor de servere.

          Nu pot exprima cât de mândru sunt de ceea ce am construit împreună. De la acele începuturi umile de lucru până la 2 dimineața, până la creșterea unei echipe creative și talentate în jurul pasiunii noastre pentru comunitate. Sunt încă la fel de entuziasmat astăzi ca și în 2012.

          Avem câteva surprize pentru a sărbători cea de-a zecea aniversare. Abia așteptăm să le împărtășim! Mi-ar plăcea să aud amintirile tale din comunitatea CsBlackDevil! Când ai vizitat prima dată forumul nostru și din ce motiv? Vă rog să-mi spuneți în comentariile de mai jos.







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i am still new here ( 4 months ), but I already got so many friends and so much joy from this community. i thank you @Mr.Love for everything that you did to this forum. every time I join this community I feel like it's my second family. ❤️ 


I wish great success to csblackdevil and everyone that founded and made this forum to what it is right now ❤️

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"This special anniversary brings the opportunity to acknowledge the impact of the Web and the CSBLACKDEVIL COMMUNITY. I hope it will also inspire ever more collaboration, creativity, and understanding across the globe." 

I hope this community will grow more and more in future with more and much uptades!


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28 minutes ago, tsemaa said:

Cautam servere de zombie care sa fie mereu cu multi playeri pe ele. Si am gasit vreo 3 chiar, toate de aici 🤟

Veneam de pe comunitatea lui Senaris, cautam alta comunitate dar aici nu imi placea fiindca erau multi staini, intr-un final m-am obisnuit cu asta si mi-am deschis si primul server aici, zmoldschool, cred ca prin 2019 asta [contul il am din 2013]. Happy b-day ❤️

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I joined back in 2012,

It was so bustling and lively and I was such a kid, started with shadowsZm, back at that time I thought this forum just has shadowsZm lol.

The invaluable friends I made from this forum is something I will cherish throughout my life.

To many more years to come.

Happy birthday to US.

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Well i started from 2012 i was normal member and 2015 to 2018 i had server zmnewworld (zombie outstanding by Hattrick )with Iron Gueto Evil baby and@ JanU_uetc From 2018 i quit my server and started to help@myCro and@Aysha _ from 2019 zmoldschool (zombie plague6.0)and i had many lovely friends here there are soo many i cannot tag xD. From 2021 to 2022 until now i was in ZmNewLife@tsemaa and@Ral23 Server (Zombie Outstanding By Snk)and retired 1 month ago.  From 2022 I'am Administrator in Forum 😉. Finally 10 years of Lovely journey in csbd. 

Happy bday and@Mr.Love Congrates to forum and you . And all the staff and all the members who dedicated there work towards this grand sucess. Congrats to all keep doing it for more years in future good luck to all and thanks 🥰

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Just now, Paul Daniel said:

Happy bday and @Mr.Love Congrates to forum and you . And all the staff and all the members who dedicated there work towards this grand sucess. Congrats to all keep doing it for more years in future good luck to all and thanks 🥰

Happy B-day

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Well well, i have no words to describe this forum, when i joined it was something that seemed temporary but after getting closer with the family especially when you play in servers or being active in such of different activities you adapt very well and get fit with other people who share lot of different things then you realize that it worth to continue... Mostly when they  intertwined it with  many components. @Mr.Love
                                                                                                                        Happy Birthday CSBD

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CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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