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uviTR2Y.png Nick: Andy_1
uviTR2Y.png Nume reak: Andy
uviTR2Y.png Cati ani ai?: 19
uviTR2Y.png Ce jocuri te joci? si cat de mult ca timp?(fiecare dintre ele): cs1.6,PUBG,LOL,8 ball pool (cs1.6 24/7, PUBG 1 ora, lol 1 ora, 8 ball pool 1 ora)
uviTR2Y.png De unde esti?(tara si oras): ROMANIA-SUCEAVA
uviTR2Y.png Descrie-te(cel putin 50 de cuvinte): imi place foarte mult sa ma joc joucri video sa stau pe forum etc,eu sunt un om care nu se abate de ce i zici fac ori ce vreti ,sunt in primul an de facultate invat si eu sunt gamer de cand aveam 10 ani si ma jucam cs 1.6 😉 eu de obicei sunt un tip pasnic!
uviTR2Y.png Noteaza cateva din calitatile tale: Destept,Gamer,ascultator 😉 
uviTR2Y.png Spune-ne cateva din defectele tale: nu prea am
uviTR2Y.png Ai avut vreodata orice fel de responsabilitati(descrie): da....si mai exact sa ma ocup de un server de cs 1.6 !

uviTR2Y.png Pe care categorie/categorii ai fost activ/a in ultima perioada?(descrie-ti activitate)Guardians of Gaming
uviTR2Y.png Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?: de Guardians of Gaming si Moderators
uviTR2Y.png Cat de bine vorbesti engleza?(si alte dialecte): 8/10
uviTR2Y.png Folosesti TS3? Ai un microfon activ?: da

uviTR2Y.png Pentru cat timp poti fi activ dupa ce esti acceptat?(zile, saptamani, luni, ani): ani
uviTR2Y.png Metode pentru contact: forum ,insta Andy^spiderEazy
uviTR2Y.png Ultima cerere




Aplicatia ta nu m-a satisfacut deloc, mai asteapta cateva saptamani sa mai prinzi si tu vechime in proiectul din care faci parte.




Hello dude u need to join other project on our forum and make activity and be the handworker  person and then come apply for staff 

any help connect me on ts3 & forum  


3 hours ago, Loenex said:

Hello dude u need to join other project on our forum and make activity and be the handworker  person and then come apply for staff 

any help connect me on ts3 & forum  



2 hours ago, King_of_lion said:

As a others say, you need to be more active and join other projects !

Because this activity is not enough or even one project.

Contra !

i wish to you good luck !

For the same reasons you have my #CONTRA

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You just recently joined on Guardians Of Gaming , and you need more activity to improve your work by the time and helping people with waht they need ! , and activity in the TeamSpeak is also important , and try to join another projects


Hello @Andy_1


  • First of all, thanks for applying your moderator request, it shows us that you are interested to be part of our staff. in your case, you just recently GOG Project & you just started your activity lately, i'm not saying that you have no chances but you have a long way to reach this rank, and you should prove us that you deserve it.
  • According to the negative replies in your request and as Advice, i would like to see you part & involved in some of our projects and helping us in (F.A.Q/Proposals), The same for ts3. at this way you will keep your activity stable.
  • This request will be solved this time, hope to see you respecting the points that i told you & applying here again after 30 days. 


[Good Luck] - The GodFather





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