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Everything posted by Aronus

  1. Accepted by @Dark! Go to https://discord.gg/sJNcaxD6SH And send him your name/pw
  2. Even though your activity isn't the best, it’s not a big deal since @Dark plans to add more admins shortly to ensure StreetZM is protected. Also, I was the one who proposed that numerous players, including @tigrai, should be granted admin rights. #PRO
  3. Aronus

    Aronus's Banlist

    ¤ Nickname: BOSS^ ¤ Date / Time: Now ¤ IP Address: ¤ SteamID: STEAM_2:1:652221088 ¤ Ban Duration: Permenant ¤ Reason: Retry again after following a ban (Permenantly) ¤ Evidence:
  4. @Gladiator-™ You can have 2 mods based on the rules: 1 from ammo packs and 1 from points. Make sure to read the rules thoroughly next time and remember not to use commands on admins. If they made a mistake, just report them!
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