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Everything posted by Hellwalks

  1. v2! Great way you blended the background with the image
  2. Accepted!!
  3. Too long vacations

  4. When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred .

  5. Unexpected visit

    1. PoOL


      sometimes xD :))

  6. this is hard! v1 text is really cool but I feel like it's too darken in some spaces. And v2 text could be better but the effects over the image bringing that nice color and a cleaner image is something I can't ignore!! My vote: v2!
  7. Hello blackdevils! Over the last weeks I've been extremely unactive due to me being busy with projects at my university and having a job switch that made it practically impossible for me to have any sort of activity in the forum, in the next days I hope I could catch up and be able to help  with everything I can!

    1. [MC]Ronin[MC]


      it's time to go back brother we miss you!

      excited will ferrell GIF

  8. Accepted!
  9. The Emblem from GFX Pass #2 community challenge is available now in CSBD Shop for free! Buy it now!



  10. v1, vibrant colors! and simplicity of the text
  11. v2! Image redimensioned correctly.
  12. @Hellwalks reached 5 votes first! (v1) He wins. thank you @Lord Edward for this battle, I really like how your renders blends with the background! T/C.
  13. November starts with an amazing new!!! GFX PASS is back!!

    And now with even more prizes!


    1. [MC]Ronin[MC]



      Good Luck guys

  14. As @Lunix I said, it may be related with your internet connection, write in console "net_graph 1" and send us a screenshot of the graph when the problem appears again to see if you are suffering from packet loss.
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