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  1. Great 👍I don't have any problem with this updated
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-ae/money/news/sheikh-mohamed-lauds-accomplishments-of-emiratis-as-he-congratulates-dr-sultan-al-jaber/ar-AAPawDe?li=BB1ebyEc Al Jaber has been at the helm of Adnoc, leading its transformation from a traditional national oil company to a more commercially focused international energy group. Photo: Adnoc Emiratis have enhanced the UAE’s global standing through their individual accomplishments, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, has said. “Quality and competency” have been prioritised over quantity, said Sheikh Mohamed as he congratulated the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and its managing director and group chief executive Dr Sultan Al Jaber, who, on Monday, formally received the Energy Executive of the Year Award for 2021 from Energy Intelligence. "We congratulate Sultan Al Jaber and wish him further excellence in his work and success in serving his country," Sheikh Mohamed said. and Advanced Technology, said that Sheikh Mohamed's words were a source of honor and pride for his colleagues and himself. Such achievements would not have been possible “without the vision of [Sheikh Mohamed], his guidance, support, continuous follow-up, and his attention to every detail,” said Dr Al Jaber. Founding Father Sheikh Zayed, who established a “unique” country, including its education sector, “instilled in us love of the homeland”, its principles and values, as well as loyalty and belonging, said Dr Al Jaber. In his acceptance speech, Dr Al Jaber traced his career, crediting Founding Father Sheikh Zayed with providing opportunities for him and all Emiratis. "From an early age, I always wanted to be an engineer and it was my dream to work at Adnoc," he said. Dr Al Jaber said he also owed "a great deal to my family, who have been with me, and there for me, through everything". His father pushed him "to work hard and to never give anything less than everything I had to give. Importantly, he taught me to always show my love of my country through my actions and by giving back." "These values have guided me every day, every step of the way. And if there is one thing I want to give back to my country today, it is to pass on to my children and the next generation of Emiratis the most important lessons I have learned. That good work is hard and that hard work is good. And that you can forget you are tired if you never forget that you are making an impact," he said. The recognition of Adnoc at Energy Intelligence highlights its global ties and role in the energy industry. A matter noted by a host of figures at the Energy Intelligence award ceremony, held online this week. John Kerry, the US’ Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, stressed the role of the UAE in the global energy transition, saying the “UAE’s leadership on accelerating the clean energy transition is not just within your borders, but globally, as well”. Mr Kerry, who has visited the UAE twice this year in his capacity as climate envoy, said “I'm amazed by all you've undertaken, you've become a great friend. And I'm impressed by your energy, and your vision and your dedication to this effort. You're a great, great partner for our work and for the global effort to tackle the climate crisis. I look forward to our continued partnership.” Mr Nasser, last year's award recipient, led the industry tributes to Dr Al Jaber. “We know that for him, it's not about being first. Rather, it's about doing what's best, best for the future of Adnoc. Best for Abu Dhabi, best for the UAE, best for the energy sector, best for our planet.” “It has been said that great leaders do not set out to be CEOs. Rather, they set out to make a difference. In other words, it's not about the role. It is about the goal. [Dr Al Jaber] is a model of an inspiring individual, who is making a massive difference,” he said. Mr Nasser said that Adnoc has been transformed “into one of the world's most respected energy companies”. “Since being appointed group CEO in 2016, [Dr Al Jaber] has accomplished in a few short years, what most CEOs hope to do over their entire careers,” Mr Nasser said. Bob Dudley, chairman of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative and former BP chief executive, said he has watched Dr Al Jaber “transform Adnoc, both upstream and downstream and everything in between, into a company often cited as a modern model for a National Oil Company with many global partnerships”.
  3. You have 45 min in Sv and you want admin. You must have 30 h Contra
  4. https://youtu.be/BEVYAHviwZo
  5. Contra
  6. Contra you dont respect rules
  7. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) : AmAl • Your Age :15 • Profile link :https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/85570-amal/ • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? :i can to stay as long as possible • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : attract people and my activity • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 10 • Other information about your request ? : I want to participate in this topic and I want to enter the project to show how loyal I am to it and that I really like this beautiful project • Last request link : it's the first


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