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Everything posted by SatanKlaus

  1. Check these out if you would like a chance at a free vip on Newlife 


  2. Rejected I don’t even need to wait for more to respond. 1) You haven’t been on the server once in over 2 weeks. 2) You haven’t read the rules. 3) It is hard to believe that you have 4 years experience as admin if you’re 13. T/C
  3. Rejected Improve your activity and come back with a new request. T/C
  4. Contra, not enough server activity, plus you haven't read the rules
  5. Rejected You have insufficient activity on the server. If you would like admin, you have to build up more activity. T/C
  6. ★Nickname: Adrenalin ★CSBD username: @Mr Adrenalin ★Rank: Helper
  7. I would love a remodel of some of the mods as well. My suggestion for assassin would be https://gamebanana.com/skins/113915 - Hands https://zombie-mod.ru/cstrike/cstrike-models/739-executioner.html - ZM model (Resident evil inspired)
  8. I was on at that time. It was fairly evident that you were trying to annoy her, and although you didn't insult, you were being disrespectful. In the 1st pic, you're literally showing yourself telling her to shuuu (I'm assuming that means shut up), so that alone is a reason to receive gag. Report Rejected T/C
  9. You just received a remove as you had no activity at all. If you would like your admin grade back, be active for at least a few days, then come back with a request, using the proper Admin Request model. Request Rejected. T/C
  10. Thank you for your report. First of all, please make sure you provide proof, such as a screenshot or demo when making a report. We can't take action against anyone if you do not provide proof of their abuse. Second of all, Mischiveous cannot change the map as he only has the Administrator grade. Thirdly, please don't call people noobs. A gag is the standard punishment for direspecting someone in chat. Report Rejected T/C
  11. Pro for helper, but play with 1 nick.
  12. Pro for helper
  13. She said she did it by mistake, and slayed herself right after.
  14. Pro for helper. You're also Jesus? I noticed steam pic was the same
  15. I am allowed give 2 mods per map at night, also, if you read above it was the 5th round
  16. Îți înțeleg punctul tău de vedere, dar nu văd să fi zis atras nimeni atenția in chat de hacker, deci ma gândesc ca probabil nu știa amiro. Am văzut ca eadm ar fi vrut să-i dea el ban, dar nu știa sa facă screen record. Îl înțeleg și pe el, dacă dai ban fără dovada poți lua advertisment. Știu ca e firesc ca un admin sa știe sa facă un demo, dar el nu știa. Puteai și tu sa le atragi atenția de hacker, sa le spui de ce îți dai slay singur. Eu mereu când văd unul, zic și la ceilalți admini. Dacă era și amiro online, ar fi trebui să-i zici lui să-i dea destroy, ban nu prea merge pentru că-și schimba Ip-ul și intra in 2 min cu alt nume
  17. Thank you ❤️
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  19. I know that the server has plenty of maps, but it would be nice to have a map suggestion thread, where players suggest maps (with links), and if admins/ managers like the map as well, it can get added to the map roster Some of my suggestions are zm_toxic_house2 (https://www.gamemaps.com/details/12483) zm_castle_siege (https://maps.cs-bg.info/maps/cs/1196/) zm_toxic_town (https://www.gamemaps.com/details/12484) zm_x3 (https://maps.cs-bg.info/maps/cs/3400/) zm_ugc2 (https://maps.cs-bg.info/maps/cs/2895/)
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