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Everything posted by SatanKlaus

  1. Accepted as Administrator, but if you spam any of the managers asking for an upgrade, you will be removed directly.
  2. I will give you pro, but do not ask for any upgrades for at least a month
  3. Ti-am spus sa mai astepti o saptamana pana deschizi alt topic. Daca mai deschizi altul in urmatoarea saptamana, va fi considerat spam. Asteapta pana joia viitoare sa mai faci alta cerere. Request Rejected,
  4. ★Nickname: sNk_DarK ★CSBD username: @sNk_DarK ★Rank: Helper (test 1 week), elder if he passes
  5. He’s allowed to use zp_giveap as long as he uses them for the players
  6. Deocamdata voi respinge cererea deoarece nu ai destule ore jucate, iar nu stii regulamentul. Te-am vazut de mai multe ori cersind ammo in chat. Revino cu o noua cerere peste o saptamana daca ai minimul de ore necesare jucate, iar intre timp, citeste, si aplica regulamentul in joc. Daca vrei, iti pot adauga tag pentru acum. Trimite-mi pm cu nick/tag/pw daca doresti. Request Rejected,
  7. Nu ai citit regulamentului, ai fi avut parola corecta. Nu-i nicio problema dacă ești nou, dar ai putina răbdare, fii activ câteva zile, dovedeste-ne ca poți fi un admin de calitate, și vedem pe urma. Nu te poți aștepta sa ai admin după o zi
  8. Citește regulamentul. Nu ai destule ore pe server. Contra
  9. You were removed for inactivity some time ago. You just came back, so prove to us that you will be active first, then we will see about giving you your access back. You also didn’t respect the model. Come back with a new request in a week.
  10. Rejected, you have 0 activity on sv. Come back with a new request once you build up on your activity. T/C
  11. Accepted T/C
  12. Contra, you have the password wrong. Read the rules first
  13. Pro for helper
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