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Everything posted by SatanKlaus

  1. Accepted Send me pm with nick/tag/pw
  2. Seriously? 24h ago you made a request, and I told you that the model was incorrect, I even left you a link to the correct one, and you post AGAIN with the wrong one, and on top of that you have 0 activity on the server
  3. Respect the model. Rejected
  4. Have some free time, or have nothing to do? Give this quiz a try, and post your answers here. Each question will have its possible answers in brackets at the end, and only 1 of the options is correct. [1] The United States of America were first discovered by? (George Washington / Amerigo Vespucci / Christopher Columbus / Abraham Lincoln) : [2] Bacteria belong to the _____ kingdom. (fungi / monera / animal / plant) : [3] The first iPhone was released in? (2005 / 2007 / 2009 / 2010) : [4] The 3 primary colours are red, blue and _____. (green / purple / orange / yellow) : [5] Which famous artist painted the Starry Night? (Van Gogh / Da Vinci / Picasso / Michelangelo) : [6] Which continental plate does Europe lie on? (Global / Nazca / Eurasian / Eurussian) : [7] Which football team won the 2017-18 UEFA Champions League? (Barcelona / Liverpool / Bayern / Real Madrid) : [8] What is the name of the mathematician which the formula used to find the lengths of a right-angle triangle is named after? (Einstein / Pythagoras / Isaac Newton / Thomas Edison) : [9] Who is the current richest person in the world? (Jeff Bezos / Bill Gates / Elon Musk / Mark Zuckerberg) : [10] What is the name of the main vein leading into the heart? (vena cava / venula / pulmonary vein / renal vein) : [11] In which of the following countries is cannabis fully legal in? (Russia / Canada / The Netherlands (Holland) / Venezuela) : [12] Which of the following films has actress Jennifer Lawrence starred in? (Titanic / Bird Box / Jumanji / Joy) : [13] What is the plural of sheep? (sheep / sheeps / sheeple / sheeplings) : [14] What boy does Lady Gaga sing about? (Ricardo / Fernandez / Alejandro / Andres) : [15] Which famous band plays Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie? (One Direction / Blondie / ABBA / The Beatles) :
  5. Rejected Fii activ pe server mai întâi, și revino cu o nouă cerere peste o săptămâna. Dacă vrei, îți pot pune tag. Trimite-mi pm cu nick/tag/pw dacă te interesează
  6. Contra Fii activ pe server mai întâi
  7. Wrong model and 0 activity on server. Rejected
  8. ★Nickname: Kazylayk ★CSBD username: @K-A-Z-Y-L-A-K ★Rank: Administrator
  9. I was considerate enough, even with bad activity to give you access, and within not even 24 hours, you open TWO topics to ask for an upgrade? If you ask for an upgrade again I will remove you myself.
  10. You just got added as helper.
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