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S’il y a quelques années encore, l’influence d’un constructeur automobile se mesurait uniquement au nombre de ventes ainsi qu’aux retours de la presse spécialisée, les choses ont très nettement évoqué en peu de temps. Désormais, c’est sur Internet et plus particulièrement sur les réseaux sociaux que tout se joue, alors que les marques totalisent plus de 140 millions d’abonnés sur ces canaux, que ce soit Facebook, Twitter ou encore Instagram. Autant dire que ces sites revêtent une importance capitale pour les constructeurs, qui investissent de plus en plus dans leur communication dans ce domaine, alors que leur stratégie peut-être déterminante pour leur image, et donc pour leurs ventes. L’agence de conseil en stratégie de contenus Ultramedia s’est donc intéressée à cette nouvelle forme de communication, et a établi comme en 2020 un baromètre de l’influence, classant les différentes marques selon plusieurs critères. Parmi eux, le pouvoir relationnel, c’est à dire la proximité avec la communauté, le pouvoir d’engagement, c’est à dire la capacité à faire réagir et enfin le pouvoir d’expression, qui se traduit concrètement par la place que prend une marque sur les réseaux sociaux. L’agence française a donc étudié plus de 51 marques, tous secteurs confondus, les triant alors ensuite en différentes catégories, que ce soit l’agro-alimentaire, l’assurance, l’industrie pharmaceutique ou encore l’automobile. C’est évidemment cette dernière qui nous intéresse aujourd’hui, d’autant plus que l’année passée aura été très particulière pour ce domaine, touché par la crise sanitaire mais également plombé par les normes et restrictions en tout genre. Cela n’aura néanmoins pas empêché certaines marques de s’illustrer, à l’image de Renault, qui prend la tête du classement avec 86 points sur 100 faisant alors passer Peugeot à la 2ème place. Cumulant pas moins de 20 millions d’abonnés sur ses différents réseaux, la firme au losange n’a pourtant pas battu des records en termes de publications, avec un nombre de post en baisse de 62 %. En réalité, selon l’agence, Renault a beaucoup fait parler mais pas forcément en bien, puisque c’est notamment l’affaire Carlos Ghosn et les différents mouvements sociaux qui ont mis la marque sur le devant de la scène. Citroën en baisse, BMW au top Toujours du côté des Français, Peugeot et Citroën ont quant à eux perdu un peu en influence, et cela s’expliquerait par une raison simple partagée par les deux marques : des contenus trop autocentrés, visant une communauté captive, déjà propriétaire ou au moins passionnée par l’un ou l’autre des deux constructeurs. Comme le souligne par exemple Ultramedia au sujet de la marque aux chevrons « ses raisons sont à chercher du côté de sa ligne éditoriale, particulièrement axée sur la « culture Citroën » et donc destinée à un public d’afficionados – voire de nostalgiques – comme avec sa série de podcasts « Génération Citroën ». Une audience captive, qui atteint peut-être aujourd’hui son plafond de croissance ». En revanche, c’est BMW qui s’illustre de son côté, et ce « sans ligne éditoriale particulièrement originale » comme le relève l’agence. Se plaçant en 3ème position ex-aeq uo avec Citroën, la firme bavaroise a notamment profité du lancement de modèles phares pour faire parler d’elle, tirant notamment partie de « fuites » volontaires. Par ailleurs, Ultramedia souligne qu’ « en mettant l’accent sur le design, le style et l’innovation dans ses publications, BMW joue sur la corde sensible chez les amateurs ». Cela fonctionne, puisque la marque a triplé son taux d’engagement en un an !
n a statement issued on the stroke of the Lunar New Year, the administration said an investigation found BBC World News’ China-related reports had “seriously violated” regulations, including that news should be “truthful and fair,” had harmed China’s national interests and undermined national unity. The channel therefore does not meet requirements for foreign channels broadcasting in China and its application to air for another year will not be accepted, it added. China’s move was condemned by British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab, while the BBC said it was “disappointed”. “China’s decision to ban BBC World News in mainland China is an unacceptable curtailing of media freedom,” Raab said. “China has some of the most severe restrictions on media and internet freedoms across the globe, and this latest step will only damage China’s reputation in the eyes of the world.” English-language BBC World News is not included in most TV channel packages in China but is available in some hotels and residences. Two Reuters journalists in China said the channel had gone blank on their screens. “We are disappointed that the Chinese authorities have decided to take this course of action,” the BBC said. “The BBC is the world’s most trusted international news broadcaster and reports on stories from around the world fairly, impartially and without fear or favour.” On Feb. 4, British media regulator Ofcom revoked China Global Television Network’s (CGTN) licence to broadcast in the United Kingdom after an investigation found the licence was wrongfully held by Star China Media Ltd. China criticised the ruling as politicised and warned it reserved the right to make a “necessary response”. Reporting by Bhargav Acharya in Bengaluru and Tom Daly; additional reporting by Guy Faulconbridge and William James in London; Editing by Catherine Evans and Toby Chopra
e are in the feasibility study, so we are already far ahead. We are talking about the construction of flying cars, a project that Volkswagen confirmed through the CEO in China, Herbert Diess. This is not science fiction, given that Airspeeder is also preparing a vertical take-off vehicle for FCA and KleinVision that with a button is thinking of going from the road to the sky, or Airbus and Volocopter or Lilium which aims to create its own first plant near Orlando, Florida. Furthermore, according to the investment bank Morgan Stanley, it is a business that is around 1.5 trillion dollars by 2050. For this Stephan Woellenstein declared: “After autonomous driving, the next step will be vertical mobility. To approach the future we are evaluating the technical possibilities of the Chinese market with the aim of starting the production of new vehicles ”. It is no coincidence that the German giant is thinking of starting from China, given that that is the largest and most prosperous car market in the world and so far the most profitable for Volkswagen.
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan will be leading a high level delegation on his first visit abroad this year, when he leaves for Sri Lanka at the end of this month. While the visit, during the pandemic, has been doing the rounds in the Sri Lankan and Indian media, it has been all quiet at the Foreign Office. “I can confirm that the visit is taking place and a curtain raiser will be issued closer to the visit”, a senior official told The News when asked for details. Media reports speak of PM Imran arriving in Colombo on February 22 for a two-day visit, where foreign media reported from Colombo on Tuesday that Sri Lankan law makers confirmed that the prime minister would also address the Sri Lankan Parliament. Pakistan’s High Commissioner in Sri Lanka, General (R) Saad Khattak, speaking to the media in Colombo about the visit, confirmed it but gave very few details. PM Imran will be meeting with President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, say officials in Colombo familiar with the visit. President Rajapaska is familiar with Pakistan where he attended courses in military training institutions. Both countries have for decades enjoyed a broad-based relationship on trade, commerce, culture and defense matters. Pakistan armed forces in 2009 had supported Sri Lanka by providing high tech military equipment and intelligence support in its fight against the LTTE. At that time Pakistan stood out when many world capitals had imposed embargoes on Sri Lanka. Khan’s visit comes at a time when Sri Lanka has taken its relations with China several notches higher.
er la Ferrari Purosangue è arrivato il momento dei test. I nostri fotografi hanno immortalato un muletto del primo SUV del Cavallino Rampante, il cui debutto è previsto all'inizio del 2022. Lo sport utility all'esordio sarà equipaggiato con un V12 da oltre 800 CV, per poi essere disponibile anche in una variante ibrida, con V8. Se Ferrari pianifica la prima Rossa 100% elettrica entro il 2030, la Purosangue dovrebbe restare ibrida, anche se l'architettura del SUV è pensata per accomodare anche l'elettrico puro. La proposta da parte di Ferrari in gamma di un SUV ibrido plug-in potrebbe essere molto allettante per la clientela di lusso più attenta all'ambiente. In ogni caso, quello che vediamo sul muletto non è il design definitivo di Purosangue, visto che il prototipo è ancora basato sulla "cugina" Maserati Levante. Il modello di produzione di serie dovrebbe essere più simile a una shooting brake con assetto rialzato. Pur rientrando nella categoria dei SUV di lusso, Purosangue potrebbe avere un'indole più sportiva rispetto alla Lamborghini Urus, alla Bentley Bentayga e alla Aston Martin DBX, con un occhio di riguardo alla dinamica di guida. Nel 2018, Sergio Marchionne disse che Purosangue sarebbe stato il SUV più veloce del mondo. Obiettivo sfidante, ma certamente non fuori dalla portata per la Ferrari.
New Delhi: Being healthy and staying fit are on this list of goals for everyone - no matter who they are and where they live. People often associate all their health troubles to the lifestyle they follow. Whether it is waking up in time, eating healthily, exercising regularly, or the habits we have - all are a part of the lifestyle we lead. However, people often confuse various health phenomenons - for instance, some people believe that being skinny is healthy - whereas being underweight, or unusually skinny can be both a cause and effect of an underlying health condition. "Physical fitness is simply our body’s ability to complete physical work. This can include cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and muscular endurance etc. Usually, people who maintain a good level of fitness are lean, maintain normal body weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. But, this may not always be true, as exceptions are there," says Dr Biju K S, Senior Medical Officer at Vieroots Wellness Solutions, even as he shares more insights on the link between fitness, and lifestyle. Can your level of fitness bespeak your lifestyle? The word ‘Lifestyle’ has broad meaning as it incorporates elements of health, finance, culture, environment etc. Considering the aspect of health, it is fair to say that, the better level of fitness of a po[CENSORED]tion is directly related to a good lifestyle of the po[CENSORED]tion. Since ‘fitness’ is a measurable indicator of health, generally we can say, the more fit you are the healthier you are. The physical fitness assessment of a person can help a healthcare professional to understand about his lifestyle, which in turn helps to advise regarding what changes the person needs to make in his lifestyle to become more fit and healthy. Here also there are exceptions, that one may seem ‘fit’ in his external appearance, but internally he may not be ‘healthy’. Pointing to the case of Sourav Ganguly, even a fit person can also easily get into lifestyle diseases. This was not an isolated incident. It is happening to a lot of common people around us, and since they are not celebrities these incidents go unnoticed. Thus it is high time to analyse your level of ‘fitness’ with the help of a competent professional and using highly advanced tools. We all know, lifestyle diseases are the number one killer, when it comes to death due to diseases. The ultimate solution for these diseases is nothing but changing the lifestyle itself. As a part of adopting a healthy lifestyle, embracing a fitness regime and supplementing the nutrients which are lacking in food are some of the methods adopted by people nowadays. The flipside is, some used to lead unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, eating a lot of junk foods) and to overcome its ill effects, they indulge in various quick-fix fitness programs and overload themselves with dietary supplements, which is absurd. But in general, people who give importance to fitness and find time for it knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle and follow it. Dietary supplements and your lifestyle Dietary supplements cannot substitute a well-balanced diet. at the same time, it is tough to have all the required nutrients in our daily diet these days due to innumerable reasons. Consuming dietary supplements became a part of our lifestyle as many nutrients are lacking in our new dietary practices in this fast-paced world. But, there is a not-so-familiar dimension for this. For example, if you think, you are taking enough supplements to better your health, sometimes you might be wrong. Consider, you are taking a Vitamin-A supplement in B-carotene form and if your body has reduced capacity to convert B-carotene to Vitamin-A, you still possess the risk of deficiency of vitamin-A. Thanks to the advancement in medical science, now it is easier to find which nutrients you need in supplement form by doing a metabolic assessment using various advanced techniques. Also, it is crucial to find out the right brand. The purity, efficacy and bioavailability of the supplements play a vital role, as this market is flooded with products and some of them are sham, too. Consuming a lot of supplements won’t make you healthy but the right choice of them as per your need and its efficacy are the keys. Yes, your nutritional habits and your fitness levels play a major role in deciding whether you are leading a healthy lifestyle or not. It is worth every penny in spending in these ‘preventive’ areas because the expenses incurring after becoming a victim to lifestyle disease will be much higher than that required to prevent it. Also many at times your money cannot bring yourself back to perfect health, too.
Former Pakistan cricket team captain and current Head Coach Misbah ul Haq said that openers, despite being out-of-form, should not be changed after one or two series. Misbah was speaking to media virtually where he admitted that Pakistani openers were currently "out-of-form". "We will work on their mistakes, I will be present in the National High Performance Centre and we will work on them [openers] for a month-and-a-half." Misbah said that Pakistan cannot afford to waste its openers, adding that they should not be dropped after only one or two series. "We will work on Abid Ali, Shan Masood, Imran Butt and Abdullah Shafique because only they are the ones who are performing at the moment [among openers in the domestic circuit]," he said. 'Players have a lot of potential' The Pakistani head coach said that after trouncing South Africa 2-0 in the series, the green shirts' morale was high. He said the team will attempt to continue their winning run in the T20s as well. "This is not a very experienced side but they have a lot of potential," he said. "They will take advantage of opportunities. I can't even say this is an entirely inexperienced side because it has some players that have been consistently playing for the team," Misbah added. Misbah said he had backed Faheem Ashraf and Mohammad Rizwan because he knew they were talented cricketers. "Both are performing continuously for Pakistan. We needed a bowling all-rounder at the seventh position and Faheem Ashraf has filled that for us," he added. He praised Player of the Series Mohammad Rizwan, adding that the wicketkeeper was a hard worker who wanted to avail opportunities. Home series was very important for us, says Misbah "This home series was very beneficial for us," he said. "For one, the team at home performs well in its own conditions and there is no pressure on them," Misbah added. "Secondly, it provides an opportunity to develop the players." The former Pakistan captain said he did feel pressure about whatever the cricket committee had said after the green shirts lost the away series to New Zealand recently. "The only pressure was of the team performing well and winning the Test series," he said, adding that credit for the series victory goes to the entire squad. "The lower order played well. Bowlers and batsmen were performing well for over a time period but we weren't getting any success," he said. "Our fielding improved this Test series. We didn't miss any chances hence I believe our fielding made the
Nick: Dr_-_PiKaChU Real name: Hayyat How old are you?: 19 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): cs1.6 years 6 gta5 2 years Where are you from?(country and city): Karachi pakistan Describe yourself(at least 50 words): i am good person i am friendly with others i like talk with people i have postive attitude i like to help others i am friendly person i talk and i behave nicely i always try to work hard i am responsible person and i do my best for this community and work hard ! Note some of your qualities: responsibility i can manage Tell us some of your defects: my defects i come angry to early but i can control to my self and give respect here Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): i am in gog journalists gambler and devil memoir projects and manager in zmoldschool On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): i love all projects so i active in all projects Which category/project you want to care off?: Gog - Devil Memoir - Journalists - Gambler How well you speak english?(and other languages): English 70% Urdu 100% Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: no but after some days i will buy microphone for ts3 For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Years Contact methods:F/b Yahoo Messenger Whatsapp twitter instagram Last request: Its First
#Pro i will give u a chance
There are a few weeks, Tesla revealed to the surprise of the restyled version of its Model S and Model X . On the program, a slightly revised exterior style, new Plaid and Plaid + versions that are even more efficient, but above all a completely new interior. In addition to the new presentation, including among others a brand new touch screenin a horizontal and no longer vertical position, this impromptu facelift also marks the arrival of a new steering wheel never before seen on a production model, which has not failed to appeal to the public. And for good reason, its astonishing shape inspired by the world of aeronautics has caused much ink to flow in the specialized press, saluting the audacity of the firm of Elon Musk or on the contrary, questioning the practical aspect and especially legal of this command, called " Yoke ", and distinguished by its truncated shape, which may complicate certain maneuvers for example. This one also sparked debate by its lack of physical keys, replaced by touch controls. So what does the law say about this? If nothing has been specifically said for France, you have to look on the side of the Dutch regulations to get a start of an answer. The RDW (Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer), in charge of the administration of vehicles and all the legal aspects around them, affirms that the steering wheel "Yoke" would in no way be illegal in the Netherlands, since it is Accordance with the legislation in force. This being then the same on a European scale, this order is by extension completely legal on all the territory, and even on our premises. Moreover, according to UN-ECE 79 regulation , the steering wheel does not have to meet shape criteria, as long as it respects certain obvious safety constraints, such as the presence of airbags or the fact that the "the direction of actuation of the steering control must correspond to the desired change of direction and there must be a continuous relationship between the control angle and the steering angle ”. However, the shape is completely free, and Tesla will therefore be able to market this steering wheel with us. Really practical? On the other hand, the question of practicality now arises, because this new command can then complicate certain maneuvers, due to the absence of an upper part. This is particularly the case when parking, where you will then have to get used to positioning your hands differently on the steering wheel so as not to be caught off guard. However, systems allowing the car to park without the intervention of the driver should be the beginning of the solution, as should a greater reduction. However, Tesla could also offer a standard round model as an option, so as not to alienate the most reluctant. Regarding touch controls, Europe does not seem to have a problem with it either, while the UN-ECE 121only requires that they be clearly visible and accessible. The only point that could be a problem is the lack of turn signals, with Elon Musk claiming that the car will be able to "guess" for itself which direction the driver will take. However, the Vienna Convention sti[CENSORED]tes that only the driver is able to activate these warning lights. This automatic device should therefore not be available from us, except for a surprising turnaround.
A little bit of stress is good, and essential for survival, but severe or prolonged stress can increase the risk for stress-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and others. Chronic stress is thought to contribute to excess inflammation throughout the body that plays a critical role in the onset and progression of stress-related disease, along with elevated levels of the hormone cortisol. "Some concerns with consistently high levels of cortisol include elevated blood glucose levels, weight gain, increased appetite, GI issues, hypertension, and suppression of the immune system," explained Felicia Porrazza, a Philadelphia-based registered dietitian who helps stressed-out clients find natural ways to improve their overall wellness. Dr. Caroline Messer, a New York City-based endocrinologist, always talks to her patients about managing stress. "It's unbelievably important for their sense of wellbeing," she said. "Often when patients come in with hair loss, fatigue and insomnia, they assume there's a direct hormonal underpinning, but these symptoms can actually be stress-mediated with a secondary increase in cortisol levels," Messer said. Here's how to start making healthy changes to reduce your stress levels. Try meditating Meditation practice leads to decreased physiological markers of stress in a range of po[CENSORED]tions, according to a 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis of 45 studies. Specifically, meditation can help to lower cortisol levels, blood pressure and heart rate. A consistent meditation practice also helps us better respond to stressful situations, according to Ellie Burrows Gluck, a Vedic meditation teacher and the co-founder and CEO of MNDFL, a meditation studio in New York City that also offers live-streamed, at-home practices with meditation experts at MNDFL TV. To meditate, simply bring your full attention to your breath, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. When your mind starts to wander, come back to your breath without judgment. If you would like some support for your meditation practice, a guided meditation app can help you get started. Martha McKittrick, a New York City-based registered dietitian who provides nutrition counseling and wellness coaching to many stressed-out clients, likes Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer and Buddhify. Find a hobby you enjoy That can mean practicing an instrument, painting, cooking or playing with your children. "I think anything that takes you away from day-to-day concerns is helpful for lowering stress levels," Messer said. "The key is to focus on what you are doing to block out the rest of what is going on. I play classical piano, and I love to bake with my kids ... and (when I engage in these activities), I forget about the pandemic and work stressors." Schedule daily movement or exercise breaks Engaging in regular physical activity is a great way to help manage stress and strengthen your immune system, too. Aerobic exercise, which increases heart rate and the body's use of oxygen, boosts levels of endorphins, which work directly on opiate receptors in your brain to reduce pain and boost pleasure, Messer explained. Exercise also reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, specifically adrenaline and cortisol, explained MaryAnn Browning, founder and CEO of Brownings Fitness in a previous CNN interview. Messer advises patients to engage in aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, three times per week. "Aerobic exercise allows the muscle and liver to remove glucose from the bloodstream, increases metabolism, and can improve sleep patterns." Try riding on a stationary bike or simply taking a brisk walk. "As long as you are pushing yourself," Messer said. And if you don't want to go outside, you can just walk around in circles in your apartment while you talk to people, according to Browning, who added that she is able to get up to 23,000 steps in a day by walking and conversing at the same time. Boost intake of stress-reducing foods Foods like salmon, trout, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring are a rich source of stress-busting omega-3 fatty acids known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Vitamin C-rich foods, like red and green peppers, oranges, grapefruit and kiwi, may be helpful in lowering psychological stress and blood pressure, according to one study. And fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh and sauerkraut contain friendly bacteria known as probiotics, which have the ability to reduce stress and cortisol levels. Avoid strict dieting Limiting calories to very low levels has been shown to increase cortisol levels. "If you are cutting back on calories too much in attempts to lose your 'pandemic weight,' you may actually be doing your body harm," McKittrick said. Eating enough carbohydrates is important, too, since they prompt the brain to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect in the body, according to McKittrick. On the flip side, diets that are very low in carbs can boost cortisol levels, she explained. It's also important to avoid long stretches without food. Doing so can cause drops in blood sugar, which can cause irritability and worsen stress, according to McKittrick. Try to eat something every four hours or so. Cut back on caffeine High amounts of caffeine can boost cortisol levels and intensify the effects of stress on the body, McKittrick explained. It's important to pay attention to how your body reacts to caffeine; you might need to cut back or try herbal tea instead if you are feeling stressed. Improve sleep hygiene Sleep deprivation can contribute to higher stress levels, and stress can also contribute to poor sleep quality, ultimately compounding stress. Aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep is key, as it helps to decrease cortisol and your adrenal load. If you have trouble getting that amount of sleep, taking two naps that are no longer than 30 minutes each — one in the morning and one in the afternoon — has been shown to help decrease stress and offset the negative effects that sleep deprivation has on the immune system. If you find you need additional support, meeting with a sleep psychologist can help in establishing healthy sleep/wake cycles, Messer said. Try yoga Research has shown that yoga can help in reducing cortisol levels and blood pressure. Engaging in a regular yoga practice has helped me to reduce my stress levels. My girls and I love the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene and have made it part of our bedtime routine! Consider acupuncture "I recommend acupuncture to my patients when other avenues have failed ... and a lot of patients swear by it," Messer said. Feeling calmer and sleeping better are some of the touted benefits, she explained. Enjoy nature Getting outside and spending some time in nature can help relieve stress, improve your mood and boost feelings of happiness and well-being, according to the American Heart Association. Research has revealed numerous health benefits from being in nature, McKittrick explained. Being near green spaces in particular has been associated with reduced stress, and is associated with reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. Listen to music Playing your favorite tunes can also reduce stress levels, according to McKittrick. Upbeat music may be helpful as a mood booster, while slower music can help to quiet your mind, relax your muscles and release stress. Seek support and connection Being isolated can cause an increase in cortisol levels, Messer explained. "Humans are meant to be social, it's through our social connections that we keep our stress levels down," she said. If you can't be with a friend or loved one in person, a phone call or Zoom meeting can help you stay connected. Now that you have these tips, let's get started. Pick one stress-busting strategy to start with this week, and then add another one the following week. Put reminders on your calendar so you will have your own personalized week-by-week plan for combatting stress. Building on these behaviors will boost your confidence and empower you to continue creating a lifestyle with lower levels of stress and improved health and wellness. That's a silver lining while surviving a storm of stress, isn't it?!
KARACHI: Wide scale irregularities in administration of vaccination in Sindh have come to the forefront, including administering the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine to people over 60 years of age, non frontline health workers and totally unrelated people, sources confirmed to The News. The incident being widely reported in media regarding the administration of the Sinopharm vaccine on Saturday to the daughter and son-in-law of the former Sindh Governor and the spokesman for PML Vice President Maryam Safdar, Mohammad Zubair. The couple were administered the vaccine on Feb 6, at the Adult Vaccination Center of Ojha campus of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), by a deputy district officer of the District East. The former governor’s daughter also happens to be the niece of the head of National Command and Operation Center, Federal Minister Asad Umar. The PML-N leader has categorically denied any connection to the administration of vaccines to his daughter and son-in-law. Sources confirmed to the scribe that for the last three days, the NCOC Islamabad has been receiving complaints of wide ranging irregularities in the administration of coronavirus vaccine by the Sindh government due to which many “influentials but unrelated people” have benefitted. According to the complaints, several non frontline health workers, some influential people and their families were reportedly vaccinated in connivance with the officials of local health departments, besides those over 60 were also administered the vaccine. According to NCOC guidelines, the vaccine cannot be given to anyone over 60 years or under 18 years. This guideline however is in stark contradiction to the global practice where primarily those over 60 years of age are being administered the coronavirus vaccines. Following the complaints, the Sindh health department swiftly suspended Deputy District Officer of the District East Dr. Aneela Qureshi for allegedly violating the SOPs, helping non-healthcare workers in getting the COVID-19 vaccine at the Adult Vaccination Center of Ojha Campus of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) and directed her to report to the health department. Besides, an inquiry committee led-by Fayyaz Hussain Abbasi, the provincial coordinator of the Emergency Operation Center for polio, was also constituted to investigate the violations of SOPs by Dr Aneela Qureshi within three days, said a notification issued on Sunday. The provincial health department also established a Vaccine Audit Committee to probe SOP violations comprising Director General Health Sindh Dr. Irshad Memon, Project Director EPI Sindh Dr. Akram Sultan and Deputy Secretary Health Zaheer Abbas Mir to check irregularities in the vaccination process, conduct visits of vaccination centers and inspect their operations. The committee was further tasked with conducting audit of the vaccines administered to the frontline healthcare workers, keep record of every vaccine vial and also keep record of the wasted vaccine doses. The committee was assigned the task to identify the loopholes in the COVID-19 vaccination process, take remedial measures and present its report on weekly basis to the health department. The Sindh health department on Sunday directed administrations of all the Adult Vaccination Centers (AVCs) not to vaccinate any healthcare worker above the age of 60 and those who have not been sent a pin code from the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) with COVID-19. “We have received clear instructions from NCOC, Islamabad that nobody above the age of 60 should be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine at Adult Vaccination Centers (AVCs). Today some senior health officials tried to get the vaccination but they were denied,” a senior official of the health department told The News. The official further said clear instructions have been issued to the administrations of all the AVCs that only those healthcare workers, who would be having pin code from the NADRA, would be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccination, which is only meant for frontline healthcare workers who are upto 60 years of age and added that officials violating the SOPs would have to face departmental action. Meanwhile, senior healthcare workers above the age of 60 years have expressed their disappointment over the NCOC instructions that they should not be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine, arguing that people above 60 years were being vaccinated on priority basis in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other countries with Chinese vaccine Sinopharm. “Today, Vice Chancellor of a public sector health University in Karachi was denied COVID-19 vaccine on the pretext that he is above the age of 60 and as per instructions, such people can’t be vaccinated even if they are frontline healthcare workers”, a senior doctor told The News and added that due to this policy, senior healthcare professionals were highly disappointed. The doctor said during the first three days, several senior doctors above the age of 60 years managed to get themselves inoculated but on Sunday, when some of the senior doctors who were Vice Chancellors and senior medical professors, went to get themselves vaccinated at the adult vaccination center at Khaliqdina Hall, they were denied vaccination by the staff
My vote DH2 best pop song
[D-harmony Battle] Dr@g0n VS Dr_-_PiKaChU [Cancelled]
Dr_-_PiKaChU replied to Dr@g0n's topic in Battles 1v1
accepted -
(Mise à jour le 04/02/2021 à 12h14) Nouvelle DS4 2021 – Trois ans après le retrait au catalogue de la première génération, la compacte française remet le couvert avec un projet qui s’annonce largement plus abouti, qui plus est industrialisé en Allemagne pour asseoir son positionnement premium. Ne lui parlez plus de la Citroën C4. En 2021, la DS4 s’éloigne des standards de la berline des Chevrons, avec laquelle elle partagea un trop grand nombre de composants, par le passé. Elle inaugure, ici, une évolution de la plateforme EMP2, retravaillée à 70 %, dont profiteront dans quelques mois les futures Peugeot 308 et Opel Astra. C’est d’ailleurs sur la chaîne de production de cette dernière qu’elle sera assemblée, à Rüsselsheim, en Allemagne, caressant l’espoir de surfer sur la vague « Made in Germany », malgré le savoir-faire tricolore que la marque aime à entretenir. En termes d’architecture, les modifications apportées au soubassement ont permis de repousser un peu plus les limites des proportions et des performances aérodynamiques. Selon la voix officielle, le ratio caisse/roues, inédit dans le segment et dans l’univers premium, a enfanté “une silhouette à la fois athlétique et efficiente”. Mensurations de rêve Dans les faits, la nouvelle DS4 se révèle être l’une des plus longues de son segment, en s’allongeant sur 4,40 m, tout juste devancée par la Mercedes Classe A (4,42 m). Elle distance d’environ 7 cm les Audi A3 et BMW Série 1, au profit de l’habitabilité des passagers, et surclasse ses trois rivales quand il s’agit d’embarquer les bagages. Le volume du coffre atteint 430 l, en version thermique, malheureusement amputés de 40 l en hybride rechargeable. La réduction du poids a également guidé le cahier des charges, introduisant de nouvelles pièces en matériaux composites, des structures embouties à chaud, et des éléments plus compacts, comme le bloc de climatisation dégageant par ailleurs plus d’espace de rangement. Les jantes voient leur masse réduite d’environ 10% (1,5 kg par roue), tandis qu’une offre « Tall & Narrow », comprenez de grandes roues étroites, est proposée pour limiter les perturbations aérodynamiques et favoriser la baisse des émissions de CO2. Hybridation rechargeable De leur côté, de nouveaux éléments de liaison au sol et de direction promettent un meilleur agrément de conduite, grâce à une rigidité de caisse accrue. L’EMP2, comme le grand frère DS 7 Crossback, permet surtout d’accueillir une chaîne de traction hybride rechargeable basée sur un bloc 4-cylindres turbo de 180 ch. Couplé à un moteur électrique de 110 ch, il cumule 225 ch et intègre une boîte de vitesses automatique EAT8. Le tout est alimenté par une batterie plus efficiente, selon DS, grâce à de nouvelles cellules plus compactes et de plus grande capacité, qui autorisera une autonomie supérieure à 50 km en 100 % électrique. Petits bras, côté moteurs ? Pour le reste, les blocs 100 % thermiques s’en remettent tous à la boîte auto EAT8. Ils comptent 130, 180 et 225 ch, en essence, quand l’unique offre diesel s’établit à 130 ch. Pas de quoi émouvoir la concurrence hautes performances, outre-Rhin. La nouvelle DS 4 préfère miser sur le raffinement de ses lignes, aussi bien à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. Exit les chromes Thierry Métroz, qui dirige le design DS, a privilégié le style aux artifices clinquants. Il assume la « détoxification » de chromes de son nouveau bébé, au profit du soin porté aux plis de tôles, notamment au niveau des flancs et du pilier C, qui ont donné des sueurs froides aux spécialistes de l’emboutissage, de par leur complexité à industrialiser. En décembre 2020, Auto-Moto dévoilait les lignes quasi-définitives de la nouvelle DS4, via cette illustration exclusive. Signe extérieur de luminosité La personnalité de la nouvelle DS4 passe aussi par son regard perçant, qui surplombe d’impressionnantes signatures lumineuses dédoublées en forme de crosses, quand les feux arrière font preuve d’une égale finesse et d’un élégant motif en écailles. Discrète aventurière Aux côtés des variantes classiques qui jouissent, la plupart du temps, d’une livrée bicolore, la nouvelle DS4 Cross (et non Crossback pour s’éloigner de l’univers des SUV) se la joue un poil plus baroudeuse, malgré sa hauteur de caisse inchangée (1,47 m). Des astuces stylistiques telles que les bas de caisse en plastique brut, ou encore le pavillon couleur carrosserie, surélèvent artificiellement son assiette. Et si de fines barres de toit s’invitent à sa cime, la plus chic des aventurières fait l’impasse sur les sempiternelles extensions d’ailes. Le souci du détail À bord, la nouvelle venue souhaite particulièrement se démarquer de la concurrence allemande qui, ces derniers temps, verse plutôt dans un design “technocratique”, à défaut de véritable raffinement. Une quête d’élégance et le souci du choix des matériaux ont guidé les géniteurs de la DS 4. C’est une planche de bord épurée qui s’offre aux occupants, qui jouissent d’une intégration discrète de l’écran central tactile de 10” embarquant un système multimédia enfin à la hauteur du statut de la marque. Une seconde dalle, héritée du DS3 Crossback, se loge derrière le volant. Princesse de bel air Au centre du tableau de bord, un système de ventilation innovant fait son apparition. Il est constitué d’aérateurs très compacts en hauteur et équipés d’ailettes invisibles. Le principe de DS Air, c’est son nom, repose sur un flux d’air séparé par une ogive, laquelle garantit une directivité optimale vers le haut et le bas. Tout fonctionne comme un aérateur classique, mais son design se veut plus épuré, pour coller aux standards d’élégance prônés par DS. C’est réussi, sur le plan du style, mais leur maniement à 360° impose de recourir à deux commandes distinctes. L’une dirigeant le flux horizontalement, l’autre de manière verticale, noircissant le tableau au registre de l’ergonomie. Sans compter que la régulation thermique s’actionne exclusivement via l’écran multimédia, faute de commandes directes. Exclusivité des matériaux Le cuir, l’Alcantara, voire un matériau singeant la peau de saumon, participent à cet environnement exclusif, quand certaines formes rappellent l’univers de la maroquinerie, à l’image des superbes contreportes en forme de cabas, desquelles jaillissent de subtils jeux de lumières, dans l’obscurité. Les sièges ont fait l’objet d’un soin particulier pour afficher un galbe enveloppant, dénué de bourrelet sur les côtés. Dans cet habitacle prestigieux, tout ce qui tombe immédiatement sous les yeux flattera l’égo de son propriétaire, mais on décèle encore trop de plastiques durs, en parties basses, que la DS4 sera probablement amenée à partager avec les futures 308 et Astra. Raffinement technologique En termes de connectivité, DS promet au conducteur de quitter la route des yeux le moins possible. Baptisée DS Extended Head Up Display, une nouvelle technologie tire son inspiration de la réalité augmentée, puisque les informations indispensables à la conduite (vitesse, navigation, etc.) sont directement projetées sur la route. Par un effet d’optique, les données s’affichent quatre mètres devant le pare-brise pour accompagner le regard du conducteur sur une diagonale de 21”, inédite sur le segment. « Hey DS4 ! » L’info-divertissement, talon d’Achille du groupe PSA, est entièrement repensé sur cette nouvelle DS4, qui inaugure le DS Iris System, inspiré du MBUX de Mercedes, et basé sur la commande vocale. Ses concepteurs promettent d’offrir aux clients la meilleure solution de reconnaissance vocale en langage naturel. L’ensemble est secondé par un système inédit de commande gestuelle, nommé DS Smart Touch, positionné sur la console centrale, via un écran accessible du bout des doigts. Il suffit de faire un geste vers l’une des fonctions préenregistrées. L’écran identifie également des mouvements habituels comme le zoom, le dé-zoom et la reconnaissance d’écriture. Toujours plus autonome Pour que le système et sa cartographie soient toujours au meilleur niveau, les mises à jour se font via le cloud, en temps réel. La conduite semi-autonome de niveau 2, déjà proposée sur le restant de la gamme DS, reçoit une évolution majeure pour DS4. DS Drive Assist 2.0 se traduit par un positionnement précis dans la voie au choix du conducteur, enrichi par de nouvelles fonctionnalités, comme les dépassements semi-automatiques, l’adaptation de la vitesse dans les courbes et la préconisation anticipée de la vitesse des panneaux de signalisation. Le système embarque des capteurs qui enregistrent tout ce qui se passe dans et autour de la voiture afin d’assister le conducteur : radar frontal et aux quatre coins de la voiture, caméra placée en haut du pare-brise. Suspension intelligente Sur le plan dynamique, la nouvelle DS4 espère figurer parmi les références, grâce à sa suspension pilotée DS Active Scan Suspension. Il s’agit d’une exclusivité sur son segment, grâce à l’utilisation d’une caméra. Placée en haut du pare-brise, elle visionne et anticipe les irrégularités de la route et transmet les données à un calculateur qui agit sur chacune des roues indépendamment, pour optimiser le confort, quel que soit l’état de la route. Pour se démarquer de la concurrence, le système DS Night Vision est aussi du voyage. Il apporte une meilleure visibilité de la route et de ses dangers. Une caméra infrarouge, placée dans la calandre, détecte piétons et animaux jusqu’à 200 mètres par faible luminosité. Le conducteur visualise la route dans le combiné numérique et voit apparaître les dangers sous forme d’alerte. Yeux de lynx Cela n’empêche pas la nouvelle DS4 d’améliorer la technologie de ses blocs optiques. Une nouvelle génération de projecteurs DS Matrix LED Vision, plus fins et plus modernes, les intègre. Ils sont composés de trois modules LED, qui constituent la signature de DS Automobiles. A la hauteur des allemandes ? Ainsi, c’est avec davantage de sérénité que ce second opus de DS4 entend rivaliser avec la production allemande, bien qu’elle fasse encore l’impasse sur certains équipements, comme la transmission intégrale. Pour espérer en bénéficier, il lui faudrait ambitionner de se frotter aux sportives de type Audi S3 (310 ch), via le bloc PHEV de 300 ch, disponible dans la banque d’organes de PSA.
When we find ourselves hurting over an incident, pouring our eyes out to what was said (or not said) to us, we are so fused with the event, entangled with the other person or with the conflict that we fail to recognise the real cause of pain. The truth is we respond not to the event, but to our view or perception of the event. We cry not over the attack or conflict, but the meaning we attach to it. My studies, training, science, experience and practice taught me to believe in cognitive theory which focuses on our thoughts. This school of thought helps us recognise the voice in our head–our intrusive, incessant compulsive thinking, which is conditioned, prejudiced, rigid and irrational due to previous learning. Once we identify our self-dialogue and replace it with effective thinking, we feel and behave in healthier ways.w As a child, I was a very well adjusted kid who grew up in a boarding school, with performance and survival at the centre of my universe. I could swear I was happy. It was in adult life when I faced a major crisis–several feelings tore through my being. I recognised abandonment, rejection, and betrayal and knew that there was a reason why I chose these perceptions of the current crisis and not others. My baggage lay exposed, leaving me fragile and frail, anxious about never having a safe home again. I fought hard for many months with all my might to remind myself of the basic paradigms of cognitive therapy. I set reminders on my phone, wrote post its, put up print outs on my mirror, to “be in the present”, to think or have rational self-talk, to dispute cognitive errors, and replace irrationality with rational and effective philosophy every chance I got. This helped tremendously with functionality, productivity, focus, drive, and choices, but I wasn’t healing. It was my turn to practice what I had been teaching for so many years. Rational cognition just wasn’t enough for relief and I started to dig deeper. My childhood, strongly rooted in spiritual and religious teachings made me turn to spirituality, while still diligently practicing self-awareness and disputation in the cognitive sense.