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Music Title:Gazo Die Signer:gazo Release Date:18/09/2022 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video):10/10
The special edition Leica D-Lux 7 “A BATHING APE® x STASH” is an exciting new collaboration which presents the ultimate embodiment of street fashion and lifestyle. The compact camera bears the signature of New York graffiti hero, STASH – also known as Josh Franklin, and streetwear brand, A BATHING APE® (BAPE®). Both the photographer and camera represent the feeling of life on the street, carrying the identical camouflage print of the streetwear brand, and the distinctive monkey head, out into the world. Iconic D-Lux 7 in street design: Photography, graffiti, and streetwear meet. Three creative icons of street culture have come together to produce a very special camera: Leica Camera from Wetzlar, graffiti artist STASH from New York City, and streetwear brand A BATHING APE® from the heart of the fashion scene in central Tokyo. This camera has been designed by STASH and is covered with the characteristic camouflage pattern associated with BAPE®. In addition, the set includes matching accessories: a specially designed camera bag, an automatically opening lens cap, and a carrying strap. The camera and accessories are identified with the artist STASH’s graffiti tag, as well as the Japanese cult brand BAPE®’s well-known monkey head logo. Street culture and lifestyle: The Japanese streetwear brand, A BATHING APE®, represents the attitude of the younger generation. Since 1993, its iconic monkey head logo, style, and distinctive camouflage pattern has spread across the globe from the Tokyo fashion scene. BAPE® has been part of many sensational, cross-genre collaborations with international brands and artists. Pioneer of the graffiti scene: STASH, aka Josh Franklin, is considered one of the pioneers of New York's graffiti scene, as well as an influencer in the world of urban design. His hidden message (“to stash”), together with his iconic signature, has become a brand in itself; his art and activities have contributed to the broader acceptance of graffiti culture. Compact street camera for individualists: With its large sensor and fast lens (Leica DC Vario-Summilux 10.9–34 f/1.7–2.8 ASPH. 35mm equivalent: 24–75 mm), the special edition Leica D-Lux 7 “A BATHING APE® x STASH” is perfect for a variety of photographic situations. Its intuitive user concept and smartphone connection via the Leica FOTOS app, allows for simple and fast file sharing. Its discreet appearance and the optical stabilization of the lens, make it especially suited for street and reportage photography. Thanks to its 17 MP sensor, the D-Lux 7 delivers photos with excellent image quality as well as high-quality video files (4K-30fps and full HD-60fps). Leica FOTOS App: Easily pair and connect the Leica D-Lux 7 via Bluetooth®. In combination with the Leica FOTOS App, the D-Lux 7 offers quick access to images, the ability to save images on your smartphone and share images via social media - it can even be controlled remotely. https://leica-camera.com/en-GB/photography/cameras/d-lux/d-lux-7-bathing-ape-x-stash
csbd ❤ GAME ❤ What's your favorite ----?
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AOT Whats ur fav brand of clothes? -
csbd ❤ GAME ❤ Word Disassociation Game
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Shirt -
POSTED BY Daniel Terrasa SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 21:35 PM It is a concern shared by many fathers and mothers who have young children: to save them from the dangers and threats of the Internet, to which all boys and girls have access from their smartphones. A lot of risks that they, due to their youth, are not fully aware of. How to control my child's mobile? Fortunately, parents are not completely alone with this problem. There are many ways to control what our children do on the Internet. It is not about spying on their movements or monitoring their lives, it is simply a matter of security and prevention. Do not forget that they are underage and adults, parents, are truly responsible for their actions. The risks of the Internet for children There is no discussion possible: the Internet has changed the world and has brought many positive things to our societies. However, it would be stupid not to recognize that he has also brought new risks and concerns, especially when we talk about young Internet users The list of dangers is quite long. These are just some examples of situations that children are exposed to when they look at their mobile screens: Access to information not suitable for minors (violent, pornographic content, etc.)Communication with adults who may try to take advantage of your naivety and inexperience.Risk of sharing intimate information or images.Suffer cyberbullying.Develop an Internet addiction.Participate in dangerous viral games or challenges.Being a victim of scams and deception.Being the target of blackmail and threats.Incur in online purchases and payments without supervision. How to fight against all this? Repression does not seem like an effective solution. Taking the mobile phone out of the hands of our children, strictly prohibiting them from using it... That's not going to help much. On the contrary, it is possible that by doing this we are stimulating its use more, but with even less control. Expert psychologists always recommend the pedagogical route: explain to minors and adolescents what are the dangers that lie in wait for them on the Internet, make sure they understand the risk and how they can avoid unpleasant situations. Obviously, this is a job in which we are going to have to invest a lot of time and patience. And that in no way excludes the different control methods that we explain below. Controlling my son's mobile is not a bad thing, but necessary. Parental control features on the phone There are many such features for both iOS and Android. These are the most basic, although enough for most fathers and mothers to let their children use the mobile phone with complete peace of mind. On iPhone Time control (Path: Settings > Time of use). This function allows us to decide how long our children can use a certain application per day. You can also set an idle time or limit the usage time for gaming, for WhatsApp, for YouTube, etc. Content filtering (Path: Settings > Screen Time > Restrictions > Content Restrictions > Web Content). To restrict access to web pages directed at adults. Restricting searches through Siri (Path: Settings > Screen Time > Restrictions > Content Restrictions > Content Restrictions > Siri). Protected configuration (Path: Settings > Screen Time > Restrictions > iTunes and App Store Purchases). This prevents minors from changing passwords and making online purchases without our authorization On Android Time control (Path: Settings > Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls), to limit the usage time of each app. FamilyLink. This is an app that we can download from the Google Play Store to make parental control settings from our mobile or any other device. Among other things, it allows us to see the current location of our children's phone, as well as block or limit access and downloads. This is the link. Rest mode. One of the ways of using Android phones to determine certain hours of the day in which the user (our son) will not be able to use the mobile. For example, when you go to sleep. Parental control apps Along with the options that the smartphone itself offers us, there are other highly recommended external tools to exercise our parental control in a simple and effective way. These are some of the best: Family time Our first option is Family time, a complete tool to monitor the content and the time that our children spend on any of the devices in the home. The application generates reports of its activity and allows remote blocking of applications that are not considered appropriate. Links: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.familytime.dashboard&hl=en_US&gl=US Kids place: A good option for fathers and mothers whose children have an Android mobile. With Kids place we will be able to supervise the way in which children use their smartphone, deciding which applications are allowed for them. With this application we will prevent children from installing or downloading apps without our permission. Also that they send messages, make calls or even connect to other Wi-Fi networks than the one at home. For more security, access to Kids Place requires a pin that, of course, only parents should know. Qustodio For many, the best application of all. The one that will solve our existential question of «How to control my son's mobile». Qustodio It is a free app, available in the App Store and in the Google Play Store, with which you can control practically all the movements of your children's mobile. Allows you to limit the time of use, as well as block access to games and applications. It also has a geolocator. Secure Kids And one more alternative for parents concerned about their children's online safety: Secure Kids. An application that will allow us to manage and review all the devices of the boys remotely. Like other apps on this list, with it we can block applications, contacts, and access to web pages. There is also the more radical option of directly blocking the phone. https://movilforum.com/en/how-to-control-my-son's-mobile-to-make-it-safe/amp/
Nick: KingSlayer Real name: Mustapha How old are you?: 19 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): cs1.6 (2016-still) Where are you from?(country and city): Algeria / Tlemcen Describe yourself(at least 50 words): simple person who likes to make avtivity here because i enjoy it, I am passionate about my work, A people person, I take pride in myself on making sure people have the right information to get great results. I like to take care of my brothers in here because i appreciate Brotherhood And getting things done like a family. Im Valuable to other Mens I see it as my job. i dont talk about people(less better talking, More good doing) . I see that eveyday is like my last day in earth so i take every oportunity and never miss it. Note some of your qualities: i have a good english + im a good listener to the people (sometimes i solve other people problems better than i solve mine) Tell us some of your defects: i suffer from a headache once in a while its (chronic disease) every month but its okay it wont affect my activity here Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): For the past 3 years, I’ve been handling a store of my 67yo uncle in every summer (resposability is hard and in a store u deal with all kind's of people but it makes u relise how to handle them and their behavior how to deal with situations.. Responsability makes boys become MENS.) And i worked in a bakery (the money is good but i stoped because it messes with ur health(Back Pain) ). And i worked in the elections in my city. On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Devil Harmony i started months ago because what can i say i love music and everything that comes with it so apparentlly i was active in it without knowing Until i got a proposal to join and i joined! Journalists I wanted to expand My activity in the forum And Become more active in categories that im able to handle So i joined my fellas , With that i can be more helpfull to the forum. Which category/project you want to care off?: I tend to music so much so its gonna be DEVIL HARMONY How well you speak english?(and other languages): i speak english very good i leared it since i was like 13 14 yo but i know slang english very well than the UK eng Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: yes (but sometimes i cant find a PC to open ts3) For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Years Contact methods: Discord / Facebook / Ts3 / Pm Last request: First
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COVID deaths: more than 10 million children lost a parent or carer! Jude Coleman The consequences of losing a parent can be profound, but the right support can reduce the impact. Some 7.5 million children have lost one or both parents to COVID-19. Credit: Jaipal Singh/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Roughly 10.5 million children worldwide have a parent or carer who died from COVID-19, according to a modeling study1. The figure is a dramatic increase on earlier estimates. India, Indonesia and Egypt were the countries most affected; other regions throughout Africa and southeast Asia were also badly hit. The study, published on September 6 in JAMA Pediatrics, is the third update of the number of children left orphaned because of the pandemic. “I really appreciate this team’s effort to try to keep the issue of COVID-related orphans in front of the research and policy communities,” says Michael Goodman, an applied social epidemiologist at the University of Texas in Galveston. “We as a research community, as policy influencers — we as a society are not off the hook for these children.” Earlier studies estimated that around 1.5 million children under 18 years old had lost a primary or secondary carer during the first 14 months of the pandemic. A year later, estimates are an entire magnitude greater, says co-author Susan Hillis, an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, UK. This number stacks on top of the 140 million children who were already orphans before the pandemic, she says. To create their estimates, the authors factored in excess-deaths data from the World Health Organization, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle, Washington, and The Economist and fertility rates — which gave them an idea of how many children were affected by each death in a given country. Excess deaths are the difference between anticipated and observed deaths in a given period, in this case from 1 January 2020 to 1 May 2022. The model suggests that 7.5 million children lost one or both parents, while 10.5 million children lost parents or carers. Hillis says that the estimates of children orphaned increased as more COVID-19 testing became available, and as more lower- and middle-income countries reported data throughout the pandemic. “For the child, it doesn’t matter to them at all what killed their parents,” says Hillis. “It matters to them that their parents are dead.” Life-long consequences Losing a parent or carer can inflict life-long consequences on children; on top of their traumatic grievance from the loss, orphaned children are more likely to experience mental-health problems, abuse and chronic illness. Despite the heartbreaking situation, Hillis says that governments and communities can make a difference if they act in time. She urges people to check in on children they know who lost a parent, and on families with kids. She adds that decades of research on children whose parents died from AIDS shows that three ‘accelerators’ are the foundation to helping children to recover: educational support, economic assistance and assistance for the remaining parent or carer. Identifying the children who need help, and providing it quickly, is “where we need to go on the action”, Hillis says. So far, only the United States and Peru have made commitments to support children orphaned by COVID-19, but Hillis is working on bringing the research to the attention of more policymakers around the globe. In the United States, one in five adults who have had COVID still have long COVID, and Goodman notes that up to four million adults could be out of the workforce as a result. More data is needed, not just on orphaned children but on those whose parents have lost some caring capacity owing to long COVID, and on how to support these children. “We need to make sure that we don't stigmatize youth who are undergoing really incredible loss, as though they could only be defined by that loss,” Goodman says. “Children and youth are not just vulnerable people. They are resilient people.” doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-02941-z References Hillis, S. et al. JAMA Pediatr. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.3157 (2022)
So certainly, the latest Monster (see our test) no longer has its famous tubular frame, but due to its high-end equipment, this new SP version deserves attention! It is essentially on its cycle part that the Monstro evolves. The bike gains better ground clearance thanks to Öhlins, evidenced by its adjustable NIX30 inverted fork and new adjustable suspensions. It is also adorned with a Sachs steering damper, Pirelli Diablo Rosso IV tires (120/70 ZR 17 at the front and 180/55 ZR 17 at the rear), Brembo Stylema radial brake callipers and a Termignoni muffler. The new Italian roadster gets a red seat cowl, in keeping with its new scarlet saddle. In addition, the red and black livery, inspired by the Desmosedici of MotoGP, completes the racing character of this Monster SP. All these modifications - taking into account the new lithium battery - make it possible to reduce the total weight by 2 kg compared to the basic model (186 kg when fully fueled). Finally, the electronic modes are reviewed, with the addition of a new rain mode. The Ducati Monster SP will arrive at the dealership at the end of 2022 from 15,090 euros, or 3,300 euros more than the basic model (11,790 euros). Nicolas Baudon - 16/09/2022 https://www.motomag.com/Ducati-devoile-sa-nouvelle-Monster-950-SP-2023.html
CNN There is no debate at this point that Joe Biden is in the midst of a political comeback. From falling gas prices to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act to the re-emergence of Donald Trump as a 2022 campaign issue, things have been going very well for the President of late. This, from a New York Times/Siena College poll released Friday, is telling on that front: “[The] shift in political momentum has helped boost, in just two months, the president’s approval rating by nine percentage points and doubled the share of Americans who believe the country is on the right track.” The poll found that 42% of registered voters nationally approve of Biden’s job performance, up from 33% in July. And a look at the CNN Poll of Polls on Biden’s average approval rating makes clear that the Times/Siena poll is not a one-off. Biden’s numbers hit rock bottom around late July/early August at 36% and have been, generally speaking, on the rise since, up to 41% now. The key question to ask now, then, is not whether Biden is on the comeback trail. He clearly is. The real question is: How high Biden’s numbers will get between now and Election Day? Consider the history here. From Gallup: “In Gallup’s polling history, presidents with job approval ratings below 50% have seen their party lose 37 House seats, on average, in midterm elections. That compares with an average loss of 14 seats when presidents had approval ratings above 50%.” Which is a pretty startling difference, right? Now, it’s worth noting here that the margins in Congress are so tight that if even if Democrats lost 14 seats in the House this year, they would lose their majority. And if they lost even a single seat in the Senate, they would find themselves in the minority there, too. That said, there’s no doubt that Biden at, say, 47% or 48% job approval, is a far better thing for Democrats than Biden at 37% or 38%. That’s particularly true if the trend line is, as it is right now, moving upward for Biden as the election approaches, helping provide Democrats with momentum where there was none before. Can Biden get over the critical 50% barrier? It seems unlikely given that the election is now only 53 days away. (Sidebar: The last time Biden’s job approval rating hit 50% in Gallup’s polling was more than a year ago – in July 2021.) The Point: Every job approval point counts for Democrats as they try to hold onto their razor-thin majorities in the House and Senate. Biden is trending in the right direction, but the question is whether that growth continues – and how fast. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/biden-rising-approval-ratings-continuation/index.html
police say: The animal was shot dead by police after it was preventing paramedics from reaching the victim. It was reportedly the first fatal attack by a kangaroo in Australia since 1936. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/deadly-attack-by-kangaroo-on-man-77-confounds-experts-148319301877 PERTH, Australia — A man who may have been keeping a wild kangaroo as a pet was killed by the animal in southwest Australia, police said Tuesday. It was reportedly the first fatal attack by a kangaroo in Australia since 1936. A relative found the 77-year-old man with “serious injuries” on his property Sunday in semirural Redmond, 250 miles southeast of the Western Australia state capital Perth. It was believed he had been attacked earlier in the day by the kangaroo, which police shot dead because it was preventing paramedics from reaching the injured man, police said. “The kangaroo was posing an ongoing threat to emergency responders,” the statement said. The man died at the scene. Police are preparing a report for a coroner who will record an official cause to death. Police believe the victim had been keeping the wild kangaroo as a pet. There are legal restrictions on keeping Australian native fauna as pets, but the police media office said Tuesday they had no information to make public regarding whether the victim had a permit. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/australian-man-killed-wild-kangaroo-was-believed-kept-pet-police-say-rcna47443
Nick Movie: Creed Time:25/11/2015 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: WBP/netflix Duration of the movie:2h13min Trailer:
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